이 논문은 2023년도 전북대학교 연구기반 조성비 지원에 의하여 연구되었음.
- Act On The Guarantee Of Convenience Promotion Of Persons With Disabilities, Senior Citizens, Pregnant Women And Nursing Mothers. Act No. 18332.
- Chang, Durk-Hyun (2014). A research on cultural programs in public libraries in Busan metro area. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(4), 173-192.
- Kim, Min-Jae (2016). Proposal of mobile application service to recommend traveling schedules by using personalized service. Journal of Communication Design, 57, 231-242.
- Kim, Yong-Seong (2021). Persona based User Modeling for Real Time Movie Recommendation in Very Large User and Movie Population. Master's thesis, The University of Seoul of Graduate School of Scienceand Technology, Department of Computer Science.
- Kim, Young-Oh & Koo, Joung-Hwa (2019). Development of the scale to evaluate archival information service environments based on 'the Barrier-Free Authentication' and evaluation: a case study of the national archives of Korea. Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 30(3), 59-92.
- Korea Craft & Design Foundation (2021). Universal Design Guidelines of Libraries. Seoul: Korea Craft & Design Foundation.
- Lee, Kyoo-il (2019). A study on evaluating common spaces in public libraries by universal design principles. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 10(7), 155-162.
- Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (2023). A Manual on Construction and Management for Public Library (11-1371000-001228-12).
- Park, Sei-Hwa & Park, Seog (2016). Personalized itinerary recommend -ation system based on stay time. KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, 22(1), 38-43.
- Park, Yeon-Jin, Song, Kyung-A, Hwang, Jae-Won, & Chang, Byeong-Mo (2015). A system for personalized tour recommendation based on ontology. Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 15(9), 1-10.
- Song, Kyu-Man (2009). Wayfinding planning in public space using Persona-based Scenario method. Journal of The Urban Design Institute of Korea, 10(1), 21-34.
- Yoo, Ho-Suon, Kim, Hyun-Jin, & Oh, Hyo-Jung (2018). Analysis of issue life cycle types of disaster events. The Journal of Korean Institute of Information Technology, 16(3), 125-134.
- Duan, P., Zhou, J., & Fan, W. (2022). Safety tag generation and training material recommendation for construction workers: a persona-based approach. Engineering, construction and architectural management, ahead-of-print.
- Nitu, P., Coelho, J., & Madiraju, P. (2021). Improvising personalized travel recommendation system with recency effects. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 4(3), 139-154.
- Stickdorn, M. & Schneider, J. (2012). This is Service Design Thinking: Basics, Tools, Cases. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
- Wang, X. (2014). Personas in the user interface design. University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.