Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Motor Skills Recovery in Sciatic Nerve Crush-Induced Rats

  • Kim, Ki-Hyun (Department of Physical Therapy, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Shin, Hyung-Soo (Department of Physical Therapy, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Jung, Nam-Jin (Department of Physical Therapy, Kyungwoon University) ;
  • Hwangbo, Gak (Department of Physical Therapy, Daegu University)
  • Received : 2019.11.26
  • Accepted : 2020.01.03
  • Published : 2020.02.29


PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of mild-intensity exercise (MIE) and high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) on the recovery of the motor function over time in sciatic nerve crush injury rats. METHODS: The MIE group ran on a treadmill at a speed of 8.3 m/min to perform low-intensity training with maximum oxygen uptakes ranging from 40 to 50%. The HIIE group ran on the treadmill at a speed of 25 m/min to perform high-intensity training with a maximum oxygen uptake of 80%. The interval training was performed based on a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. The effects of each form of exercise on the rats' walking abilities following their recovery from the peripheral nerve injuries were evaluated based on the results of behavior tests performed at one and 14 days. RESULTS: According to the test results, the MIE group showed significant improvements in the rats' ankle angle in the initial stance phase, and in the ankle and knee angles in the toe-off phase (p<.05). The HIIE group exhibited significant improvements in the ankle and knee angles in the initial stance phase, SFI(p<.05). CONCLUSION: The state of such patients can be improved by applying the results of this study in that MIE and HIIE on a treadmill can contribute to the recovery of the peripheral nerve and motor skill. In particular, MIE is used as a walking functional training in the toe-off stance phase, while HIIE is suitable in the initial stance stage.



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