본 연구는 정책정보포털(POINT) 국정과제 서비스 개발 연구의 일부를 수정·보완한 것임
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- Hong, Hyun-Jin & Noh, Younghee (2008). A study on modeling a unified policy information service system in Korea. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Society, 42(1), 95-125.
- Konkuk University Glocal Campus Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (2021). A Study on Deriving Improvement Plans for the National Economic Policy Research Portal (NKIS). Sejong: National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Kwak, Seung-Jin, Lee, Eung-Bong, Chang, Duck Hyun, Bae, Kyung Jae, & Kim, Jeong-Taek (2011). A study on the management strategy of a national library for the policy information service: with a special reference to the National Sejong Library. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 42(3), 311-330.
- Kwak, Seung-Jin, Noh, Younghee, & Kang, Jung-Ah (2015). A study on cooperatively building policy information resources and training policy information specialized librarian. Institute of Social Sciences Chungnam University, 26(2), 89-122.
- Kwak, Seung-Jin, Noh, Younghee, & Kim, Dongseok (2015). A study on need analysis for user-customized policy information services. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 49(2), 75-109.
- Lee, Min-seok (2015). A Study on the Quality Evaluation of Library Online Policy Information Service. Master's thesis, Soongsil University Graduate School of Information Science, Department of IT Management.
- National Library of Korea Sejong (2014). A Study on the Operation Plan of the National Sejong Library Policy Information Service. Sejong: National Library of Korea Sejong.
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- Noh, Younghee & Sim, Jae-Yun (2014). A study on policy researchers' requirements for policy information providing service. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(3), 137-168.
- Yoon, Hee-Yoon & Chang, Durk Hyun (2016). A pilot study on a strategic development plan for a national branch library. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 50(2), 197-213.