이 연구는 2022년 광주대학교 대학연구비 지원에 의해 수행되었음.
- Choi, Sujin (2016). Network Analysis for Communication Studies. Seoul: Communication Books.
- Kim, Jongkil (2014). Study on Niklas Luhmann in Korea: research trends, issues, and challenges. Society and Theory, 25, 111-152.
- Lee, Chul (2010). Luhmann's autopoietic system concept and its significance from the viewpoint of the history of social theories. Discourse 201, 13(3), 81-106.
- Lee, Chul (2016). Communications as events processing meaning and semantics as forms: an integrated frame of society and culture. Society and Theory, 29, 95-121.
- Lee, Soosang (2012). Network Analysis Methodology. Seoul: Nonhyung.
- Min, Yoonkyung (1993). Theoretical review on citation analysis. Library Paper, 11, 125.
- Park, Seongwoo & Hong, Soram (2022). Knowledge visualization and mapping of studies on social systems theory in social sciences: focused on Niklas Luhmann. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 56(1), 253-275.
- Clarivate Analytics (2020, January 16). Web of Science Core Collection Help. Available:
- De Bellis, N. (2009). Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: From the Science Citation Index to Cybermetrics. 계량정보연구포럼 역(2010). 계량서지학과 인용분석: SCI에서 사이버메트릭스까지. 서울: 한국과학기술정보연구원.
- Giddens, A. & Sutton, P. W. (2014). Essential Concepts in Sociology (Second Edition). 김봉석 옮김(2018). 사회학의 핵심 개념들 (개정증보판). 파주: 동녘.
- Reese-Schafer, W. (1992). Luhmann zur Einfuhrung. 이남복 역(2002). 니클라스 루만의 사회사상. 서울: 백의.
- Sohn, Youngju (2020). 40 years of Luhmann's legacy in the Anglophone academic community. International Review of Sociology, 30(3), 469-495.