IoT botnet attack detection using deep autoencoder and artificial neural networks

  • Deris Stiawan (Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Sriwijaya) ;
  • Susanto (Faculty of Engineering Science, Universitas Bina Insan) ;
  • Abdi Bimantara (Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Sriwijaya) ;
  • Mohd Yazid Idris (School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi) ;
  • Rahmat Budiarto (College of Computer Science and IT, Albaha University)
  • 투고 : 2022.10.23
  • 심사 : 2023.04.11
  • 발행 : 2023.05.31


As Internet of Things (IoT) applications and devices rapidly grow, cyber-attacks on IoT networks/systems also have an increasing trend, thus increasing the threat to security and privacy. Botnet is one of the threats that dominate the attacks as it can easily compromise devices attached to an IoT networks/systems. The compromised devices will behave like the normal ones, thus it is difficult to recognize them. Several intelligent approaches have been introduced to improve the detection accuracy of this type of cyber-attack, including deep learning and machine learning techniques. Moreover, dimensionality reduction methods are implemented during the preprocessing stage. This research work proposes deep Autoencoder dimensionality reduction method combined with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier as botnet detection system for IoT networks/systems. Experiments were carried out using 3- layer, 4-layer and 5-layer pre-processing data from the MedBIoT dataset. Experimental results show that using a 5-layer Autoencoder has better results, with details of accuracy value of 99.72%, Precision of 99.82%, Sensitivity of 99.82%, Specificity of 99.31%, and F1-score value of 99.82%. On the other hand, the 5-layer Autoencoder model succeeded in reducing the dataset size from 152 MB to 12.6 MB (equivalent to a reduction of 91.2%). Besides that, experiments on the N_BaIoT dataset also have a very high level of accuracy, up to 99.99%.


1. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to develop and is always used in everyday life, for example in smart homes, smart city, smart agriculture, industrial and so on [1]. But as IoT applications and devices rapidly grow, cyberattacks are also rising, posing more serious threats to security and privacy [2]. Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) is one of the serious threats that exist in IoT networks, this is because it can reduce network performance [3]. Furthermore, the attack drains system resources and causes network congestion by creating large amounts of traffic in the system areas even without disrupting critical information or compromising credential files [4]. In its development, attacker can also deploy robot networks (botnets) in launching DDOS attacks [5]. Currently, the types of botnets are very diverse such as Hide and Seek, Muhstik, Linux.Mirai, Hakai, Linux.Hajime, Kenjiro, Torii, Mirai, Okiru, IRCBot, Trojan, and Gagfyt [6].

Several techniques can be used in detecting cyber-attacks including deep learning and machine learning techniques [7]. Saini et al. use a machine learning approach in detecting and classifying DDOS attacks. The proposed approach successfully classifies various types of DDOS attacks [8]. Machine learning consists of variety of methods; one of the methods is ANN [9]. The proposed ANN method shows a better detection accuracy rate with a good value of true positive rate and false positive rate in detecting the attacks [10].

Saied et al. [11] also have shown that detecting DDOS attacks using ANN gives better detection results. Detection performance is further improved by applying the dimensionality reduction method at its pre-processing stage [12]. Autoencoder is one of the most powerful methods for dimensionality reduction and has been intensively applied in data classification [13]. The Autoencoder unlike some other feature reduction techniques, where it provides interlocking range output that makes it an ideal step in data pre-processing [14]. Even though the Autoencoder is effective in detecting the type of attack, it takes time and effort to find the optimal model architecture and hyperparameter settings of the Autoencoder that produce the best detection performance [15].

The proposed work contributes towards the development of a model for botnet attacks detection system on IoT networks. The detection system is proposed by combining the Autoencoder preprocessing method and the ANN classification method.

The paper is compiled with the following composition. Section 2 reviews some of related research works that have been conducted on detection of botnet attacks on IoT networks. Section 3 describes the dataset used for the experiment, the proposed method, and the performance measurement parameters, followed by Section 4 that presents the experimental set up, results and comparison with previous research works, Lastly, Section 5 presents conclusion. At the end, a table of notations and acronyms is provided.

