- J. L. M. Barbosa, A. G. Colares, Minimal Surfaces in R3, Lecture Notes in Math. 1195, Springer, Heidelberg, 1986.
- M. P. do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1976.
- A. T. Fomenko, A. A. Tuzhilin, Elements of the Geometry and Topology of Minimal Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Space, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 93, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1991.
- A. Pressley, Elementary Differential Geometry, Springer , London, 2001.
- D. J. Struik, Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry, 2nd Ed., Dover Pub., New York, 1988.