이 연구는 2021년도 가야대학교 교내연구비 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임.
- Fatma AY, Sehrinaz P, Tennur K. Relationship between the problemsolving skills and empathy skills of operating room nurses. Journal of Nursing Research. 2020;28(2):e75.
- Choi EY, Kim JY. The relationship of core competencies(problem solving ability, communication ability, self-directed learning ability) to critical thinking. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing. 2007;14(4):412-9.
- Kim JH, Kang HY. Relationships among critical thinking disposition, problem solving ability and self-leadership of nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2017;17(18):435-50.
- Can HO, Oner OL, Celebi E. The assessment effect of problem solving skills of education at university students. Journal of Firat Health Service. 2009;4(10):35-58.
- Park JH. Study of ability required to develop for student in nursing education. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 2011;17(1):74-87.
- Son SN, Kim IY, Song HS, Lee JS, Choi YJ. Competency-based education and core competencies in higher education. Korean Journal of General Education. 2021;2(15):11-30.
- Jonassen DH. Toward a design theory of problem solving. Education Technology Research and Development. 2000;48(4):63-5.
- Bandura A. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavior change. Psychological Review. 1977;84(2):191-215.
- Kim MY, Byun EK. Influence of academic self-efficacy, critical thinking disposition, and learning motivation on problem solving ability in nursing students. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society. 2019;20(1):376-83.
- Davis MH. A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1980;10:85.
- Bruner S, Lamont S, Coates M. A review of empathy education in nursing. Nursing Inquiry. 2010;17(1):65-74.
- Hwang YH, Park SJ. The effects of empathy and self concept on problem solving: Focusing on the mediating effect of communication of nursing students. The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 2020;26(4):348-56.
- Jj EJ, Bang MR, Jeon HJ. Ego resilence, communication ability and problem-solving ability in nursing student. The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 2013;19(4):571-9.
- Cho IH, Park M. Comparison of problem solving ability according to degree of communication ability of nursing students. Asia-Pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology. 2017;7(7):397-404.
- Mun MY. Influence of empathic ability and self-efficacy on problem solving ability in nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2020;20(3):277-92.
- KIm JH, Kwon KJ, Lee SH. Factors influencing problem solving abilities of nursing students. Journal of Digital Convergence. 2017;15(4):295-307.
- Kim MY, Kang EH, Park HJ. Effects of communication competence, empathy ability and problem-solving skills on college adjustment in nursing college students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2021;2(10):283-94.
- Lee SJ, Jang YJ, Lee HN, Park KY. A study on the development of life-skills: Communication, problem solving, and self-directed learning. Korean Educational Development Institute. 2003.
- Kim AY, Park MY. Construction and validation of academic self-efficacy scale. The Journal of Educational Research. 2001;39(1):95-123.
- Kang I, Kee SW, Kim SE, Jeong BS, Hwang JH, Song JE, Kim JW. Reliability and validity of the Korean-version of interpersonal reactivity index. Journal of The Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2009;48:352-8.
- Rubin RB, Martin MM, Development of a measure of interpersonal communication competence. Communication Research Reports. 1994;11(1):33-44.
- Hur GH. Construction and validation of a global interpersonal communication competence scale. Korean Journal of Journalism and Communication Studies. 2003;47(6):380-408.
- Song JJ. SPSS/AMOS for thesis writing. Gyeonggi: 21cbook; 2015. p.170-180.
- Choi YN. Effects of flipped learning in collaborative project on problemsolving efficacy, communication competence, and academic self-efficacy of nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2022;22(12):275-83.
- Whang SA. The influence of major satisfaction, academic self-efficacy, and clinical practice stress on college student burnout among nursing students. Journal of Korean Society for Simulation in Nursing. 2021;9(2):73-85.
- Kim MY, Nam HY, Lee AY. The effect of communication competence and problem solving process on clinical decision-making of nursing students in graduation year. The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2019;19(5):877-89.
- Ko GY, Park SO, Park SJ, Park BS, Kwak KH, Park BJ. The influence of nursing students with clinical practice on their communication capabilities, majority satisfaction, practice satisfaction and self-leadership. The Journal of Korean Nursing Research. 2019;3(1):41-9.
- Wade GH, Kasper N. Nursing students' perceptions of instructor caring: An instrument based on Watson's theory of transpersonal caring. Journal of Nursing Education. 2006;45:162-8.
- Wu Y. Empathy in nurse-patient interaction: A conversation analysis. BMC Nursing. 2021;20:18.
- Kourkouta L, Papathanasiou IV. Communication in nursing practice. Materia Socio-Medica. 2014;26(1):65-7.