자살예방을 위한 주거환경 계획요소 및 실태 분석 - 공공임대주택을 대상으로

Design Elements of Residential Environment of Multi-family Housing for Suicide Prevention and Empirical Analysis - Focused on Public Rental Housing

  • 이승지 (대학원 헬스케어환경디자인전공, 인천가톨릭대학교) ;
  • 이은진 (대학원 헬스케어환경디자인전공, 인천가톨릭대학교) ;
  • 노태린 (노태린앤어소시에이츠, 대학원 헬스케어환경디자인전공, 인천가톨릭대학교)
  • 투고 : 2021.07.16
  • 심사 : 2021.08.31
  • 발행 : 2021.09.15


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to derive the residential environment design elements that affect suicide, and then analyze the actual situation in terms of suicide prevention and suggest implications. Methods: The study was conducted through literature analysis, field surveys, and interviews with stakeholders. Results: As a result of extracting the variables related to the residential environment that affect suicide suggested in a total of 18 papers, 15 variables were extracted and organized into major categories such as housing type, health and welfare facilities, leisure and cultural facilities, and living environment. Next, we selected a public rental housing complex with a relatively high suicide rate among multi-family housing as the case, and conducted a empirical analysis. It was investigated that the facilities were insufficient, and apart from the quantitative satisfaction of the rest, various problems were exposed, such as the classification of users according to age and insufficient management in terms of the actual use of residents including suicide attempters. Implications: First, it is necessary to search for the design direction of the residential environment for suicide prevention. Second, it is necessary to find a way to solve the exclusion phenomenon that appears in space and programs. Third, when planning a space for suicide prevention, understanding of the behavior of high-risk groups should be reflected.



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