What Affects Consumers' Attitude and Usage Intention of O2O Apps?: Integration of TAM, TPB, and Transaction Cost Theory

  • Won In Lee (Department of Management Administaration, Tech University of Korea)
  • Received : 2022.08.12
  • Accepted : 2023.02.03
  • Published : 2023.06.30


This study is about the attitudes and intentions of consumers considering the usage of O2O application (app) under the COVID-19 situation. By integrating TAM and TPB as a theoretical background, we selected VPC (various product choice) and PII (product information intensity) as new functional external variables that have a positive effect on new system called O2O commerce. We also applied the transaction cost theory to investigate the obstacle of O2O business. We conducted a survey of consumers in large cities in the Korean market. As a result of this study, it was found that the more O2O app users recognized the influence of SN (subject norms), the more useful O2O app was, the more it led to a change in attitude and usage intention was positively significant. In addition, as the O2O app was easy to use and useful, and the SN was recognized, the user's attitude was positive. On the other hand, it was also found that the transaction cost that consumers have to pay had a negative effect on usage intention. Additionally, VPC and PII have been shown to positively influence on usefulness of O2O apps.



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