본 연구는 한성대학교 학술연구비 지원과제임.
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- Ki, Nokyoung (2022). The effect of reading maturity on job engagement: verification of mediating effect of self-directedness and self-efficacy and moderating effect of reading coaching. Korean Journal of Business Administration, 35(5), 929-960.
- Kim, Chung-Song (2018). A study on the mediation effects of social supports on the relationship between self-efficacy of adolescent and happiness. Korean Journal of Youth Studies, 25(4), 177-197.
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- Lee, Nuri, Park, Saehyun, & Lee, Yunsoo (2022). An examination of the developmental trajectory and its causes of self-efficacy: application of the latent growth model. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 25(2), 153-175.
- Lee, Sook Jeong & Yu, JiHyun (2008). The mediation effect of self-efficacy between academic and career stress and adjustment to college. Korean Journal of Educational Psychology, 22(3), 589-607.
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- Lee, Yongsoon (2010). The Effects of Their Parent Breeding Attitude and Self Efficiency on Adolescent's Leadership Skills. Master Thesis, Graduate School of Education, Dankook University.
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