원격근무환경에서 일과 삶의 균형방안: 인과지도, 사고프로세스와 트리즈의 적용

Work and Life Balance in teleworking Environment - Application of CLD, TP, and TRIZ -

  • 강재정 (제주대학교 경상대학 경영학과)
  • 투고 : 2020.08.26
  • 심사 : 2020.09.24
  • 발행 : 2020.09.30


Purpose & Design/methodology/approach Amidst the COVID-19 spread, interest in telework has been increasing as a way to respond to environmental changes and improve organizational performance. In this study, causal loop diagram, thinking process, and four principles of TRIZ were used to find various ways to achieve work-life balance for workers and firms in teleworking environment. Findings The result of the causal loop diagram shows that keeping work-life balance is needed to provide free extra time for workers and achieve the firm's performance through efficient coordination between departments in teleworking environment. Using thinking process of TOC, we proposed a evaporating cloud for work-life balance and reviewed assumptions and premises to maintain extra free time for workers and achieve firm's performance paradoxically, and suggested solutions through the breakdown of the assumptions and premises. Resolving the contradiction(RC) by spatial separation is to divide working spaces into home, smart center, and mobile work types, to find both ways to achieve the organizational performance, and to provide extra time for workers. RC by temporal separation is to divide working time into various unit time, and to find ways to achieve organizational performance through doing work at office or home periodically or shiftly according to a predetermined schedule and time setting. RC by situational separation is to give options of flexible methods of performing work according to the conditions of the company or the worker. RC by separation between part and a whole is to find ways to organize and do the work so that the entire work can be completed efficiently even if each work is performed separately in teleworking way. This study is meaningful in that it provides basic thinking framework for achieving work-life balance in teleworking environment and proposes ways to resolve conflict from various perspectives, but it is limited in that it has not been tested empirically.



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