A Study on the Cognition Tendency of Disorder·Social Integration according to the Vulnerability of Fear of Crime - With a focus on the young women's group -

범죄두려움 취약도에 따른 무질서 및 사회통제 인지 경향에 관한 연구 - 청년층 여성을 중심으로 -

  • 강소연 (연세대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 하미경 (연세대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 변기동 (연세대학교 실내건축학과)
  • Received : 2019.11.06
  • Accepted : 2020.04.02
  • Published : 2020.04.30


The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between general fear of crime and specific fear of crime. Also, it is to suggest the way of analyzing fear of crime by summing up the two concepts. This study finds a reason why fear of crime varies from person to person within the same sex and similar age group. In particular, this study intends to analyze the models that affect fear of crime to figure out which is relevant to those in the high-risk group. And with the results, we can devise measurements to effectively reduce fear of crime in a local community. The following facts have been found in this study: positive correlation between general fear of crime and specific fear of crime, method of subdividing group with fear of crime, models that affect fear of crime and sub-items that greatly relate to high-risk groups.



Supported by : 한국연구재단

이 연구는 2017년도 한국연구재단 연구비 지원에 의한 결과의 일부임. 과제번호: 2017R1D1A1B03033928


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