유아의 사회적 능력을 매개로 정서성이 놀이행동에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Preschoolers' Emotionality and Social Competence on Play Behavior

  • 권기남 (오산대학교 아동보육과) ;
  • 민하영 (대구가톨릭대학교 아동학과)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.01
  • 심사 : 2021.08.08
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


Objective: This study focused on the relationships between emotionality, social competence and play behavior in a sample of 218 4- to 5-year olds attending daycare centers. Methods: All variables were measured by the daycare teachers of the surveyed children. The data were analyzed using Simple Regression and Multiple Regression through SPSS Win 25.0. Results: First, preschoolers' positive emotionality had a negative effect on their play disruption and play disconnection and a positive effect on play interaction. On the other hand, their negative emotionality had a positive effect on play disruption and play disconnection and a negative effect on play interaction. Second, their positive emotionality had a positive influence on social competence and their negative emotionality had a negative influence. Finally, the effect of their positive emotionality on play disruption was partially mediated, and their play disconnection and play interaction was totally mediated by social competence. On the other hand, the effect of preschoolers' negative emotionality on play disruption and play disconnection was totally mediated, and their play interaction was partially mediated by social competence. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study imply that we need to help preschoolers promote emotionality and social competence together to change their play behavior positively.



본 연구는 2017년도 오산대학교 교내연구비 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임.


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