Hot Topic Discovery across Social Networks Based on Improved LDA Model

  • Liu, Chang (Chengdu Ruibei Yingte Information Technology Ltd. Company) ;
  • Hu, RuiLin (School of Computer and Software Engineering, Xihua University)
  • 투고 : 2021.09.07
  • 심사 : 2021.10.11
  • 발행 : 2021.11.30


With the rapid development of Internet and big data technology, various online social network platforms have been established, producing massive information every day. Hot topic discovery aims to dig out meaningful content that users commonly concern about from the massive information on the Internet. Most of the existing hot topic discovery methods focus on a single network data source, and can hardly grasp hot spots as a whole, nor meet the challenges of text sparsity and topic hotness evaluation in cross-network scenarios. This paper proposes a novel hot topic discovery method across social network based on an im-proved LDA model, which first integrates the text information from multiple social network platforms into a unified data set, then obtains the potential topic distribution in the text through the improved LDA model. Finally, it adopts a heat evaluation method based on the word frequency of topic label words to take the latent topic with the highest heat value as a hot topic. This paper obtains data from the online social networks and constructs a cross-network topic discovery data set. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method compared to baseline methods.


1. Introduction

In recent years, online social network (OSN) has become an indispensable tool for people's daily communication, information acquisition and discussion of hot events. Various social network applications have been established, such as Weibo (Sina Weibo) and Douban in China, Facebook and twitter in America. These social networks produce massive information every day, making the cyberspace gradually bloated and complicated. Hot topic discovery tries to help people analyze and deal with the increasingly overloaded network information, and dig out meaningful content that users commonly concern about from the information flow generated by social network media and portal websites.

Social networks may focus on different events, for example, Toutiao and China news (China News Service) care about current events, Douban and Tieba pay more attention to interests sharing, while Tianya (Tianya forum) and QQ Zone prefer emotional communication. The existing hot topic discovery methods are mainly limited to a single social network, such as Weibo, Twitter and so on. Generally, users in the same social network have a greater chance to interact with each other, resulting in similar topics. However, users in another social network may be more concerned about other events. Hot topic discovery in multiple social networks scenario contribute to shield the differences of various data sources and effectively organize the information from multiple networks into topical information with internal relevance and aggregation. Thus, it helps to solve the problems of information redundancy, dispersion or disorganization.

In popular microblog network platforms such as Weibo and Twitter, there are obvious differences between the content released by users and traditional web texts like news, BBS and personal blog, which are mainly reflect-ed in: there are many new words, a large amount of data and short texts [1]. Traditional text processing methods are mostly based on text vectorization. When confronting a large number of short texts, these methods may suffer from too high dimension, excessive noise [2], or incapable of capturing the high-level semantics of the texts. In recent years, topic modeling has been widely used in many tasks of natural language processing [3-5]. Topic models typically cluster the semantic structure of the document set by unsupervised learning models, and extract topical information (called "latent topic" or "potential topic") by analyzing the co-occurrence among words in the text. Latent Dirichlet Allocation [5] (LDA) is a popular generative topic model which assumes that a topic is generated by the multinomial distribution of words and a document is the hybrid of multiple topics. The prior distributions of document-topic distribution and topic-word distribution are both Dirichlet distribution. LDA model can effectively identify the topic information hidden in large-scale corpus, but it still cannot completely solve the problem of text sparsity.

In order to address the above challenges, this paper proposes a novel hot topic discovery method across social networks based on the improved LDA model, which fuses the text information in multiple social network platforms into a unified dataset, and obtains the latent topic-word distribution by the improved LDA model, then extracts high-frequency topical words from the topic-word distribution, finally evaluates the hotness of topics on the basis of term-frequency. The latent topic with highest hotness value is taken as a hot topic. We crawl data from the Internet (including Weibo, Tianya and China news), and construct a dataset for cross-platform topic discovery. The experimental results show the effectiveness and superiority of our method. The main contributions of this work include below:

1. This paper proposes an improved LDA topic model to dig out latent topics, which effectively alleviates the problem of text sparsity.

2. This paper designs a topic hotness evaluation method which is suitable for multiple social networks, and it derives favorable results.

2. Related works

2.1 Topic models

Topic modeling techniques have been widely used in natural language processing (NLP) to discover latent semantic structures hidden in large-scale corpus. Deerwster et al. [3] first proposed LSA (late semantic analysis) model to transfers a document set into a lexical text matrix, and use singular value decomposition (SVD) method to establish the potential semantic space. Later, Hofmann et al. [4] improved the LSA model and proposed the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) model, which assumed that a document contains many latent topics, and these topics are related to words. PLSA retains the feature of dimension reduction of LSA and can capture the semantic information of documents [6], but it cannot describe the dependency between documents and corpus. Blei et al. [5] improved the topic model by introducing Dirichlet distribution and proposed the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. However, there are no clear meaning in LDA latent topics or they may lack pertinence.

Topic modeling techniques have been widely used in natural language processing (NLP) to discover latent semantic structures hidden in large-scale corpus. Deerwster et al. [3] first proposed LSA (late semantic analysis) model to transfers a document set into a lexical text matrix, and use singular value decomposition (SVD) method to establish the potential semantic space. Later, Hofmann et al. [4] improved the LSA model and proposed the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) model, which assumed that a document contains many latent topics, and these topics are related to words. PLSA retains the feature of dimension reduction of LSA and can capture the semantic information of documents [6], but it cannot describe the dependency between documents and corpus. Blei et al. [5] improved the topic model by introducing Dirichlet distribution and proposed the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model. However, there are no clear meaning in LDA latent topics or they may lack pertinence. reveal the dynamic topic distributions over news articles related to COVID-19. Aiming at the problem of text sparsity in microblog social networks, Cheng et al. [18] designed a biterm topic model (BTM), which expanded the text content by defining word pairs in the text as biterms.

2.2 Hot topic discovery

Hot topic discovery aims to mine meaningful content that users commonly concerned about from the massive information on the Internet. Most researches focus on hot topic discovery in single network scenarios. Wang et al. [19] proposed the topic n-grams model, which could detect the topic and topical phrase in the text simultaneously. Inspired by collective factorization, Vaca et al. [20] managed to connect topics between different time periods. Li et al. [21] tried to discover hot news based on density clustering strategy by exploiting user’s interest and topic. Liu et al. [22] proposed a hot topic detection and tracking model TDT_CC to track the heat of a topic in real time. Zhong et al. [23] detected the text topic by clustering the topic tag words, and evaluated the topic heat in combination with the internal and external characteristics of the text. Zhu et al. [24] designed a two-layer network model MSBN based on feature co-occurrence and semantic community division to detect sub-topics in microblog text. Daud et al. [25] applied hot topic detection to discover rising stars in the academic community, and proposed an algorithm HTRS-Rank based on hot topics in authors’ publications.

Above mentioned methods are limited to a single social network and cannot meet the challenge of hot topic discovery in cross-network scenarios. Only a few studies consider mining topics across social networks. For example, Zhu et al. [26] proposed to integrate multiple heterogeneous information, and establish user profile from multiple perspectives in a multi-task learning framework. Wang et al. [27] tried to combine the BTM and LDA model to mitigate text sparsity across social networks, and managed to extract hot topics through clustering strategy.

3. Methods

Aiming at the problems of text sparsity and topic hotness evaluation in cross-network scenarios, this paper proposes a novel hot topic discovery method across social networks based on improved LDA model. Firstly, the text data from different social networks are preprocessed and fused to establish a unified dataset, then an improved LDA model based on semantic similarity is proposed to obtain the topic-word distribution, and a topic hotness evaluation method based on word frequency is adopted to calculate the hotness value of different topics. Finally, the topic with the highest score is selected as the hot topic in the unified networks. The overall procedure of our method is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Overall procedure of our method.

3.1 Unified dataset construction

In cross-network scenarios, social networks often have various data formats and organizations. Microblog information usually includes user name, publishing time, source and content (as shown in Fig. 2). News and blog websites usually include title, publishing time, source and content (as shown in Fig. 3-4). In order to construct a unified dataset, we extract the content part of data records from different sources to form an independent document. After text preprocessing such as removing repeated text, punctuation, stop words and conversion of different Chinese characters (Traditional Chinese words are transferred to simplified ones), word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging are carried out, and then the documents that are too short are discarded, while too long documents are cut-off. In order to improve the accuracy of Chinese word segmentation, we have manually constructed a small customized dictionary, which contains some popular new words, such as "thumbs-up", "hot-search", "new-era", etc. Finally, the documents from multiple sources are merged into a unified document collection.

