이 연구 결과물은 2020학년도 위덕대학교 학술진흥연구비 지원에 의하여 이루어졌음.
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- Eibling D. Balance disorders in older adults. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine. 2018;34(2):175-181.
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- Fitzgerald C, Thomson D, Zebib A, et al. A comparison of gait stability between younger and older adults while head turning. Experimental Brain Research. 2020;238(9):1871-1883.
- Gil JH, Shim JH. Effects of muscle fatigue on gait under the single and dual-task walking conditions in young adults. Korean Journal of Neuromuscular Rehabilitation. 2019;9(1):27-34.
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- Hausdorff JM, Rios DA, Edelberg HK, et al. Gait variability and fall risk in community-living older adults: a 1-year prospective study. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2001;82(8):1050-1056.
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- Magnani RM, Bruijn SM, van Dieen JH, et al. Head orientation and gait stability in young adults, dancers and older adults. Gait & Posture. 2020;80:68-73.
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- Singh H, Sanders O, McCombe WS, et al. Relationship between head-turn gait speed and lateral balance function in community-dwelling older adults. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2017;98(10): 1955-1961.
- Sivakumaran S, Schinkel-Ivy A, Masani K, et al. Relationship between margin of stability and deviations in spatiotemporal gait features in healthy young adults. Human Movement Science. 2018;57:366-373.
- Yeh TT, Cinelli ME, Lyons JL, et al. Age-related changes in postural control to the demands of a precision task. Human Movement Science. 2015;44:134-142.
- Zacharias A, Pizzari T, Semciw A, et al. Comparison of gluteus medius and minimus activity during gait in people with hip osteoarthritis and matched controls. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2019;29(5):696-705.