A Study on Site Planning to Improve Natural Surveillance in High-rise Apartment Estates

공동주택단지의 자연적 감시 향상을 위한 단지계획 개선연구

  • 정재용 (홍익대학교 건축도시대학 건축학부)
  • Received : 2022.01.16
  • Accepted : 2022.02.19
  • Published : 2022.03.30


In recent decades, addressing the issue of crime prevention has led to the application of CPTED in many industrialized counties. In Korea and in major cities throughout Asia, high-rise apartments have become the main form of housing, making crime prevention by Natural Surveillance extremely challenging. Currently, crime prevention measures are at a crossroad between CPTED based on community involvement and gated community based on an exclusionary system. This study examines the effectiveness of Natural Surveillance methods in high-rise apartments in Korea over time as apartment typology changes occur from land use intensification. The objective is to understand why Natural Surveillance methods are being replaced by other technological solutions such as CCTV in high-rise apartment complexes. This research examines the historical trend in apartment designs, identifies evolving surveillance issues, and analyzes Natural Surveillance coverage in housing complexes with various layouts and building forms. Comparisons were made with international examples to further assess the differences in layout planning and effectiveness of Natural Surveillance along with other aspects such as territoriality. This analysis indicated that most Korean high-rise apartment complexes are designed without considering Natural Surveillance at the design stage due to the pressures of maximizing profits.



이 논문은 2017년 홍익대학교 학술연구진흥비에 의하여 연구된 것임.


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