Fig. 2. A sample record from Weibo.

Fig. 3. A sample record from China news.

Fig. 4. A sample record from Tianya.

3.2 Extracting Topic-word distribution

To address the problem of text sparsity in social networks, we combine the short text expansion method based on semantic similarity with LDA model to form an improved LDA topic model, which is used to obtain the topic-word distribution of documents in social media.

3.2.1 Short text extension based on semantic similarity

The core problem to be solved in short text expansion is how to ensure the diversity and semantic consistency of newly added words. Traditional methods simply combine existing words in the original text [18] to form pairs of new words. However, the new words lack diversity and ignore the semantic relationship between words. In recent years, the rapid progress of word embedding technology provides us with new ideas. Word embedding model maps words in natural language into real vector space, so that semantically similar words have similar vector representation. In this paper, CBOW [28] model is borrowed to realize the vector representation of words in the text, and then any new word semantically closest to the original text are chosen by comparing the word vector similarity. Formally, for any short text 𝒯 with a length of 𝒮(𝒮 ≥ 2) and a minimum text length of 𝒩(𝒩 > 𝒮), the number of words to be expanded is 𝒩 − 𝒮. First, two similar words wi and wj are randomly selected from 𝒯 so that the similarity \(\operatorname{sim}\left(\vec{w}_{i}, \vec{w}_{j}\right)\) of their correspondent word vector \(\vec{W}_{i}\) and \( \vec{W}_{j}\) is greater than a threshold 𝜏𝜏1 ∈ [0,1]. This paper takes cosine similarity as a measure of word vector similarity as:

\(\operatorname{sim}\left(\vec{w}_{i}, \vec{w}_{j}\right)=\frac{\vec{w}_{i} \cdot \vec{w}_{j}}{\left|\vec{w}_{i}\right|\left|\vec{w}_{j}\right|}\)       (1)

Then select a new word wk from vocabulary 𝒱, and make sure the similarity between its corresponding word vector \(\vec{w}_{k}\) and the former chosen word vector \(\vec{W}_{i}\) and \( \vec{W}_{j}\) is the largest, denoted as:

\(\arg \max _{w_{k} \in \mathcal{V}} \operatorname{sim}\left(\frac{\vec{w}_{i}+\vec{w}_{j}}{2}, \vec{w}_{k}\right), w_{k} \notin T\)       (2)

To further ensure the semantic consistency between the new word wk and the original text, we set another threshold 𝜏𝜏2 ∈ [0,1] to filter out any words with lower similarities, as:

\(\operatorname{sim}\left(\frac{\vec{w}_{i}+\vec{w}_{j}}{2}, \vec{w}_{k}\right)>\tau_{2}\)       (3)

Finally, wk is added to the original text 𝒯, and then repeat the above selection process to obtain all the words to be added. It is worth noting that the similarity threshold 𝜏𝜏1 and 𝜏𝜏2 jointly determine the semantic relevance between the new words and the original text. The greater its value, the closer the semantics between the new words and the original text. Therefore, appropriate similarity threshold setting can ensure the consistency between the extended text and the original text, which helps to improve the accuracy of topic modeling.

3.2.2 Improved LDA model.

Topic model is a kind of statistical model that clusters the latent semantic structure of documents in an unsupervised manner. This paper adopts LDA model for topic discovery across social networks. The model assumes that a document is generated by the polynomial distribution of multiple topics, in which each topic is generated by the polynomial distribution of all words in the vocabulary, and the prior distribution of topic-word distribution and document-topic distribution are both Dirichlet distribution. Let 𝐰 be a document composed of several words, and 𝐳 be a set of topics. Notation 𝛉 denotes a collection of document-topic distributed in the corpus, and 𝛟 represents a collection of topic-word distributed for all topics, Φz denotes the topic-word distribution of topic z ∈ 𝐳, then the LDA model can generally be expressed as a joint conditional probability distribution as:

\(p(\mathbf{w}, \mathbf{z}, \boldsymbol{\theta}, \boldsymbol{\phi} \mid \alpha, \beta)=p(\boldsymbol{\phi} \mid \beta) p(\boldsymbol{\theta} \mid \alpha) p(\mathbf{z} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}) p\left(\mathbf{w} \mid \phi_{z}\right)\)       (4)

where α and β are the model hyper-parameters, which represent the a priori preference on topic distribution and word distribution, respectively.