2. Related Work

In detecting IoT botnets process, many studies have been carried out by using various methods. Bahsi et al. [16] performed IoT botnet detection using Decision tree classification method and were compared with k-NN classification. In addition, classification performance is improved by using Fisher's score dimension reduction method. On the other hand, using a balanced dataset requires human resources during the labeling process and running real-time attack simulation is ineffective. Then Alqahtani et al [17] improved classification accuracy of XGBoost method using genetic-based extreme gradient model, on the other hand, in preprocessing data, feature selection was perform using fisher scores. Applying classification optimization can lead to an increase in computing resources utilization and execution time. Furthermore, Alshamkhany et al. [18] performed computational efficiency process in detecting IoT botnets using PCA as dimensional reduction method and implemented four classifiers, i.e.: Decision Tree, kerned support vector machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbors that makes the classification process faster. The data reduction used for each classification method varies, making it difficult to assess the level of accuracy of a more effective approach.

Pokhrel et al. [19] performed feature engineering and oversampling techniques using SMOTE method in balancing datasets from each class which were then combined with machine learning algorithms. Using k-NN classification method and Multi-layer Perception Artificial Neural Network, it is clear that the performance comparison is clearly visible. A higher value of k means more variance and less bias but causes computational overhead and requires more processing time whereas a low value means low variance and high bias. In addition, Nomm and Bahsi [20] performed discriminatory feature selection to reduce features to improve classification performance in one class SVM and isolation forest methods. Nevertheless, the experimental results yet showed low accuracy level. Then Raj et al. [21] performed classification process on IoT botnets detection using one-class support vector machine, elliptic envelope, and local outlier factor methods. Before the classification process is perform the process of introducing the network flow using input packets, protocols, source ports, destination ports, and time. The experiment only uses less than 1300 data records, so it is not able yet to represent large amounts of data traffic in the real world. Table 1 summarizes research works on the use of pre-processing methods in intrusion detection systems using machine learning approaches for the last five (5) years.

Table 1. Comparison of the use of pre-processing methods in intrusion detection systems using machine learning

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3. Proposed Methodology

3.1 System Workflow

The proposed system combines the ANN classification method and the Autoencoder as data dimension reduction method. The experiment follows the workflow presented in Fig. 1. The experiment process begins with the testing on data reduction using 3-layer, 4-layer, and 5-layer. Having done an evaluation, the selection of the best results is carried out. Then the selected model is validated on the training data validation and the testing data. In addition, validation using Balance Accuracy (BACC) and Matthew's Correlation Coefficient (MCC) are also performed.

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Fig. 1. Proposed workflow of the experiment

3.2 Dataset

For the experiments purpose, the Medium Botnet IoT (MedBIoT) dataset in the format of pcap file [22] is used. This dataset is generated from collection of Physical and Virtual networks that consists of 80 devices. The MedBIoT dataset contains four types of traffic data, i.e.: Normal, Bashlite, Mirai and Torii traffic data. Nevertheless, experiments in this research work only consider, Normal, Mirai and Torii botnet traffic data. Then Mirai and Torii traffic data are combined into one attack traffic. The list of data files used for the experiments is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Distribution of data used

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The N-BaIoT dataset [23], which has data traffic types of Benign, Mirai, and Bahslite is used for validating the selected model. This dataset has a total of 7062606 records, however, only 20% of the records are considered in the experiments. The distribution of the N-BaIoT dataset for the experiments is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Distribution of 20% data N-BaIoT

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3.3 Feature Extraction

In the feature extraction stage, this research work uses CICFlowMeter tool [24]–[26]. This tool is developed using Java programming language. This feature extraction produces 83 features in .csv file format. The result of the feature extraction process is presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Extraction feature result

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3.4 Autoencoder

After the dataset successfully passed through the feature extraction process, the data is fed to the data dimensionality reduction process. The data dimensionality reduction process is useful to decrease the size of dataset. This research work uses deep Autoencoder algorithm as dimensionality reduction method. The formulae of the Autoencoder are expressed in (1) and (2) [27].

𝑌 = 𝑓(𝑋) = 𝑠(𝑊X + 𝑏x)       (1)

𝑋′ = 𝑔(𝑌) = 𝑠(𝑊′𝑌 + 𝑏y)       (2)


Y = f(x) = Encoded Function W = Weighted encoded

X’ = g(y) = Encoded Function bx = Bias encoded

S = Activation function W’ = Weighted decoded

by = Bias decoded

The Autoencoder architecture and parameters are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Parameters of the Autoencoder

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The data dimensional reduction process using the Autoencoder is shown in Fig. 2.

