A Case Study on Design Classes using Blended Learning -Focused on Team Project and Smart Device App-based Learning-

혼합학습(Blended Learning)을 적용한 디자인 수업 실증사례 연구 -팀 프로젝트와 스마트디바이스 앱 기반 학습을 중심으로-

  • Kim, Jin Hee (Convergence Therapy Major, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Hye Kyun (Dept of Beauty Design Management, Woosong University)
  • 김진희 (건국대학교 융합치유전공) ;
  • 김혜균 (우송대학교 뷰티디자인경영학과)
  • Received : 2020.09.01
  • Accepted : 2021.02.01
  • Published : 2021.04.30


This study presents the educational utility of blended learning by analyzing the effectiveness of learning after class by blending team project learning and smart device app-based learning methods. Qualitative analysis and survey analysis were conducted and the results were as follows. First, team project activities based on task resolution were conducted freely through detailed activities such as sharing roles, planning meetings, and coordinating opinions. Team activities were carried out with respect and consideration, team member bonding, and a sense of responsibility. Second, the smart device app is recognized as a medium for work and communication, and fast feedback has been made, making it highly impactful on classroom activities. Third, in terms of learning satisfaction, most learners showed an interest in the course and were satisfied with the project results. The smart device app was used as a learning and communication medium for personal and team activities and was analyzed as a blended method applicable to classes that conduct practical activities as an efficient tool to further activate project activities.



본 연구는 2021년도 우송대학교 교내 학술연구조성비 지원에 의해 이루어진 것임.


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