사용자 중심의 공공서비스를 위한 디지털 정부 서비스디자인 개선방안 연구

A Study on the Design Improvement of Digital Government for User-Centered Public Services in Korea

  • 이은숙 (한양대학교 일반대학원 비즈니스인포매틱스) ;
  • 차경진 (한양대학교 경영학과)
  • 투고 : 2021.07.19
  • 심사 : 2021.10.06
  • 발행 : 2021.10.31


Recently, public participation in government policy design has been further expanded and public services perceived by users are expanding. At this time, the role of the digital government and the direction of the service to be pursued are user-centered, and above all, it is necessary to focus on the keywords of pre-emptive, preventive, and customized. In order to propose service quality improvement in the public sector, service user-centered classification and monitoring are integrated and the usability of government documents is improved. It is necessary to identify the needs of whether to provide a path for public participation. In the post-corona era, people are accessing quarantine information from the digital government every day. The government should proactively respond to the acceleration of digital transformation and the non-face-to-face demands of the people who experience non-face-to-face daily life. In order to evolve into a smart organization along with the innovation promotion plan and to provide customized services, it is necessary to use existing guides for institutional and technical improvement, along with new technology and data-based analysis, to strive for change management. The government should seek counter-measures that have advanced one step ahead by incorporating new high-tech IT with user-centered necessary services. This study aims to derive improvement plans to provide user-centered digital government service design when designing public services and collecting public opinions. Based on the e-government development model research and the existing research on user-centered service design in the public sector, institutional and technical measures are provided for the improvement of digital government service design.



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