KBART 저널 목록 다운로드
해당 분류에 1,775종의 학술지가 있습니다.
Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
- 2234-6953
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- 1985.11.01 ~
- http://ocean.kisti.re.kr/IS_mvpopo001P.do?method=multMain&poid=kssyz
Animal cells and systems
- 1976-8354
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- 2008.03.31 ~
- http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tacs20/current
Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- 1225-3618
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- 1989.02.28 ~
- https://aoemj.org/
Applied Biological Chemistry
- 2468-0834
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- 1960.12.31 ~
- http://link.springer.com/journal/13765
Applied Science and Convergence Technology
- 2288-6559
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- 2014.01.01 ~
- http://www.e-asct.org
Archives of Pharmacal Research
- 0253-6269
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- 1978.12.30 ~
- http://www.springer.com/12272