A Study on the Production of Smart fitness wear with Integrated Sensor module-Electrode-Circuit

센서모듈-전극-회로가 일체화된 스마트 피트니스웨어 제작 연구

  • Rira Kim (Dept. of Fashion Design, Suwon Women's University) ;
  • Byeongha Ryu ( Design R&D Center, Shin Textile Solutions Co., Ltd.)
  • 김리라 (수원여자대학교 패션디자인과) ;
  • 유병하 ((주)신티에스 디자인연구소)
  • Received : 2024.06.16
  • Accepted : 2024.08.29
  • Published : 2024.09.30


The aim of this study is to develop smart fitness wear by designing and producing a prototype with integrated sensor modules, electrodes, and circuits. The research process was carried out in the following steps: 1) Selecting the positions of the sensors and electrodes based on preliminary research and exercise analysis, 2) Designing and creating patterns of smart fitness wear, 3) Designing the circuit diagram of smart fitness wear, 4) Producing the prototype, and 5) Evaluating wearability. The study reached the following key conclusions. First, the optimal placement of sensor modules and electrodes. Second, the functional design of the smart fitness wear. Third, improvements based on the usability evaluation. These research findings are expected to make a significant contribution to the future development of the fashion industry incorporating IT. The smart fitness wear developed in this study demonstrates the potential for integrating IT with the fashion industry. This product has the potential to be utilized not only in sportswear but also in various healthcare fields, enhancing user experience through personalized health management and tailored feedback.



이 연구는 2024년도 산업통상자원부 및 산업기술평가관리원(KEIT) 연구비 지원에 의한 연구임('20016037')


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