Therapeutic Effects of Acupuncture for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

어깨충돌증후군에 대한 침치료의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석

  • Jeong Hoon Ahn (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine Hospital of Sangji University) ;
  • Gun Hee Bae (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Bundang Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine) ;
  • Byung-Jun Kim (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine Hospital of Sangji University) ;
  • In-Hwa Park (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine Hospital of Sangji University) ;
  • In Heo (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Pusan National University Korean Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Yun-Yeop Cha (Department of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation, Korean Medicine Hospital of Sangji University)
  • 안정훈 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 한방재활의학과) ;
  • 배건희 (분당자생한방병원 한방재활의학과) ;
  • 김병준 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 한방재활의학과) ;
  • 박인화 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 한방재활의학과) ;
  • 허인 (부산대학교 한방병원 한방재활의학과) ;
  • 차윤엽 (상지대학교 부속한방병원 한방재활의학과)
  • Received : 2023.12.19
  • Accepted : 2023.12.27
  • Published : 2024.01.31


Objectives This review was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effects of manual acupuncture (MA) for shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS). Methods We searched 12 electronic databases (DBpia, Korean studies Information Service System [KISS], Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System [OASIS], Research Information Sharing Service [RISS], China National Knowledge Infrastructure [CNKI], CINAHL, Clinical Key, Cochrane Library, Embase, JAMA, PubMed, Web of Science) to find randomized-controlled clinical trials (RCTs) investigating therapeutic effects of MA for treating SIS. Shoulder Pain and Disability Index scores and numeric pain rating scale or visual analogue scale were analyzed as the main evaluation criteria. Results Among 181 studies, 169 were screened and only 12 RCTs were eligible in our review. Finally, 11 RCTs could be statistically analyzed. MA was more effective than sham treatment and physical therapy in terms of reducing pain (p=0.003, p=0.0007 each). Electroacupuncture (EA) showed more significant effect than physical therapy (PT) for improving shoulder pain (p<0.00001) and shoulder functionality (p<0.00001). Conclusions These results suggest that MA and EA could be superior option for treating SIS than sham treatment or PT. However this review has its limitations due to the small sample size and lack of well-designed RCTs that were included in the study. Further well-designed RCTs are necessary to provide high-level evidence.



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