Posts, blogs and articles published by users in social media can be regarded as a set of documents. Through the text expansion method introduced in Section 3.1, documents with too short length 𝐰i can be expand to the required length of document \(\widetilde{\mathbf{W}}_{i}\). All documents in the network form a corpus \(\mathcal{C}=\left\{\widetilde{\mathbf{w}}_{1}, \widetilde{\mathbf{w}}_{2}, \ldots\right\}\). We uses LDA model to obtain the topic-word distribution of social media text, and estimates the parameters through Gibbs sampling [29]. Topic-word distribution Φz corresponding to latent topic z is computed by:

\(\phi_{z}^{\left(w_{i}\right)}=\frac{\mathrm{TW}_{z}^{w_{i}}+\beta}{\sum_{i=1}^{i=|\mathcal{V}|} \mathrm{TW}_{z}^{\left(w_{i}\right)}+|\mathcal{V}| \beta}\)       (5)

where \(\text { TW } \in \mathbb{N}^{|\mathbf{z}| \times|\mathcal{V}|}\) represents the counting matrix of the words assigning to all topics. Notation \(\mathrm{TW}_{z}^{w_{i}}\) denotes the count of the word wi assigned to topic z, and |𝒱| represents the length of the word vocabulary. The word distribution probability vector \(\overrightarrow{\boldsymbol{p}}_{z}=\left[\hat{\phi}_{z}^{\left(w_{i}\right)}\right]_{i=1}^{i=|\mathcal{V}|}\) of topic 𝑧𝑧 can be obtained by parameter estimation. This vector represents the word distribution of latent topics z over all words in the vocabulary 𝒱.

3.3 Topic hotness evaluation

At present, there is no widely accepted hotness evaluation metrics for hot topics in social networks. Data sources are diverse and data structures are different from each other in crossnetwork scenarios. Traditional evaluation methods based on user behavior (such as “like”, “comment” and “forwards”) rely on user interaction information, so it is difficult to apply to multiple social networks occasion. On this condition, the most direct way to evaluate hotness is by the frequency of key words in the text. As the latent topics discovered by topic models has no clear meaning, the most frequent words in a topic are generally used to describe the topic. Generally, we take the number of 𝐶 entity words with the highest probability of occurrence in topic z as the tag set \(l_{z}=\left\{t_{1}, t_{2}, \ldots, t_{i}, \ldots, t_{C}\right\}\) of this topic, where ti represents the i-th tag in the tag set. Entity words are that with practical meaning (such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.), which can act as sentence components separately. The corresponding function words (such as prepositions, conjunctions, etc.) do not contain practical meaning.

This paper presents a hotness evaluation method based on topic tag frequency. Intuitively, the popularity of a topic is directly proportional to the total number of counts that its tags appear in all documents on the network, and inversely proportional to the total number of documents in a social network and the total number of words in a document. Formally, given a group of social networks \(\mathcal{G}=\left\{G_{1}, G_{2}, \ldots, G_{i}, \ldots\right\}\), each social network contains a series of documents \(G_{i}=\left\{\operatorname{doc}_{i}^{1}, \operatorname{doc}_{i}^{2}, \ldots, \operatorname{doc}_{i}^{j}, \ldots\right\}\). The total number of documents in Gi is denoted as Mi. The total number of words in \(\text { doc }_{i}^{j}\) is represented as \(N_{i}^{j}\). For a latent topic z ∈ 𝐳 in 𝒢, we first find the topic tag set lz from its corresponding topic-word distribution Φz, and then count the number of times \(c n t_{t_{k}}^{d o c_{i}^{j}}\) for each tag tk in the tag set lz occurred in each document of network Gi, and finally the hotness value hz of this topic is obtained by weighted summation, as:

\(h_{z}=\sum_{G_{i} \in G} \frac{1}{M_{i}} \sum_{d o c_{i}^{j} \in G_{i}} \frac{1}{N_{i}^{j}} \sum_{t_{k} \in l_{z}} c n t_{t_{k}}^{d o c_{i}^{j}}\)       (6)

The topic with the highest hotness value is taken as the hot topic in the unified network. This hotness evaluation method based on topic tag frequency does not depend on any information other than the text itself. Thus, it can be widely used for topic hotness evaluation in multiple social network scenarios.