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Fig. 2. Flowchart for the Autoencoder dimensional reduction

3.5 Classification

The ANN is machine learning algorithm that can be used for prediction and classification purposes [28]. The ANN is designed to simulate the working of human brain in processing of incoming information. In pattern recognition process, the ANN gathers their knowledge from the experiments on determined data training [29]. In this research work, the ANN architecture consists of 2 Hidden layers, where the numbers of neurons in each layer are 50 neurons, while Input layer has 5 neurons. The ANN uses Sigmoid activation function and Softmax as the loss function. Fig. 3. illustrates the architecture of the proposed ANN.

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Fig. 3. ANN architecture

3.6 Validation

Validation stage is needed to justify whether the proposed classification engine is as planned. The validation stage in this study consists of 4 stages, as follows.

3.6.1 Confusion Matrix

The first stage of the validation is performed using the values obtained from the confusion matrix [30]. In binary classification system, labels are divided into two classes, so that the confusion matrix formed follows the number of classes. The confusion binary matrix is displayed in Fig. 4.

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Fig. 4. Binary confusion matrix

The performance metrics of accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score are considered, as represented by (3) – (7), where, TP= True Positive, TN= True Negative, FP= False Positive, and FN= False Negative.

\(\begin{aligned}Accuracy=\frac{T P+T N}{T P+T N+F P+F N} \times 100 \%\end{aligned}\)       (3)

\(\begin{aligned}Precision=\frac{T P}{T P+F P} \times 100 \%\end{aligned}\)       (4)

\(\begin{aligned}Sensitivity=\frac{T P}{T P+F P} \times 100 \%\end{aligned}\)       (5)

\(\begin{aligned}Specificity=\frac{T P}{T P+F N} \times 100 \%\end{aligned}\)       (6)

\(\begin{aligned}F1 \; Score=\frac{2 {\times} Precission {\times} Sensitivity}{Precission+Sensitivity} \times 100 \%\end{aligned}\)      (7)

3.6.2 Autoencoder Validation

Validation of the use of the number of autoencoder layers is presented in Table 5.

Table 5. Validation of total of layer number

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3.6.3 Data Testing and Data Training Separation

Separation of training and testing data is performed for five scenarios as presented in Table 6.

Table 6. Validation of total data separation

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3.6.4 BACC Validation

Performance level measurement of classification process is carried out using Balance Accuracy (BACC) and Matthew's Correlation Coefficient (MCC) parameters [30], [31]. The BACC parameter is used to measure the imbalanced data accuracy, while the MCC parameter is useful for measuring the sensitivity level of the imbalanced data. The description of binary BACC parameters are represented by (8), and binary MCC parameters are represented by (9).

\(\begin{aligned}B A C C=\frac{\frac{T P}{P}+\frac{T N}{N}}{2}\end{aligned}\)       (8)

\(\begin{aligned}M C C=\frac{(T P \times T N)-(F P \times F N)}{\sqrt{(T P+F P)(T P+F N)(T N+F N)(T N+F P)}}\end{aligned}\)       (9)

4. Experimental Setup, Result, and Discussion

4.1 Experimental Setup

Hardware and software configuration for the experiments are provided in Table 7 and Table 8.

Table 7. Hardware configuration

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Table 8. Software Configuration

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4.2 Experimental Setup

4.2.1 The Autoencoder Dimensionality Reduction

The experiments are carried out for the epoch value of 100, the batch size of 64, the learning rate value of 0.001 and the loss function was binary_crossentropy. For optimization purpose the Adam optimizer is implemented. Fig. 5 – Fig. 7 show the loss of the models from the scenarios mentioned in Table 5 and Table 6.

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Fig. 5. Loss of the 3-layer Autoencoder model

Fig. 5 shows the loss of data dimensionality reduction process using 3-layer Autoencoder model. The training process was executed for ± 953 seconds duration and obtaining loss value of 12.46 after 100 epochs. The dimensionality reduction process decreases the datasets dimension from the originally 74 columns to 5 columns as displayed in Table 9. Feature_0 has a result of 0, because it corresponds to the Autoencoder rule which forces the Hidden layer to activate only a few hidden units per data sample. With activation, if the value of the j-th hidden unit is close to 1 it will be activated, otherwise it will be deactivated. The output from disabled nodes to the next layer is zero. The initial dataset size was 152 MB, and then after gone through dimensionality reduction process reduces to 10.5 MB.

Table 9. Dimensionality reduction result by the 3-layer Autoencoder

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Next experimental result generates a plot of loss for the Autoencoder model with 4-layer as displayed in Fig. 6.

