골반교정에 대한 국내 임상 연구 동향

An Overview of Clinical Studies on Pelvic Correction in Korea

  • Beag, Ji You (The Member of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong) ;
  • Bae, Jae Ryong (The Member of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong) ;
  • Ahn, Hun Mo (The Member of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong) ;
  • Lee, Jae Heung (The Member of the Korean Academy of Medical Gi-Gong)
  • 투고 : 2020.11.14
  • 심사 : 2020.12.10
  • 발행 : 2020.12.31


Objective : The purpose of this study is to understand trends of pelvic correction therapy in Korea and to assist research activities on pelvic correction therapy. Also, this study selected and presented indicators for measuring pelvic slope to help ensure consistent studies with uniform indicators in future studies related to pelvic correction. Methods : The following keywords "골반", "골반 교정", "골반 변위" "Pelvic correction" were searched on three specialized search sites (RISS, NAI, DBpia). Trends in pelvic correction therapy were analyzed through the selected researches suitable among these searched researches in an overview format. Results : 1. A total of 7,806 studies were searched and a total of 268 studies were finally selected. 2. Studies began in 1977 and have been actively studied until recently, with 35 studies in 2017 being the most recent trend since 2000. 3. In the results according to the Main Field of Research, the 'Arts and Kinesiology'(113, 42.16%) and 'Medicine and Pharmacy'(103, 38.43%) were the most in order. To the Middle Field, the 'Kinesiology was the largest with 96(35.82%) studies. 4. In the results according to the study design, 'Pre-Post Test(PPT)' was the largest with 107 studies. 5. In the results according to the Intervention, 'Exercise' was the largest with 165 studies, of which 'Pilates' and 'Yoga' in 'Training' was the largest. 6. Among the evaluation method, the 'Pelvic Index' was used 146 times, followed by 'Spinal Alignment (99)', 'Other Joints (93)', and 'Kinetic Specialized Measurement Test (56)'. 7. Among the evaluation methods, the pelvic slope measurement indicators were PT (58), PH (48), Pelvic Torsion (40), Iliac Crest (38), ASIS-PSIS distance/angle (27), and Pelvic Width (I.W., I.L., S.W) (25) in order. 8. The journals that published the most researches were KJSS(Korean Alliance For Health, Physical Education, Recreation, And Dance;9), and JKPT(Korean Physical Therapy;9). Among the University, the Graduate School of Silla University published the most papers (12). 9. The author who published the most studies were Seungjin Park(3), the co-authors were Hoseong Lee, Gideok Park, Seongsu Bae(3), and the Thesis-Director Gyeongok Lee(7). Conclusions : 1. Studies on pelvic correction treatment continue to increase every year. 2. The main academic field of pelvic correction is 'Sports', 'Physical Therapy', and 'Medical Science'. 3. The most chosen research design method in the study on pelvic correction treatment was 'Pre-Post Test(PPT)', primarily as an intermediary, Pilates and yoga during exercise therapy, and then Chiropractic during handcraft were used as multiple frequencies. 4. Among the various measurement method indicators of pelvic correction previously used, multiple frequency was taken up in the order of PT, PH, Pelvic Torsion, iliac crest, ASIS-PSIS distance/angle, and pelvic width (I.W.,I.L.,S.W). Typically, measurements through "ASIS-PSIS angle" are recommended and are considered as the most rational in clinical trials.



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