A uniflow cyclone has simple structure with a single channel in one direction. The one directional particle removal enables the uniflow cyclone to have compact size and low pressure drop. However, it has low collection efficiency compared to conventional cyclones. In this study, the effect of primary geometry on the performance of a uniflow cyclone with swirl vane is numerically investigated for the design of high performance uniflow cyclone. It is found that as the vortex finder diameter is increased, the pressure drop and the collection efficiency are decreased. Also, the same trend is predicted when the vortex finder height is increased. The best collection efficiency is predicted to be obtained when the vortex finder height is equal to the diameter of a cyclone. Reducing the body height by half will increase the pressure drop by 41%. When the body height is decreased, the collection efficiency is first increased and then decreased. The best collection efficiency is obtained when the body height is 4~5 times the cyclone diameter. Overall, the particle collection efficiency is highest when the Dν/D is equal to 0.3. But, the pressure drop is as high as 1592 Pa. Considering both collection efficiency and pressure drop, the best design is when Dν/D, Hν/D, and Hb/D are equal to 0.5, 1, and 5, respectively.