A Study on the Method of Implementing an AI Chatbot to Respond to the POST COVID-19 Untact Era

포스트 코로나19 언택트 시대 대응을 위한 AI 챗봇 구축방법에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2020.06.29
  • Accepted : 2020.08.14
  • Published : 2020.08.31


Recently, as the COVID-19 has spread and prolonged worldwide, the 'Untact' society is becoming routinized, and various smart technologies are leading to the spread of the 'Ontact' culture. This is because the desire of consumers to purchase a product and use the service has increased while minimizing the direct contact. In order to quickly respond to this circumstance, the percentage of the companies which are adopting Chatbot in various fields such as orders, delivery, and inquiries is increasing and they are getting a positive result. However as the demand for building Chatbot increases dramatically, there are many confusions among the companies which want to introduce Chatbot to their system, due to the lack of professional technicians and difficulties in understanding AI technologies and how to build them effectively. I believe that in the post COVID-19 era, much more companies will adopt Chatbot, and this will intensify the problem. The purpose of this study was to derive the needs for a guide on the method of buiilding a Chatbot through considering the prior research on Chatbot and analysis of the recent surge in the use of Chatbot services related to COVID-19. There are implications to presenting 5 phases of universal Chatbot implementation methodology using the platform to the stakeholders who want to introduce Chatbot to their customer so that they can understand and build Chatbot more easily and use AI Chatbot actively in response to the POST COVID-19 era.



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