이 논문은 2022학년도 제주대학교 교원성과지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.
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- D. S. Kim and Y. J. Sung, Manufacturing Functional Pulp Mold with Citrus Pomace, J. Korea TAPPI, 52, 58-66 (2020).
- Y. D. Kim, W. J. Ko, K. S. Koh, y. J. Jeon, and S. H. Kim, Composition of flavonoids and antioxidative activity from juice of Jeju native citrus fruits during maturation, Korean J. Nutr., 42, 278-290 (2009).
- S. M. Park, K. Y. Ko, and I. H. Kim, Optimization of d-limonene extraction from tangerine peel in various solvents by using soxhlet extractor, Korean Chem. Eng. Res., 53, 717-722 (2015).
- E. Y. Song, Y. H. Choi, K. H. Kand, and J. S. Koh, Free sugar, organic acid, hesperidin, naringin and inorganic elements changes of Cheju citrus fruits according to harvest date, Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 30, 303-312 (1998).
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- H. J. Bae, H. K. Shin, and I. S. Choi, Method for removing limonene and device for removing limonene in biomass saccharification liquid and bioethanol production using removal method, PCT/KR2014-007693 (2015).
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