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Fig. 6. Loss of the 4-layer Autoencoder

Fig. 6 shows the loss of data dimensionality reduction process using 4-layer Autoencoder model. The training process was executed for ± 1005 seconds duration and obtaining loss value of 12.39 after 100 epochs. The dimensionality reduction process decreases the datasets dimension from the originally 74 columns to 5 columns as displayed in Table 10. The initial dataset size was 152 MB, and then after gone through dimensionality reduction process reduces to 12.7 MB.

Table 10. Dimensionality reduction result by the 4-layer Autoencoder

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Next experimental result generates a plot of the loss for the Autoencoder model with 5-layer as displayed in Fig. 7. The figure shows the loss of data dimensionality reduction process using 5-layer Autoencoder model. The training process was executed for ± 1125 seconds duration and obtaining loss value of 12.38 after 100 epochs. The dimensionality reduction process decreases the datasets dimension from the originally 74 columns to 5 columns as displayed in Table 11. Feature_1 has a result of 0 this is because it corresponds to the Autoencoder rule, which forces the Hidden layer to activate only a few hidden units per data sample. With activation, if the value of the j-th hidden unit is close to 1 it will be activated, otherwise it will be deactivated. The output from disabled nodes to the next layer is zero. The initial dataset size was 152 MB, and then after gone through dimensionality reduction process reduces to 12.6 MB.

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Fig. 7. Loss of the 5-layer Autoencoder

Table 11. Dimensionality reduction result by the 5-layer Autoencoder

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The next experiment was to carry out the classification process using the data separation of 70% training data and 30% testing data. Table 12 presents the overall experimental results on the confusion matrix using the Autoencoder. It is observed that the 5-layer Autoencoder model provided the lowest False Positive while the 4-layer Autoencoder model provided the lowest False Negative values.

Table 12. Confusion matrix of classification result comparison

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Based on the obtained confusion matrix, the level of accuracy for 3-layer, 4-layer and 5-layer Autoencoder models is computed and presented in Table 13. The experimental results show that the use of 5 layers has a higher level of accuracy.

Table 13. Comparison of validation results of autoencoder

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In addition, we analyze the computational overhead and complexity at each layer as shown in Fig. 8. The figure shows that the use of 3-layer Autoencoder model takes a little time, while the use of 4-layer Autoencoder model has a higher overhead.

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Fig. 8. Computational overhead and complexity

4.2.2 Validation Results of Data Testing and Data Training on 5-layer

We performed binary classification, to determine whether the traffic data in the dataset is attack or normal traffic. We start with the experiment to determine the Confusion matrix. For this purpose, we recorded the binary classification results, then presented them in the form of Confusion matrix. Table 14 presents the overall experimental results on Confusion matrix using different scenario of data separations. It is observed that the data separation scenario of 90:10 provided the lowest False Positive and False Negative values.

Table 14. Confusion matrix of classification result comparison

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Then for each classification result on each data separation scenario, we evaluated further using Accuracy, Loss, and Precision-Recall metrics. First, we consider the experiment with 50:50 data separation. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 show the Accuracy and Loss comparison during the training and testing phases, respectively.

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Fig. 9. Accuracy of classification for 50% training data and 50% testing data separation

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Fig. 10. Loss of classification for 50% training data and 50% testing data separation​​​​​​​

It can be seen that the accuracy value and the loss value are fluctuate; indicating a non-convergent graph, thus, the performance of classification model is still not good enough. Furthermore, to describe more detail on the classification performance, the ROC curve and the Precision-Recall curve are calculated and presented in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12, respectively.

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Fig. 11. ROC for 50% training data and 50% testing data separation

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Fig. 12. Precision-Recall for 50% training data and 50% testing data separation​​​​​​​

From the ROC curve in Fig. 11 it can be seen that the true positive rate is 0.9983, while the false positive rate is 0.0149 and from the Precision-Recall curve in Fig. 12, it can be seen that the Precision value is 0.9961, while the Recall value is 0.9983, this value is obtained from the values parameter contained in confusion matrix, i.e.: TP value= 97701, FP value= 382, FN value =163 and TN value= 25313. The FN value and FP value are still high, so the model is still not good for the classifying process.

Next, we consider the experiment with 60:40 data separation. Fig. 13 and Fig. 14 show the Accuracy and Loss comparison during the training and testing phase.

