The Difference in Bone metabolism markers and Adipocytokine according to the applying Modern Dance with Osteopenia elderly women

  • Kim, Chan-Yang (School of Kinesiologic Medical Science, Dankook University) ;
  • Lee, Jin-Wook (Dept of Exercise Prescription Rehabilitation, Dankook University)
  • Received : 2020.04.27
  • Accepted : 2020.05.18
  • Published : 2020.05.29


The purpose of this study is to propose an effective exercise for the prevention of osteoporosis by analyzing changes in bone metabolism markers and adipocytokines according to the application of modern dance. The objects were selected between t-score -1.0 to -2.5 and subjects were random assigned to the modern dance group(n=10) and control group(n=10). Modern dance was held three times a week for 60min, for 12weeks. For data analysis, two-way repeated measures ANOVA was analyzed using SPSS. As a result of the study, both osteocalcin(p<.01) and T-score(p<.05) were significantly increased in the modern dance group. Adiponectin(p<.05) was increased significantly and Both TNF-α (p<.05) and IL-6(p<.05) were significantly decreased in the modern dance group. As a result, modern dance is considered to be an effective strategy to prevent osteoporosis, and it is expected to have a positive effect on metabolism and function improvement in elderly women with osteopenia.

본 연구는 골감소증 노인 여성들을 대상으로 모던댄스 적용에 따른 골대사 지표 및 아디포사이토카인의 변화를 분석하여 골다공증 예방을 위한 효과적인 운동 방법을 제안하는데 있다. 연구의 대상자는 T-score -1.0 ~ -2.5사이 여성노인을 선정하였고, 모던댄스 그룹(n=10), 컨트롤 그룹(n=10)으로 무선 배정했다. 모던댄스는 주3회, 60분씩 12주간 실시하였고 자료 분석은 SPSS를 이용해 이원반복분산분석(two-way repeated measures ANOVA)으로 분석했다. 본 연구 결과 모던댄스 그룹에서 osteocalcin(p<.01), T-score(p<.05)가 유의하게 증가했다. Adiponectin(p<.05)은 모던댄스 그룹에서 유의하게 증가했고, TNF-α(p<.05), IL-6(p<.05)는 모두 모던댄스 그룹에서 유의하게 감소하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 보면 모던댄스는 골감소증 노인여성의 골다공증 예방을 위해 효과적인 전략이 될 것으로 사료되며 더불어 신진대사 및 기능 향상에도 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 생각된다.



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