A New Record of Parasitoid Wasp Diolcogaster perniciosa (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from South Korea

한국산 미기록 기생벌 Diolcogaster perniciosa (벌목: 고치벌과)에 대한 보고

  • Yu, Yeonghyeok (Animal Syst. Lab., Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Namgung, Hyebanm (Animal Syst. Lab., Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Han, Yunjongm (Animal Syst. Lab., Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Lee, Gyeonghyeonm (Animal Syst. Lab., Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyojoongm (Animal Syst. Lab., Department of Biology, Kunsan National University)
  • 유영혁 (군산대학교 생물학과 동물계통분류학연구실) ;
  • 남궁혜반 (군산대학교 생물학과 동물계통분류학연구실) ;
  • 한윤종 (군산대학교 생물학과 동물계통분류학연구실) ;
  • 이경현 (군산대학교 생물학과 동물계통분류학연구실) ;
  • 김효중 (군산대학교 생물학과 동물계통분류학연구실)
  • Received : 2021.10.29
  • Accepted : 2021.11.29
  • Published : 2021.12.01


Diolcogaster perniciosa (Wilkinson, 1929) belonging to the Microgastrinae is reported for the first time in South Korea. Diagnosis, distribution, and illustration of this species are provided.

고치벌과에 속하는 Microgastrinae 아과의 Diolcogaster perniciosa (넓적다리도랑꼬마고치벌)을 한국에서 처음으로 보고한다. 본 종의 재기재, 진단, 분포정보, 그리고 삽화를 제공한다.



This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIBR202130203). and This study was carried out with the support of the Honam National Institute of Biological Resources (HNIBR) of the Republic of Korea (Project No. HNIBR202101101)


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