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Fig. 13. Accuracy of classification with 60% training data and 40% testing data

In Fig. 13, it is shown that the resulting accuracy yet experiences drastic fluctuated in the 28th and the 40th epochs, and then begins to stabilize on the 60th epoch. The figure shows a graph that does not converge, so the performance of the resulting classification model is still not good. Similarly in Fig. 14, it can be seen that the loss value is fluctuated as well. The two figures still show non-convergent graph, thus the performance of the resulting classification model is still not good. Furthermore, to describe more detail on the classification performance, the ROC curve and the Precision-Recall curve are calculated and presented in Fig. 15 and Fig. 16, respectively.

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Fig. 14. Loss of classification with 60% training data and 40% testing data​​​​​​​

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Fig. 15. ROC of classification with 60% training data and 40% testing data

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Fig. 16. Precision-Recall of classification with 60% training data and 40% testing data​​​​​​​

ROC curve in Fig. 15 and the Precision-Recall curve in Fig. 16 describe the parameter values contained in matrix confusion, where TP value is 78307, FP value is 160, FN value is 172, TN value is 20209. The FN value has increased and the resulting FP value has actually decreased from the previous experiment results.

Next, the validation results for experiment with 70% training data and 30% testing data separation are presented. Fig. 17 and Fig. 18 show the Accuracy and Loss comparison during the training and testing phases. It can be seen from Fig. 17 that the resulting loss is still fluctuated, where the significant increment in Loss occurs at the 20th epoch. While in Fig. 18, it is shown that the Accuracy is also still fluctuated, where significant decline and upswing occurred in the 22nd and 32nd epochs. From the two graphs, it is shown that the graphs are non-convergent, so the performance of the resulting classification model is still not good.

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Fig. 17. Accuracy of classification with 70% training data and 30% testing data

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Fig. 18. Loss of classification with 60% training data and 40% testing data​​​​​​​

Furthermore, to describe more detail on the classification performance, the ROC curve and the Precision-Recall curve are calculated and shown in Fig. 19 and Fig. 20, respectively. ROC curve in Fig. 19 and the Precision-Recall curve in the Fig. 20 describe the parameter values contained in the matrix confusion, where TP value is 58791, the FP value is 59, the FN value is 194, and the TN value is 15092. Based on the confusion matrix, the value of FP has decreased from the previous experiment results. However, the resulted FN and FP values are considered still understated.

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Fig. 19. ROC of classification with 70% training data and 30% testing data

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Fig. 20. Precision-Recall of classification with 70% training data and 30% testing data​​​​​​​

Next is the validation result for experiment with 80% training data and 20% testing data. Fig. 21 and Fig. 22 show the Accuracy and Loss comparison during the training and testing phases. It can be seen in Fig. 21, the resulted loss is fluctuated, where the significant increment in the Loss occurred at the 59th epoch. Fig. 22 shows that the resulted Accuracy still shows fluctuated result, where the significant decline and increment occurred in the 49th and 48th epochs. The two figures exhibit a non-convergent graph, so the performance of the resulted classification model is still not good. Furthermore, to describe more detail on the classification performance, the ROC curve and the Precision-Recall curve are calculated and shown in Fig. 23 and Fig. 24, respectively.

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Fig. 21. Accuracy of classification with 80% training data and 20% testing data

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Fig. 22. Loss of classification with 80% training data and 20% testing data

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Fig. 23. ROC of classification with 80% training data and 20% testing data

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Fig. 24. Precision-Recall of classification with 80% training data and 20% testing data​​​​​​​

ROC curve in Fig. 23 and the Precision-Recall curve in the Fig. 24 describe the parameter values contained in the Confusion matrix, where the TP value is 39166, the FP value is 68, the FN value is 108 and the TN value is 10082. The FN value has decreased from the previous experiment. However, the resulting FN and FP values are considered still be understated.

Lastly, the validation results of the experiment with 90% training data and 10% testing data are presented. Fig. 25 and Fig. 26 show the Accuracy and Loss comparison during the training and testing phase with 90% training data and 10% testing data. It can be seen in Fig 25 that the Loss experiences significant increase in the 69th epoch. While in Fig. 26, the Accuracy again decreases in the 42nd and 70th epoch. From the two figures, it still shows non-convergent graph, so the performance of the resulting classification model is still not good.

