Expansion of Topic Modeling with Word2Vec and Case Analysis

Word2Vec를 이용한 토픽모델링의 확장 및 분석사례

  • 윤상훈 (제주대학교 대학원 경영정보학과) ;
  • 김근형 (제주대학교 경영정보학과)
  • Received : 2020.02.24
  • Accepted : 2020.03.09
  • Published : 2021.03.31


Purpose The traditional topic modeling technique makes it difficult to distinguish the semantic of topics because the key words assigned to each topic would be also assigned to other topics. This problem could become severe when the number of online reviews are small. In this paper, the extended model of topic modeling technique that can be used for analyzing a small amount of online reviews is proposed. Design/methodology/approach The extended model of being proposed in this paper is a form that combines the traditional topic modeling technique and the Word2Vec technique. The extended model only allocates main words to the extracted topics, but also generates discriminatory words between topics. In particular, Word2vec technique is applied in the process of extracting related words semantically for each discriminatory word. In the extended model, main words and discriminatory words with similar words semantically are used in the process of semantic classification and naming of extracted topics, so that the semantic classification and naming of topics can be more clearly performed. For case study, online reviews related with Udo in Tripadvisor web site were analyzed by applying the traditional topic modeling and the proposed extension model. In the process of semantic classification and naming of the extracted topics, the traditional topic modeling technique and the extended model were compared. Findings Since the extended model is a concept that utilizes additional information in the existing topic modeling information, it can be confirmed that it is more effective than the existing topic modeling in semantic division between topics and the process of assigning topic names.



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