The Study on Evaluation Indicators and Validity of Major Courses - Focusing on the Case of the H University

전공교육과정 점검 지표 개발 및 타당화 - H대학교 사례를 중심으로

  • Choi, Yoon Hee (Center for Education Quality Management, Hanbat National University) ;
  • Yun, Rin (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanbat National University)
  • 최윤희 (한밭대학교 교육품질관리센터) ;
  • 윤린 (한밭대학교 기계공학과)
  • Received : 2021.04.14
  • Accepted : 2021.05.24
  • Published : 2021.05.31


The purpose of this study is to develop indicators to establishing the education system, focusing the curriculum in each department of H University for quality management of the curriculum. The indicator was developed based on previous studies and cases studies of other universities, and the validation of them was confirmed by the Delphi survey method. The Delphi surveys were conducted by two times, and 16 and 15 people participated for the first and second survey, respectively. We derived the following major results through developing the indicator. First, in order to conduct an education inspection of major courses, , , , , and are required. Second, the checking factors should be evaluated based on the contents in each stage, and can be regarded as a core activity in the curriculum. Accordingly, the checking factors becomes the basis for the establishment of the indicator to establishing the education system, and the indicator can be an expression method that represents the basis data for determining the factors to be evaluated.



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