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Fig. 25. Accuracy of classification with 90% training data and 10% testing data

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Fig. 26. Loss of classification with 90% training data and 10% testing data​​​​​​​

To describe further details on the classification performance, the ROC curve and the Precision-Recall curve are shown in Fig. 27 and Fig. 28, respectively.

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Fig. 27. ROC of classification testing with 90% training data and 10% testing data

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Fig. 28. Precision-Recall of classification testing with 90% training data and 10% testing data​​​​​​​

ROC curve in Fig. 27 and Precision-Recall curve in Fig. 28 describe the parameter values contained in the Confusion matrix, where the TP value is 19585, FP value is 32, FN value is 35, and TN value is 5060. It is observed that the values of FN and FP have decreased significantly from previous experiments. The use of 90% training data and 10% testing scenario achieved the best performance in term of Confusion matrix parameters.

Based on observation results presented in Table 15. Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity, Specificity Value and F-Score values are calculated and presented in in Table 16. The validation result of experiment with 50% training data and 50% testing data provided accuracy value of 99.50% in the training phase. While the validation result during the testing phase provided Accuracy value of 99.55%, Specificity value of 99.36%, Sensitivity value of 99.61%, F1-score value 99.72%, and Precision value 99.83%. The Accuracy value is relatively good, however there is still a room for further improvement. These results are considered still not good enough for classification. Then, the validation results of experiment with 60% training data and 40% testing data provided Accuracy value 99.65% during the training phase. As for the testing phase, it generated Accuracy value of 99.66%, Specificity value of 99.15%, Sensitivity value of 99.79%, F1-score value of 99.78%, and Precision value of 99.78%. The Accuracy value has increased if compared to the previous experiment. However, the Accuracy value is yet considered to be improved, so the results are still not good in classifying.

Table 15. Comparison of validation results of different training data and testing data separation

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Table 16. BACC and MCC validation result​​​​​​​

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Next, the validation results of experiment with training data 70% and testing data 30% provided Accuracy value of 99.64% during the training phase. As for the testing phase, it produced Accuracy value of 99.65%, Specificity value of 98.73%, Sensitivity value of 99.89%, F1-score value of 99.67%, and Precision value of 99.78%. The regained Accuracy value has increased when compared to the previous accuracy value. However, the accuracy value is still considered able to be improved, so the results are still not good in classifying.

The validation results of experiment with 80% training data and 20% testing data provided Accuracy value of 99.65% during the training phase. As for the testing phase, it generated Accuracy value of 99.64%, Specificity value of 99.94%, Sensitivity value of 99.82%, F1-score value of 99.77% and Precision value of 99.72%. The regained Accuracy value has increased from the previous experiment. However, the accuracy value is considered able to be improved, so the results are still not good in classifying. Finally, validation results of experiment with 90% training data and 10% testing data resulted in Accuracy value of 99.71% during training phase. As for the testing phase, it generated Accuracy value of 99.72%, Specificity value of 99.31%, Sensitivity value of 99.83%, F1-score value of 99.82% and Precision value of 99.82%. The regained accuracy value has increased from the previous experiment. From overall experiment results, this 90% training data and the 10% testing data separation scenario achieved the best performance.

The validation results of BACC and MCC also showed that 5-layer Autoencoder model with 90% training data and 10% testing data separation scenario achieved the best performance as displayed in Table 16.

With the aim to measure the robustness of the selected model, it was experimented using different dataset that has more records of data, in this case using the N_BaIoT dataset. This data has a number of different classes. The MedBIoT dataset used in the initial test has the Normal and the Attack labels, while the N_BaIoT dataset has Benign, Mirai, and Bahslite labels. Comparison of the selected model performance on the two datasets is presented in Table 17. The results show that the selected model has very good performance on the N_BaIoT dataset with an accuracy rate of up to 99.99%.

Table 17. Comparison of validation results on the MedBIoT and N_BaIoT datasets

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4.3 Comparison with previous research works

After completing series of experiments, now the experimental result is compared with previous studies that used various types of datasets, both using machine learning and deep learning classifiers. Besides, we also perform comparison with those studies that consider dimensionality reduction methods or not. The comparison results showed that the proposed method of this research work achieved higher level of accuracy as can be seen in Table 18.

Table 18. Comparison of experimental result with previous research works

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4.4 Discussion

Nowadays, DDOS attacks have become a very serious problem. All networks connected to the Internet are very vulnerable to DDOS attacks. The IoT network has recently developed very rapidly. Thus, it has also become the target of DDOS attacks as revealed by research works in [35]–[37]; DDOS attacks are carried out on cloud computing IoT networks. Besides, DDOS attacks are now carried out on edge computing IoT networks [38].

