Intraoperative navigation in craniofacial surgery

  • Dong Hee Kang (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dankook University Hospital)
  • Received : 2024.09.04
  • Accepted : 2024.10.11
  • Published : 2024.10.20


Craniofacial surgery requires comprehensive anatomical knowledge of the head and neck to ensure patient safety and surgical precision. Over recent decades, there have been significant advancements in imaging techniques and the development of real-time surgical navigation systems. Intraoperative navigation technology aligns surgical instruments with imaging-derived information on patient anatomy, enabling surgeons to closely follow preoperative plans. This system functions as a radiologic map, improving the accuracy of instrument placement and minimizing surgical complications. The introduction of first-generation navigation systems in the early 1990s revolutionized surgical procedures by enabling real-time tracking of instruments using preoperative imaging. Initially utilized in neurosurgery, intraoperative navigation has since become standard practice in otolaryngology, cranio-maxillofacial surgery, and orthopedics. Since the 2000s, second-generation navigation systems have been developed to meet the growing demand for precision across various surgical specialties. The adoption of these systems in craniofacial surgery has been slower, but their use is increasing, particularly in procedures such as foreign body removal, facial bone fracture reconstruction, tumor resection, and craniofacial reconstruction and implantation. In Korea, insurance coverage for navigation in craniofacial surgery began in 2021, and new medical technologies for orbital wall fracture treatment were approved in August 2022. These technologies have only recently become clinically available, but are expected to play an increasingly important role in craniofacial surgery. Intraoperative navigation enhances operative insight, improves target localization, and increases surgical safety. Although these systems have a steep learning curve and initially prolong surgery, efficiency improves with experience. Calibration issues, registration errors, and soft tissue deformation can introduce inaccuracies. Nonetheless, navigation technology is evolving, and the integration of intraoperative computed tomography data holds promise for further enhancements of surgical accuracy. This paper discusses the various types and applications of navigation employed in craniofacial surgery, highlighting their benefits and limitations.



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