Development of Optimal Yoga Wear Design for Active Senior Women

액티브 시니어 여성이 선호하는 요가복 디자인 개발

  • Haemil Kim (Dept. of Textile & Clothing Design, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Jeong-wook Choi (Dept. of Textile & Clothing Design, Kyung Hee University)
  • 김해밀 (경희대학교 대학원, 텍스타일.패션디자인학과) ;
  • 최정욱 (경희대학교, 의류디자인학과)
  • Received : 2024.08.26
  • Accepted : 2024.09.12
  • Published : 2024.09.30


This study aims to develop yoga wear for active senior women aged 50-60 who engage in social activities based on time and economic availability. With the rapid growth of the elderly population, active seniors have become prominent consumers, showing a keen interest in cultural and sports activities, particularly yoga, which suits their physical structure and characteristics. Despite the increased interest in home training and healthcare post-pandemic, research on active senior's athleisure wear remains insufficient compared to younger demographics. This study conducted a literature review to understand the characteristics of active seniors and their needs for yoga wear, followed by a survey of 24 women aged 50 and above who practice yoga. The survey was conducted to assess yoga participation, current yoga wear usage, and design preferences. Results indicated that most respondents practiced yoga for less than a year, primarily for health and stress relief. While 65.2% were aware of specialized yoga brands, only 50% wore them, citing high prices and size mismatches as barriers. Functionality was the most critical factor affecting yoga wear purchase decisions, followed by design, material, and color/pattern preferences. Preferred top designs included V-neck, crew neck, and cowl neck with three-quarter sleeves, while leggings with a full-band waist were favored for bottoms. The study highlights the need for affordable, functional, and size-diverse yoga wear for active senior women, suggesting that modern, sophisticated designs are more appealing to this demographic. These findings provide essential guidelines for developing yoga wear that meets the specific needs of active senior women. As a result, this research has suggested three different yoga wear designs for active seinor women, using 3D Clo.



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