4. Experiments

4.1 Datasets

This paper collects text data from three social networks (Weibo, Tianya and China news) by web crawlers. The time interval is one month from July 1 to July 31, 2019. In the same time period, the number of documents in different social networks varies greatly, which reflects the different popularity of different social networks. Among them, Weibo has the largest amount of data and the widest popularity, followed by China news and Tianya. In addition, there are significant differences in the text length of a single document in the three networks. We discard documents with a text length of less than 6 words, and cut-off the long documents, so that the document length of Weibo, Tianya and China news does not exceed 250, 500 and 1000 words, respectively. The statistical information of dataset is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Statistics of the datasets.

4.2 Experimental settings

4.2.1 Evaluation metric.

Inspired by the work of Wang et al. [27], this paper uses the average JS divergence to measure the performances of topic discovery methods. Generally, the larger the JS divergence between any two distributions in a group of topics 𝐳, the higher discriminative ability between topics. This result in better performance of the topic discovery model. For topic-word distribution \(\phi_{z_{1}}\) and \(\phi_{z_{2}}\) of any two topics z1 ∈ 𝐳 and z2 ∈ 𝐳, their JS divergence is calculated by:

\(J S\left(\phi_{z_{1}} \| \phi_{z_{2}}\right)=\frac{1}{2} K L\left(\phi_{z_{1}} \| \frac{\phi_{z_{1}}+\phi_{z_{2}}}{2}\right)+\frac{1}{2} K L\left(\phi_{z_{2}} \| \frac{\phi_{z_{1}}+\phi_{z_{2}}}{2}\right)\)       (7)

where \(K L\left(\phi_{i} \| \phi_{j}\right)=\sum_{x \in \mathcal{V}} \phi_{i}(x) \log \frac{\phi_{i}(x)}{\phi_{j}(x)}\) represents the KL divergence between the two distributions. Average the JS distance between any two distributions in a group of topics 𝐳 is obtained by:

\(J S_{a v e}(\mathbf{z})=\frac{1}{|\mathbf{z}| \times(|\mathbf{z}|-1)} \sum_{i \in z, j \in z, i \neq j} J S\left(\phi_{i} \| \phi_{j}\right)\)       (8)

4.2.2 Baseline methods.

We select the following baseline topic discovery methods to access the performance of the proposed method:

• PLSA [4]: is a statistical model used to analyze the co-occurrence relationship between topics and words in documents. It aims to learns the low-dimensional vector representation of variables through the dependency between observed variables and hidden variables.

• LDA [5]: it is a probabilistic generative model, which assumes that a topic is represented by the multinomial distribution of words and a document is represented by the multinomial distribution of topics. The prior distributions of word distribution and topic distribution are both Dirichlet distribution.

• BTM [18]: is a topic model that uses biterms for text enhancement based on LDA model. Pairs of words in the text are defined as new biterms.

4.2.3 Parameter settings.

As the data obtained from social networks is full of noise, the data is firstly preprocessed, including removing duplicate text, punctuation and stop words, using zhconv1 to convert traditional Chinese characters into simplified ones, and using Jieba2 word segmentation toolkit for word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging. In order to improve the accuracy of Chinese word segmentation, we have manually constructed a small customized dictionary, which contains some network new words, such as "thumbs-up", "hot-search", "new-era", etc.

In the short text expansion stage, all the documents of the three networks in the dataset are merged into a corpus, and the word vectors are pre-trained with the word2vec toolkit of gensim3. The word vector dimension is set to be 200. The similarity thresholds are set to 𝜏𝜏1 = 0.3, 𝜏𝜏2 = 0.7, and then expand the text with length less than 15 in Weibo and Tianya to 15 words, while the data of China news remains unchanged.

