HisStory in the Feminized Teaching Profession in the Philippines

  • Bongco, Roxanne T. (College of Education, Bataan Peninsula State University) ;
  • Ancho, Inero V. (College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal University)
  • Published : 2020.12.31


Teaching has become a feminized profession, especially in elementary teaching, in which it is regarded as "women's work." Concerns about the "extinction" of men in the field resulted in calls for male teachers. While studies indicate that there is positive discrimination in favor of men (despite the feminization of teaching), it appears that there are also forms of discrimination that work against them. As such this study explored the challenges of being a male in the feminized profession from the perspective of male teacher candidates. Studies in the field of teacher education in the Philippines mainly focus on curriculum and students' academic achievement, hence an inquiry must be done on the plight of male teachers in a gendered profession. A phenomenological study was employed to look into the realities of six male teacher candidates. Findings show that male teachers are: (1) leadership-destined; (2) conflicted; (3) limited; and (4) devalued. The narrative of male teachers in the Philippine education sector reveals the need to revisit programs and policies in professional development and support. Finally, recommendations are made for teacher education programs to guide teacher candidates' experiences towards a more inclusive profession.



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