이 논문은 2020년도 삼육대학교 학술연구비 지원에 의해 씌여진 것임.
- Chow CH, Van Lieshout RJ, Schmidt LA, Dobson KG, Buckley N. Systematic review: audiovisual interventions for reducing preoperative anxiety in children undergoing elective surgery. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2016;41(2):182-203.
- Lee KA, Kwon MK, Kim HW, Lim JE, Pyo CO, Park CS. Effects of a smartphone individualized distraction intervention on anxiety in pre-op pediatric patients. Child Health Nursing Research. 2015;21(2):168-75.
- Fortier MA, Del Rosario AM, Martin SR, Kain ZN. Perioperative anxiety in children. Paediatric Anaesthesia. 2010;20(4):318-22.
- Ahmed MI, Farrell MA, Parrish K, Karla A. Preoperative anxiety in children risk factors and non-pharmacological management. Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology. 2011;21(2):153-64.
- Kain ZN, Mayes LC, Caldwell-Andrews AA, Karas DE, McClain BC. Preoperative anxiety, postoperative pain, and behavioral recovery in young children undergoing surgery. Pediatrics. 2006;118(2):651-8.
- Justus R, Wyles D, Wilson J, Rode D, Walther V, Lim-Sulit N. Preparing children and families for surgery: Mount Sinai's multidisciplinary perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2006;32(1):35-43.
- Dahmani S, Delivet H, Hilly J. Emergence delirium in children: an update. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. 2014;27(3):309-15.
- Manyande A, Cyna AM, Yip P, Chooi C, Middleton P. Nonpharmacological interventions for assisting the induction of anaesthesia in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2015;14(7): CD006447.
- Dehghan Z, Reyhani T, Mohammadpour V, Aemmi SZ, Shojaeian R, Nekah SM. The effectiveness of dramatic puppet and therapeutic play in anxiety reduction in children undergoing surgery: a randomized clinical trial. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2017;19(3):e41178.
- Gao XL, Liu Y, Tian S, Zhang DQ, Wu QP. Effect of interesting games on relief of preoperative anxiety in preschool children. International Journal of Nursing Sciences. 2014;1(1):89-92.
- Kerimoglu B, Neuman A, Paul J, Stefanov D, Twersky R. Anesthesia induction using video glasses as a distraction tool for the management of preoperative anxiety in children. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2013;117(6): 1373-9.
- Yun OB, Kim SJ, Jung D. Effects of a clown-nurse educational intervention on the reduction of postoperative anxiety and pain among preschool children and their accompanying parents in South Korea. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2015;30(6):e89-99.
- Vagnoli L, Caprilli S, Messeri A. Parental presence, clowns or sedative premedication to treat preoperative anxiety in children: what could be the most promising option? Pediatric Anesthesia. 2010;20(10):937-43.
- Cumino DO, Vieira JE, Lima LC, Stievano LP, Silva RA, Mathias LA. Smartphone-based behavioural intervention alleviates children's anxiety during anaesthesia induction: a randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2017;34(3):169-75.
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- Kim HY, Lee MN. Effects of non-pharmacological interventions for preoperative anxiety in surgical patient: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Korean Academy Fundamentals of Nursing. 2019;26(4):248-59.
- Choi JA. Literature review of play therapy intervention for children with ADHD. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association. 2012;50(5):125-38.
- Kuhaneck H, Spitzer SL, Bodison SC. A systematic review of interventions to improve the occupation of play in children with autism. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. 2020;40(2):83-98.
- Silva RD, Austregesilo SC, Ithamar L, Lima LS. Therapeutic play to prepare children for invasive procedures: a systematic review. Journal of Pediatric. 2017;93(1):6-16.
- Sridharan K, Sivaramakrishnan G. Therapeutic clowns in pediatrics: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Journal of Pediatrics. 2016;175(10):1353-60.
- Jang SO, Lorraine EM. A cross-cultural study on the types of children's play and attention time between Korea and USA for planning activity area of day care centers. Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design. 2009;25(2):51-8.
- Berg RG, Bradley LJ, Berry JJ, Parr G. Humor: a therapeutic intervention for child counseling. Journal of Creative in Mental Health. 2009;4(3): 225-36.
- Dionigi A, Sangiorgi D, Flangini R. Clown intervention to reduce preoperative anxiety in children and parents a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Health Psychology. 2014;19(3):369-80.
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- Finlay F, Baverstock A, Lenton S. Therapeutic clowning in paediatric practice. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2014;19(4):596-605.
- Alanazi AA. Reducing anxiety in preoperative patients: a systematic review. British Journal of Nursing. 2014;23(7):387-93.