이 논문은 2022년도 중앙대학교 CAU GRS 지원에 의하여 작성되었음.
- Cho, Jane (2009). A study for RDA implementation scenarios and future bibliographic control. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 43(3), 85-105.
- Doh, Taehyeon (2012). A study on instructions for access points representing works and expressions in RDA. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 43(3), 27-48.
- Kim, Jeong Hyen (2013). A study on the direction for the revision of Korean cataloguing rules. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(4), 123-143.
- KLA Cataloging Committee (2024). Korean Cataloging Rules (5th ed.) Draft. Seoul: Korean Library Association.
- Lee, Eun Ju (2024). A study on the proposal of guideline for uniform title of legal works. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 58(1), 329-349.
- Lee, Mihwa (2016). A study on the construction of work and expression authority records. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(3), 71-94.
- Lee, Mihwa (2023). A study on methods of describing manifestation applying RDA 2020. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 57(3), 49-70.
- Lee, Mihwa, Lee, Eun Ju, & Rho, Jee Hyun (2022). Cataloging trends after LRM and its acceptance in KORMARC bibliographic format. Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for Library and Information Science, 33(1), 25-45.
- Lee, Mihwa & Rho, Jee Hyun (2016). A study on the directions of authorized access point in KCR4. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(1), 47-69.
- Lee, Seungmin (2021). Construction of BIBFRAME-Based linking structure for interrelating bibliographic records for alternative format materials. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 55(3), 281-301.
- Metadata & Sustainable Access Division, National Library of Korea (2023). The National Bibliography 2030 Toward the Next Generation of Library Metadata. Available:
- Rho, Jee Hyun (2016a). Suggestions on the revision of Korean cataloging rules for personal name authority records and authorized access point. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2), 201-229.
- Rho, Jee Hyun (2016b). A study on the language and script of authorized access points representing multilingual works. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(4), 123-147.
- Rho, Jee Hyun (2023). A study on constructing preferred titles and authorized acess point for religious works. Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 54(4), 105-122.
- Rho, Jee Hyun, Lee, Mihwa, & Lee, Eun Ju (2023). Cataloging Theory and Practice. Seoul: Korean Library Association.
- ALA, CFLA, & CILIP (2024). RDA Toolkit. Available:
- Delsey, T. (2009). RDA Database Implementation Scenarios. Available:
- IFLA Study Group on the FRBR (2009). Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records: Final Report. Available:
- IFLA Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records (FRANAR) (2009). Functional Requirements for Authority Data. 김태수 번역 (2012). 전거 데이터의 기능 요건(FRAD) 개념모형. 서울: 국립중앙도서관.
- RDA Steering Committee (2017). RDA original toolkit. Available:
- Taniguchi, S. (2012). Viewing RDA from FRBR and FRAD: Does RDA Represent a Different Conceptual Model?. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 50(8), 929-943.
- 古川 肇 (2011). 体現形.個別資料に対する典拠形アクセスポイントはなぜ必要か. 資料組織化研究-e, 61, 31-34.