In the topic detection stage, the LDA toolkit of scikit-learn4 is used to discover the topic distributions, and the words with very low frequency (occurs in less than 5 documents) or very high frequency (occurs in more than 50% of documents) in the dataset are filtered out. Number of latent topics, LDA model hyper-parameters α, β are set to 10, 0.1 and 0.1 respectively, and set the number of tags in the topic tag set to C = 10.

4.3 Experimental results and analysis

4.3.1 The effects of topic discovery.

In order to evaluate the performance of the topic discovery method proposed in this paper in cross-network scenario, we firstly analyze the performance of topic division on the three social networks. Fig. 5 shows the average JS divergence value of each method. Compared with the baseline topic models, our proposed method achieves the highest average JS divergence score, it can effectively distinguish the texts of different topics. In addition, compared with the BTM model which also adopts short text expansion algorithm, the JS divergence score of our method is 3.1% (i.e. 0.031) higher, which suggests that the short text expansion method based on semantic similarity has better performance.

Fig. 5. Results of comparison methods.

4.3.2 Parameter Sensitivity analysis

This part evaluates the parameter sensitivity of the proposed model on three main parameters: the number of latent topics, and LDA’s hyper-parameter𝛼𝛼 and β. Starting with the default settings listed in Section 4.2.3, each time we only change the value of one parameter, while others remain unchanged. Fig. 6 shows the influence of the number of potential topics. It can be seen that the average JS divergence value of the two models shows a similar upward trend with the increase of the number of latent topics. When it exceeds 10, the model performances change relatively smaller, which means that the more the number of latent topics, the better topic discrimination can be obtained by the LDA-based topic models, and the performances gradually become stable.

Fig. 6. Model performances on unified dataset w.r.t the number of latent topics.

We can also observe from Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 that our proposed approach constantly maintains stable performances with regard to fluctuations of parameter α and β, which proves that our model is robust to hyper-parameter tuning.

Fig. 7. Model performances w.r.t α.

Fig. 8. Model performances w.r.t β.

4.3.3 Topic heat evaluation effect.

Using the topic hotness evaluation method proposed in this paper, the hotness values of each topic in the dataset are calculated and ranked according to their hotness value. Table 2 shows the top ten topics and their tag words (original texts are in Chinse, we translated into English hereafter).

Table 2. Hot topics and their tags in unified network

From the above hot topic tags, we can identify some hot topics in China in July 2019, including online funny videos, China's economic and enterprise development, US security reports, etc.

In order to verify the effectiveness of our method in cross-network scenarios, we conducted experiments on each single network. The results of hot topics are shown in Table 3-5 The topics mentioned in the results of unified networks are underlined. It can be seen that the hot topics of each social network are part of the hot topics of unified networks. Meanwhile, the hot topics of each social network also include topics not mentioned in our previous results. This is because these topics are hot topics in current social networks, but they cannot be regarded as hot topics across multiple networks. In addition, Weibo and China news contain more hot topics, while Tianya contains less. This may be because hot topics in social networks are usually related to major events in reality. Information from Weibo and China news is usually related to these events, and texts from Tianya is typically related to daily life. Compared with daily life, social events are more likely to become a hot topic.

Table 3. Hot topics in Weibo

Table 4. Hot topics in Tianya

Table 5. Hot topics in Chinanews

5. Conclusion

This paper studies the problem of hot topic discovery in cross-network scenarios, and proposes a hot topic discovery method based on the improved LDA model. The LDA model is improved by the text expansion method based on semantic similarity, which effectively alleviates the problem of text sparsity. The model exploits topic tag frequency to evaluate the topic hotness. Our method is verified and evaluated on three social networks: Weibo, Tianya and China news. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively distinguish the texts of different topics, and achieves better performance over baseline methods. In addition, the experiment also suggests that the hot topics of each social network are part of the unified social network, and the hot topics in online social networks are usually closely related to major events in real society. Through hot topic mining of multiple online social networks, we may also analyze the popular views in the network, and know well about the hot topics in different regions and the evolution of hot topics.


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