In detecting cyberattacks, one of the most crucial requirements is to have high detection accuracy. Therefore, researchers attempt to come out with ideas to achieve the requirement. There are two aspects we may consider, i.e.: 1) reducing the data attributes’ dimensions and 2) better classifier algorithms. This research work has chosen Autoencoder as dimensionality reduction method that managed very well in reducing the data dimensionality significantly, even with low number of layers of the Autoencoder. It can be verified by the decreasing of the dataset file size from 152 Megabyte (MB) into 12.6 MB (equivalent to 91.2% reduction).

At the same time, the classification process still provided acceptable accuracy level that can be seen from the accuracy level of the experiment results with different scenario of training and testing dataset separation. The selected features are used as the basis of the ANN classifier to perform normal traffic vs. attack traffic classification. We conducted 5 different dataset separation scenarios to investigate the behavior of the classifier as well as to study the effects of the training data’s size on the detection accuracy. We found out that the dataset separation very much affects the detection performance, i.e. the more data portion for the training phase, the better accuracy performance of the ANN classifier. The experiment result with the data separation scenario of 90% training data vs. 10% testing data provided the highest accuracy, i.e.: 99.72%. Moreover, we also measured the other performance metrics to validate the accuracy results. The performance metrics for the best scenario are: Precision value of 99.82%, Specificity value of 99.31%, Sensitivity value of 99.83% and F1-score value of 99.82%. The metrics indicated a good classification result achieved by the proposed method, which combine the 5-layer Autoencoder dimensionality reduction method with ANN classifier.

Similar research works on botnet attacks detection on IoT network have been carried out, such as research work conducted by Zhao et al. [32], where the PCA method was used in dimensionality reduction on KDD CUP 99 dataset and combined with Softmax classifier and obtained detection accuracy rate of 84.99%. Then Bahsi et al. [16] used the Fisher score method in reducing the dimensionality of the N-BaIoT dataset then used k-NN classifier and obtained detection accuracy rate of 97.24%. Another research work conducted by Nomm and Bahsi [20] used a method of reducing the entropy dimensions on N-BaIoT dataset and were further classified using SVM until achieved detection accuracy value of 93.15%.

Furthermore, Kunang et al. [33] used an optimized Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) as classifier, resulting detection accuracy rate of 83.05% on NSL-KDD dataset and 95.78% on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset. On research works using the MedBIoT dataset, Kalakoti et al. [34] implemented the Decision Tree classification method and reported result of 99.41% detection accuracy rate. Other research work by Guerra-Manzanares et al. [22] implemented the Random Forest classification method and reported that the proposed method can detect attacks with an accuracy rate of 97.66%%

Meanwhile, the proposed work achieved 99.72% detection accuracy as the best accuracy. The strength of the proposed work in this paper is the use of dataset that represent medium-sized real IoT network and contains actual IoT botnet malicious network traffic. Therefore, the achieved performance metrics are significant.

5. Conclusion and Future Work

An IoT botnet attack detection system has been developed through a combination of deep Autoencoder and ANN. Experimental results showed that the use of deep Autoencoder as dimensionality reduction method highly affects the results obtained at classification stage. The classification process becomes more efficient, because the data is relatively smaller than the original data so that it can save memory usage. The classification result by applying the ANN algorithm, obtained accuracy value of 99.72%, precision of 99.82%, sensitivity of 99.82%, specificity of 99.31%, and F1-score value of 99.82%. Based on these results, the ANN algorithm has succeeded in increasing the values of Accuracy, Precision, Specificity, F1-score, and Sensitivity for binary cases.

For further research, the authors plan to conduct experiments on classification with more data as well as the implementation of deep learning algorithms. Referring to the research trends on cyber security that will emerge in the future [39], the author also consider the use of artificial intelligence techniques for detecting, identifying, and responding to various forms of IoT cyber-attacks automatically. Furthermore, preventing IoT data breaches in cloud computing, information degradation, identity disclosure, playback, and denial of service IoT attacks are interesting topics. Thus, leveraging Artificial Intelligence techniques in preventing cyber-attacks on IoT data services on edge computing is considered as future research. Lastly, the use of quantum computing in detecting, identifying, and responding to various forms of IoT cyber-attacks is also become one of the authors focus in the future.

Notations and Acronyms

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