IoT 기반 지하역사 내 바이오필터시스템 설치에 따른 실내공기질 변화 및 영향 요인 분석

Analysis of Changes and Factors Influencing IAQ in Subway Stations Using IoT Technology after Bio-Filter System Installation

  • 투고 : 2021.08.16
  • 심사 : 2021.09.10
  • 발행 : 2021.10.31


Background: Subway stations have the characteristics of being located underground and are a representative public-use facility used by an unspecified number of people. As concerns about indoor air quality (IAQ) increase, various management measures are being implemented. However, there are few systematic studies and cases of long-term continuous measurement of underground station air quality. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to analyze changes and factors influencing IAQ in subway stations through real-time continuous long-term measurement using IoT-based IAQ sensing equipment, and to evaluate the IAQ improvement effect of a bio-filter system. Methods: The IAQ of a subway station in Seoul was measured using IoT-based sensing equipment. A bio-filter system was installed after collecting the background concentrations for about five months. Based on the data collected over about 21 months, changes in indoor air quality and influencing factors were analyzed and the reduction effect of the bio-filter system was evaluated. Results: As a result of the analysis, PM10, PM2.5, and CO2 increased during rush hour according to the change in the number of passengers, and PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were high when a PM warning/watch was issued. There was an effect of improving IAQ with the installation of the bio-filter system. The reduction rate of a new-bio-filter system with improved efficiency was higher than that of the existing bio-filter system. Factors affecting PM2.5 in the subway station were the outdoor PM2.5, platform PM2.5, and the number of passengers. Conclusions: The IAQ in a subway station is affected by passengers, ventilation through the air supply and exhaust, and the spread of particulate matter generated by train operation. Based on these results, it is expected that IAQ can be efficiently improved if a bio-filter system with improved efficiency is developed in consideration of the factors affecting IAQ and proper placement.



본 연구는 산림청(한국임업진흥원) 산림과학기술 연구개발사업(2019157C10-2121-0101)의 지원에 의하여 이루어진 것이며, 서울교통공사 도시철도연구원과의 업무 협약을 통해 장소를 협조 받았습니다. 이에 감사드립니다.


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