Problem Posing in the Instruction of Proof: Bridging Everyday Lesson and Proof

  • 투고 : 2020.12.05
  • 심사 : 2021.07.10
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


Proof serves a critical role in mathematical practices as well as in fostering student's mathematical understanding. However, the research literature accumulates results that there are not many opportunities available for students to engage with proving-related activities and that students' understanding about proof is not promising. This unpromising state of instruction of proof calls for a novel approach to address the aforementioned issues. This study investigated an instruction of proof to explore a pedagogy to teach how to prove. The teacher utilized the way of problem posing to make proving a routine part of everyday lesson and changed the classroom culture to support student proving. The study identified the teacher's support for student proving, the key pedagogical changes that embraced proving as part of everyday lesson, and what changes the teacher made to cultivate the classroom culture to be better suited for establishing a supportive community for student proving. The results indicate that problem posing has a potential to embrace proof into everyday lesson.



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