본 연구는 2022년 전북대학교병원 간호부의 지원을 받아 수행됨.
- Hayes LJ, O'Brien-Pallas L, Duffield C, Shamian J, Buchan J, Hughes F, et al. Nurse turnover: A literature review-an update. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2012;49(7):887-905.
- Hong KJ, Cho SH. Comparison of nursing workforce supply and employment in South Korea and other OECD countries. Perspectives in Nursing Science. 2017;14(2):55-63.
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- Kwon JY. Suggestion of Japanese nursing staff supply and demand plan policy. Journal of Convergence for Information Technology. 2021;11(3): 185-93.
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- Kim JH, Choi EJ, Kim MS, Yu M, Jun JH, Kim YH. Study on the establishment of fixed night shifts and flexible work arrangements for nurses. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research. 2019;25(2):107-19.
- Cho HH, Kim EY. Effect of nursing organizational culture, organizational health, and job crafting on intent to stay among registered nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 2020;26(2):172-80.
- Bae HJ. Influences of the expansion of entrance quota for nursing programs on rural⋅small sized hospitals [dissertation]. Seoul: Seoul University; 2016. pp. 1-136.
- Lee Y, Kang J. Related factors of turnover intention among Korean hospital nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean Journal of Adult Nursing. 2018;30(1):1-17.
- Na BJ, Kim EJ. A study on the mediating and moderating effect of work-family conflict in the relationship among emotional labor, occupational stress, and turnover intention. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 2016;22(3):260-9.
- Ayalew F, Kols A, Kim YM, Schuster A, Emerson MR, Van Roosmalen J, et al. Factors affecting turnover intention among nurses in Ethiopia. World Health Population. 2015;16(2):62-74.
- Han K, Trinkoff AM, Gurses AP. Work-related factors, job satisfaction and intent to leave the current job among United States nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2015;24(21-22):3224-32.
- Choi JH, Han ST, Kang HC, Kim ES, Kim MK, Lee SK. Prediction and utilization of data mining using answer tree 3.0. Seoul: SPSS Academy; c2002. 233p.
- An M, Kim T, Yoo D. Enhancing workers' job tenure using directions derived from data mining techniques. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association. 2018;18(5):265-79.
- Lee Y, Kim JL, Kim SH, Chae J. Effect of an age-stratified working environment and hospital characteristics on nurse turnover. Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service Research. 2022;2(1):106-19.
- Choi EJ, Kwon K. A relationship between employment type and turnover intention: from the perspective of social exchange theory. Korean Academy of Management. 2017;2017(1):1-28.
- Ji EA, Kim JS. Factor influencing new graduate nurses' turnover intention according to length of service. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 2018;24(1):51-60.
- Beecroft PC, Dorey F, Wenten M. Turnover intention in new graduate nurses: A multivariate analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2008;62(1): 41-52.
- Kwon YE, Kim SY. Factors affecting turnover intention of general hospital nurses. Journal of the Korea Academia-industrial cooperation Society. 2019;20(7):414-22.
- Jung YE, Sung MH. Do parenting stress, work-family conflict, and resilience affect retention intention in Korean nurses returning to work after parental leave?: A cross-sectional study. Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing. 2022;28(1):18-26.
- Jung HJ, Cho Chung HI. Adaptation process of nurses who return to work after parental leave. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 2016;22(1):33-45.
- Lee YJ, Jeong SH, Lee MH, Nho JH. Impact of nursing unit managers' coaching leadership on job rotation stress in clinical nurses. Poster session presented at: 2021 International Conference, College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, 2021 Feb 25; Kyungpook National University; Daegu, Korea.
- Lim JY, Shin JA, Kim S, Lee E, Kim S. Influencing factors on nurse's intention to stay: systematic review and meta correlation analysis. Journal of Korean Academic Society of Home Health Care Nursing. 2019;26(3): 265-77.