본 논문은 2022년도 인천대학교 자체연구비 지원으로 수행되었음.
- Cho, Jane (2017). Study on readers about library and information science fields' articles by analyzing Mendeley. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society (JKLISS), 48(1), 77-97.
- Cho, Jane (2022). A study on the effect of altmetrics about academic papers on citations and moderating effect of Open Access. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 56(2), 35-55.
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- Banshal, S. K., Singh, V. K., & Muhuri, P. K. (2021). Can altmetric mentions predict later citations? A test of validity on data from ResearchGate and three social media platforms. Online Information Review, 45(3), 517-536.
- Bornmann, L. (2015). Alternative metrics in scientometrics: a meta-analysis of research into three altmetrics. Scientometrics, 103, 1123-1144.
- Cho, J. (2021). Altmetrics analysis of highly cited academic papers in the feld of library and information science. Scientometrics, 126, 7623-7635.
- Erfanmanesh, M. (2017). The presence of Iranian information science and library science articles in social media: an altmetric study. Iranian Journal of Information Processing & Management, 32, 349-373.
- Fang, Z. & Costas, R. (2020). Studying the accumulation velocity of altmetric data tracked by SCIENTOMETRICS, 123(2), 1077-1101.
- Gorraiz, J., Gumpenberger, C. & Schlogl, C. (2014). Usage versus citation behaviours in four subject areas. Scientometrics, 101(2), 1077-95.
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- Liu, X., Wei, Y., & Zhao, Z. (2020). How researchers view altmetrics: an investigation of ISSI participants. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 72(3), 361-378.
- Luo, H., Sun, A., Erdt, M., Ramkumar, A. S., & Theng, Y. L. (2018). Exploring prestigious citations sourced from top universities in bibliometrics and altmetrics: a case study in the computer science discipline. Scientometrics, 114(1), 1-17.
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- Nath, A. & Jana, S. (2021). A scientometric review of global altmetrics research. Science & Technology Libraries, 40(3), 325-340.
- Ortega, L. (2018). The life cycle of altmetric impact: a longitudinal study of six metrics from PlumX. Journal of Informetrics, 12(3), 579-589.
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- Saberi, M. K. & Ekhtiyari, F. (2019). Usage, captures, mentions, social media and citations of LIS highly cited papers: an altmetrics study. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 20(1), 37-47.
- Singh, V. K., Singh, P., Karmakar, M., Leta, J., & Mayr, P. (2021). The journal coverage of Web of Science, Scopus and Dimensions: A comparative analysis. Scientometrics, 126, 5113-5142.
- Sutton, S., Miles, R., & Konkiel, S. (2018). Awareness of Altmetrics among LIS Scholars and Faculty. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 59(1-2), 33-47.
- Tang, Y., Tseng, H., & Vann, C. (2020). Unwrap citation count, Altmetric Attention Score and Mendeley readership status of highly cited articles in the top-tier LIS journals. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 69(8-9), 653-664.
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- Wang, X., Fang, Z., & Guo, X. (2016). Tracking the digital footprints to scholarly articles from social media. Scientometrics, 109, 1365-1376.
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- Ye, Y. E., Na, J. C., & Oh, P. (2022). Are automated accounts driving scholarly communication on twitter? a case study of dissemination of COVID-19 publications. Scientometrics, 127(5), 2151-2172.
- Zahedi, Z., Costas, R., & Wouters, P. (2014). How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of 'alternative metrics' in scientific publications. Scientometrics, 101(2), 1491-1513.