이 논문은 2024년도 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI)의 기본사업으로 수행된 연구임 (과제번호: (KISTI) K-24-L1-M1-C2).
- Hwang, Ok-Gyung (2004). A study on the model license for electronic journal. Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 38(1), 199-228.
- Jung, Youngim (2021). Current Status of AI Applications in Scholarly Publishing Services (AI TREND WATCH 2021-22), Korea Information Society Development Institute.
- Jung, Youngim (2023, July 20). Analyzing electronic information license agreements and preparing model agreements for the Open Access era. Online Seminar.
- Jung, Youngim, Kim, Hwanmin, Jeong, Ginu, An, Byoung-goon, & Kim, Wanjong (2024). Analysis of the costs of the transition to Open Access for major domestic research and higher education institutions with the global expansion of Open Access publishing. KISTI Issue Brief, 70, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information.
- Jung, Youngim, Kim, Jae-Hun, & Kim, Jeong-Hwan (2010). Study on Availability of KESLI Consortium Model License by Comparative Analysis of International Standard License Models. KSLA Bulletin, 2, 43-56.
- Korean Council for University Education (2023). Standard Contract of the University Consortium.
- Korea Education and Research Information Service (2004). University license Database list. ACE KERIS University License. Available:
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (2008). Study on the Development of a KESLI Standard Agreement Model. Daejeon: Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information.
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (2015). Consortia list. KESLI. Available:
- Ryu, Shiwon (2024). Recommendations on copyright policy making process in the age of artificial intelligence. Government Legislation, 704, 109-146.
- Bebbington, L. (2001). Managing content: licensing, copyright, and privacy issues in managing electronic resources. Legal Information Management, 1(2), 4-12.
- Clifford, L., Rachael, S., Heather S., & Richard, S. (2023, December 19). Closing plenary: Open access, open scholarship, & machine learning: a panel & community conversation. CNI: Coalition for Networked Information. Available:
- Cox, J. (2000). Model generic licenses: cooperation and competition. Serials Review, 26(1), 3-9.
- CRKN(Canadian Research Knowledge Network) (2013). History of CRKN. Canadian Research Knowledge Network. Available:
- David, F. & Vinh-The, L. (2003). Canadian national site licensing project: getting ready for CNSLP at the university of saskatchewan library. The Serials Librarian, 43(3), 39-57.
- ESAC Initiative (2014). ESAC Transformative Agreement Registry. ESAC. Available:
- ESAC Initiative (2015). Guidelines for transformative agreements. ESAC Initiative. Available:
- Hinchliffe, L. J. (2019, April 23). Transformative agreements: A primer. The Scholarly Kitchen. Available:
- Hoffman, E. (2005). The Canadian national site licensing project and the logic model. The Bottom Line, 18(1), 14-23.
- ICOLC(International Coalition of Library Consortia) (2024, March 22). ICOLC statement on AI in licensing. ICOLC. Available:
- JISC(Joint Information Systems Committee) (2023a). Jisc Model Licences. Licence subscriptions manager. Available:
- JISC(Joint Information Systems Committee) (2023b). Guide to the Model Licence (FAQ). Available:
- LIBLICENSE Project (2015). Liblicense Model License Agreement with Commentary. Center for Research Libraries. Available:
- NISO(National Information Standards Organization) (2008, January 5). NISO issues best practices for Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU). Library Technology Guides. Available:
- NISO(National Information Standards Organization) (2015, May 31). Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU). NISO. Available:
- Okerson, A. (1997, April 24-25). The transition to electronic content licensing: the institutional context in 1997. Paper presented at the Scholarly Communication and Technology Conference of the Andrew. W. Mellon Foundation. Emory University, US.
- Rachael, S. (2023, October 24). UC Berkeley Library to Copyright Office: Protect fair uses in AI training for research and education. Berkeley Library Update. Available:
- Rachael, S., Timothy, V., & Samantha, T. (2024, January 10). Licensing reearch content via agreements that authorize uses of artificial intelligence. Authors Alliance. Available:
- Sag, M. (2023). Copyright safety for generative AI. Houston Law Review, 61(2), 295-347.
- Sandiumenge, I. (2023). Copyright Implications of the Use of Generative AI. SSRN.
- SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding. NISO RP-7-2012.
- UC Publisher Strategy and Negotiation Task Force (2019). Negotiating with scholarly journal publishers: A toolkit from the University of California. UCSF: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Available:
- Wise, A. & Estelle, L. (2023). A free toolkit to foster open access agreements. Insights: the UKSG Journal, 36(1), 3. Available: