한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference) (Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference)
한국콘크리트학회 (Korea Concrete Institute)
- 반년간
- 재료 > 세라믹재료
한국콘크리트학회 2005년도 추계 학술발표회 제17권2호
To investigate the effective seismic strengthening methods for masonry walls in developing countries, a total of four confined masonry (CM) walls were constructed and tested. In order to investigate the effect of the height of application point of lateral loads and reinforcing steel bars in walls and columns for the improvement of the seismic behavior of confined concrete block masonry walls, an experimental research program is conducted. The heights of inflection point considered were 0.67 and 1.11 times the height of the wall measured from the top of foundation beam. The constant vertical axial stress applied was 0 MPa. During the test, cracking patterns, load-deflection data, and strains in reinforcement and walls in critical locations was measured. From test data, it was showed that the seismic performance of confined concrete block masonry walls was significantly affected by test variables.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical characteristics of plain and steel fiber high strength concrete under uniaxial and biaxial loading condition. A number of plain and steel fiber high strength concrete cubes having 28 days compressive strength of 82.7Mpa (12,000psi) were made and tested. Four principal compression stress ratios, and four fiber concentrations were selected as major test variables. From test results, it is shown that confinement stress in minor stress direction has pronounced effect on the strength and deformational behavior. Both of the stiffness and ultimate strength of the plain and fiber high strength concrete increased. The maximum increase of ultimate strength occurred at biaxial stress ratio of 0.5 in the plain high strength concrete and the value were recorded 30 percent over than the strength under uniaxial condition. The failure modes of plain high strength concrete under uniaxial compression were shown as splitting type of failure but steel fiber concrete specimens under biaxial condition showed shear type failure.
Four precast concrete beam-column connectors for the apartment buildings were considered to develop a modified model which was adapt to domestic construction conditions from the DDC(Dywidag Ductile Connectors) of Germany. Special H-shape steel were used to decrease the width of column and beams for the construction of external frames of apartments. It was found that the DDC had high joint strength and ductility, however failed in x-shape crackings in the columns. The modified one showed better behaviors in tests because they did not show critical column crackings at failure. The test result of modified one with grouting were compared to that of the one without grouting within the duct. The one with grouting showed higher strength and ductility in failure than that without grouting.
This study is aimed to investigate the strength variation of fire-damaged reinforced concrete column by non-destructive test. It is studied to infer the recovery degree of residual strength of fire-damaged concrete. For measuring the surface hardness of RC columns. Schmidt hammer test is used. Testing is performed three-times: before fire test, directly after fire test and after 20 days.
Moment-curvature relation of RC pier is influenced greatly in occurrence form of crack and difference is happened according to consideration existence and nonexistence of tension stiffening effect. However, studies considering these is very insufficient misgovernment. Also, it is sometimes unavoidable lap splice of axial reinforcement in plastic hinge region of RC piers. However, specific design standard about lap splice of axial reinforcement is unprepared real condition and study about effect that lap splice of axial reinforcement get in occurrence form of crack is insufficient misgovernment. Therefore, in this paper, experiments are performed with hollow RC piers that do lap splice of axial reinforcement by main variable. And this study present analytical method about moment-curvature relation of hollow RC pier that consider tension stiffening effect and analyze effect that lap splice of axial reinforcement gets in occurrence form of crack. Analytic method of moment-curvature relation of RC pier that present in this study shows very similar motion with experiment result and crack interval of RC pier is suffering dominate impact in the augmented reinforcement amount by lap splice and average crack interval decreases as lap splice ratio increases.
In this study, new methods of PC panel connection using 'ㄷ'type steel connection is proposed for highly seismic zone. A study was carry out to investigate the connection behavior subjected to cyclic inelastic loading. Three planar type and two T type PC wall will be tested. The variables will be examined were the shear reinforcement existence of top and bottom walls. The specimens will be tested only reverse cyclic loading in accordance with a prescribed displacement history. To transfer the shear strength shear key set up between top and bottom wall. Failure mode, behavior, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the specimens constructed by new connections wll be compared with those of monolithic walls and Han's(Han, Jun Hee, Seoul National University) model.
The elastic buckling load or strength of a concentrically loaded slender metal column may be increased many times by reinforcing it with an assemblage of pretensioned stays and rigidity connected crossarm members. The complete system is herein referred to as a 'stayed column'. The purpose of the pretensioned stays and crossarm members is to introduce, at several points along the length of the column, restraint against translation and rotation and thereby decrease the effective unsupported buckling length of the column. This paper verifies that pretensioned cable of stayed column is effective for cyclic load and increases strength of shear wall against earthquake by reinforcing side of wall. Design process of stayed column which satisfies demanded capacity and ductility of wall is presented by analyzing result of experiment.
An experimental investigation on the strength and behavior of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite(HPFRCC) column with Polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) fibers under axial load have been carried out. The columns were subjected to monotonic axial compression until failure. The variables in this study are the combination ratio of PVA, and the volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement. Test results showed that the fibers, when used in PVA2.0, could result in superior composite performance compared to their individual fiber reinforced cement composites.
This paper presents the comparison of the goodness-of-fit test of analytical bond models between concrete and steel or GFRP reinforcements. Bond test specimens were made by the CSA code and the rebars used in the test were steel and two kinds of GFRP rebar commercially utilized. The comparison of goodness-of-fit test for existing bond models and new proposed bond model was carried out by the least squares method. The result indicates that the new proposed bond model has better goodness-of-fit test than the existing ones.
Reinforced dual concrete beam (RDC beam) is the reformed system that improves the overall structural properties of beam by partially applying high performance steel fiber reinforced concrete (HPSFRC) in the lower tension part of conventional reinforced concrete beam (RC beam). Fatigue test was done to prove the structural superiority of RDC beam. As a result of fatigue test, the deflection of RDC beam was decreased obviously and the slope of number of cycle-deflection relation curve of RDC beam was increased gently in comparison with RC beam.
Three precast concrete beam-column connectors for the high-rise office buildings were considered to investigate the prestressing effects of the DDC(Dywidag Ductile Connectors) of Germany and of the modified DDC. The specimens of DDC, DDC with post-tensioning and modified DDC with post-tensioning were constructed and tested to verify the safety. The DDC with and without post-tensioning showed reliable joint strength and ductility but failed in critical x-shape crackings at the column. The modified one showed better behaviors in tests because they did not show critical column crackings at failure. The use of prestressing did not helpful significantly to increase the strength and ductility of connectors but helpful only to develop self-centering behavior for stability.
The purpose of this study is to investigate evaluation technique of damaged depth of concrete exposed at high temperature. In order to evaluate damaged depth of core picked at member under fire, the 12 specimens have been made with variables of concrete strength(20Mpa, 40Mpa, 60Mpa). Water absorption after heating has been measured and split tensile stress test was performed. The results show that the deeper of the depth from heating face, water absorption ratio is smaller and tensile failure stress is larger. Using this technique at damage evaluation of fired structure, We evaluate damaged depth of member under fire and determine the reasonable strengthening range.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relation between color change and residual compressive strength in concrete exposed to high temperature. In order to study the color image analysis, the specimens have been tested with variables of concrete strengths (20Mpa, 40Mpa, 60Mpa) in transient heating conditions(
$800^{\circ}C$ heating and 4 hour preservation). The results show that the residual strength of specimens are coincident with the full development of the pink/red color and the method may be used to define the distance from a heated surface where strength degradation has occurred. -
This paper investigates the effect of ductile deformation behavior of high performance hybrid fiber-reinforced cement composites (HPHFRCCs) on the shear behavior of coupling beams to lateral load reversals. The matrix ductility and the reinforcement layout were the main variables of the tests. Three short coupling beams with two different reinforcement arrangements and matrixes were tested. They were subjected to cyclic loading by a suitable experimental setup. All specimens were characterized by a shear span-depth ratio of 1.0. The reinforcement layouts consisted of a classical scheme and diagonal scheme without confining ties. The effects of matrix ductility on deflections, strains, crack widths, crack patterns, failure modes, and ultimate shear load of coupling beams have been examined. The combination of a ductile cementitious matrix and steel reinforcement is found to result in improved energy dissipation capacity, simplification of reinforcement details, and damage-tolerant inelastic deformation behavior. Test results showed that the HPFRCC coupling beams behaved better than normal reinforced concrete control beams. These results were produced by HPHFRCC's tensile deformation capacity, damage tolerance and tensile strength.
The objective of this paper is to investigate and analyze the behaviour of prestressed I section structural members constructed with ultra high perfomance steel fiber reinforced cementitious concrete (SFR-UHPC). This material is known as reactive powder concrete (RPC) mixed with domestic materials and its compressive strength is over 150MP. The parameters of test specimens were span to depth ratio, prestressing force, prestressing wire placement and web width. Most influential parameter to determine the failure mode between shear and flexural action was proved to be shear span ratio. The characteristics of ultra high-strength concrete is basically brittle, but due to the steel fiber reinforcement behaviour of this structure member became ductile after the peak load. As a result of the test, the stress block of compressive zone should be redefined. The proposed analytical calculation of internal force capacity based by plastic analysis gave a good prediction for the shear and flexural strength of specimens. The numerical verification of the finite element model which constitutive law developed for Mode I fracture of fiber reinforced concrete correctly captured the overall behaviour of the specimens tested.
Recently to repair the structure of deteriorated concrete, LMC rehabilitation method is introduced. however, this method has the possible risks of brittle failure depending on bond performance of the interface. the prediction of interfacial behavior becomes essential to protect the failure. all of the studies which have been done about this field are only about material property such as strength, durability, bond. there is not enough data and studies about structural behavior and numerical analysis. therefore, in this study A flexural nonlinear analysis model of ABAQUS was proposed to predict the load-deflection response, interfacial stress, and ultimate strength. The parameter study showed that overlay thickness was a main influencing factor to the behavior of RC beam overlayed by LMC.
An analytical procedure to analyze reinforced concrete (RC) frame subject to cyclic as well as monotonic loadings is proposed on the basis of the layered section method. In contrast to the classical nonlinear approaches adopting the perfect bond assumption, the bond-slip effect along the reinforcing bar is quantified with the force equilibrium and compatibility condition at the post-cracking stage and its contribution is implemented into the reinforcing. The advantage of the proposed analytical procedure, therefore, will be on the consideration of the bond-slip effect while using the classical layered section method without additional consideration such as taking the double nodes. Through correlation studies between experimental data and analytical results, it is verified that the proposed analytical procedure can effectively simulate the cracking behavior of RC beams, columns and Frame accompanying the stiffness degradation caused by the bond-slip.
For reinforced concrete column under sustained loads, the member suffers additional lateral deflection due to creep. This deflection leads to additional bending in the member, which in turn causes the column to deflect still further. Therefore the secondary moment due to additional deflection causes an increase in primary moment and the strength of column is reduced. And also creep buckling may occur. On this study, nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete long column including crack effects is carried out and then the strength of long column is revaluated.
This paper discussed finite element method(FEM) models of the reinforced concrete frame retrofitted with cast-in plate infilled shear wall and analysed under constant axial and monotonic lateral load using ABAQUS. Detailed finite element models are created by studying the monotonic load response of the designed connection of reinforced concrete frame and cast-in plate infilled shear wall. The developed models account for the effect of material inelasticity, concrete cracking, geometric nonlinearity and bond-slip of steel, frame and infilled shear wall. In order to verify the proposed FEM, this study behaved analysis considered a diagonal reinforced steel. The analytical results compared with the experimental results.
Recently the construction of high-rise hybrid type building is progressively increased as the social demands. It is significantly important factors such as economy, the safety of structure, and the flexibility of internal space. Therefore new hybrid structural system, using slim flat plate system, is also required to be attained the reduction of story height, the flexibility and efficient use of space. The most suitable structural system is ,with the economy and flexibility, flat plate system in high-rise hybrid type building. But it was focused in the seismic performance for high performance flat plate system in high-rise hybrid type building. Therefore, in the study, to develop the new flat-plate system with high ductile, durable, good performance for the applications. It was evaluated the seismic performance in the critical region of slab-column connection. And then high performance flat plate system, designed by the economy and safety, was developed as a new technique in the application of high-rise hybrid type building.
In order to effectively resist seismic loads, coupling beams must be sufficiently stiff, strong and posses a stable load-deflection hysteretic response. This paper reports experimental data on the seismic performance of precast HPFRCC coupling beams with variable details. Precast HPFRCC coupling beam was tested to evaluate their failure modes. shear behavior, micro crack pattern and energy dissipation. Based on the experimental results, precast coupling beam with diagonal and rhombic details offer greater performance and ductility than coupling beam with normal detail.
The purpose of this study is to assess the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge piers using inelastic finite element analysis. The accuracy and objectivity of the assessment process may be enhanced by the use of sophisticated nonlinear finite element analysis program. A computer program, named RCAHEST(Reinforced Concrete Analysis in Higher Evaluation System Technology), for the analysis of reinforced concrete structures was used. The proposed numerical method for the seismic performance assessment of reinforced concrete bridge piers is verified by comparison with the reliable experimental results.
Recently there have been occurred many loss of life and extensive damage to social infrastructures due to moderate and strong earthquakes all over the world. In this research, major design factors have been evaluated for the establishment of the rational seismic design code of rectangular RC bridge piers. It was concluded from this study that the axial force ratio and the longitudinal steel ratio should be the most important influencing design parameter for the seismic displacement ductility. However those parameters are not considered in the confinement steel ratio of the KHBDS. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose a rational design equation for transverse reinforcements of rectangular RC bridge piers. New confinement steel ratio is proposed by introducing the effect of the axial force and the longitudinal steel to the current KHBDS. It is thought that these new codes could release the rebar congestion problem in the plastic hinge region of RC bridge piers which contribute to the enhancement of constructibility and economization for RC bridge construction.
Since the columns with flexure-shear failure have lower ductility than those with flexural failure, shear capacity curve models shall be applied as well as flexural capacity curve in order to determine ultimate displacement for seismic design or performance evaluation. In this paper, a modified shear capacity curve model is proposed and compared with the other models such as the CALTRANS model, Aschheim et al.'s model, and Priestley et al.'s model. Four shear capacity curve models are applied to the 4 full scale circular bridge column test results and the accuracy of each model is discussed. It may not be fully adequate to drive a final decision from the application to the limited number of test results, however the proposed model provides the better prediction of failure mode and ultimate displacement than the other models for the selected column test results.
It has been known that lab splices of the longitudinal reinforcement steel in bridge columns are not desirable for seismic performance, but it is sometimes unavoidable. Lap splices were usually be located in the plastic hinge region of most bridge columns that were constructed before the adoption of the seismic design provision of Korea Bridge Design Specification on 1992. This research is to evaluate the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge piers with lap splicing of longitudinal reinforcement in the plastic hinge region, and to develop the enhancement scheme of their seismic capacity by retrofitting with steel bands. It was observed that RC bridge specimens with lap-spliced longitudinal steels appeared to fail at low curvature and displacement ductility, but significant improvement was appeared in the ductility of RC specimens with steel bands retrofitted around the plastic hinge region.
This study is to develop detailing guidelines based on ductility demand for reinforced concrete bridge columns in areas of low to moderate seismicity. The current seismic design criteria of the Korea Design Specifications for Highway Bridge (KDSHB 2005) adopted the seismic design concept and requirements of the AASHTO specifications. In order to obtain full ductile behavior under seismic loads, i.e. when applied seismic force is larger than design flexural strength of column section, a response modification factor (R=3 or 5) is used. In moderate seismicity regions, however, adopting the full ductility design concept sometimes results in construction problems due to reinforcement congestion. The objective of this paper is to suggest a new simplified seismic design of reinforced concrete bridge columns for moderate seismicity regions.
In damage investigation of building structures suffering from earthquake, estimation of residual seismic capacity is essential in order to access the safety of the building against aftershocks and to judge the necessity of repair and restoration. It has been proposed that an evaluation method for post-earthquake seismic capacity of reinforced concrete buildings based. on the residual energy dissipation capacity (the residual seismic capacity ratio )in lateral force-displacement curve of structural members. The proposed method was adopted in the Japanese 'Damage Level Classification Standard' revised in 200l. To evaluate the residual seismic capacity of RC column, experimental tests with positive and negative cyclic loading was carried out using RC building column specimen. Parameters used by the experiment are deformability and member proportion. From the test results, it is appropriated that the residual seismic capacity of RC buildings damaged by earthquakes is evaluated using the method in the Guideline.
In this paper described is the basic concept of the Guideline for Post-earthquake Damage Assessment of RC buildings, revised in 2001, in Japan. This paper discusses the damage rating procedures based on the residual seismic capacity index R, the ratio of residual seismic capacity to the original capacity, that is consistent with the Japanese Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Existing RC Buildings, and their validity through calibration with observed damage due to the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu (Kobe) earthquake. Good agreement between the residual seismic capacity ratio and damage levels was observed.
In this study, in order to. investigate the effectiveness af tuned liquid damper (TLD) for the seismic performance enhancement af the existing reinforced concrete (RC) apartment structure which is nat seismically designed, shaking table test was conducted for the small scale five stary RC structure with TLD. TLD model was constructed to. have the frequency tuned to. the first modal frequency af the structure,
$2\%$ mass ratio. af the first modal mass, and 0.08 liquid depth ratio. White noise with$0.2\~5Hz$ frequency bandwidth tests were performed using the shaking table at Korea Institute af Machinery and Materials, and the displacement and absolute acceleration af each floor were measured. Test results indicate that mare than$30\%$ seismic responses reduction can be achieved using TLD for RC structure under white noise. -
In order to achieve target ductility the stress-strain relation of confined concrete is indispensible. In this study the specimens with different transverse reinforcement ratios were tested. The test results were compared with empirical equations and the characteristics of confinement effect were investigated.
The existing reinforcement methods of construction are the actual condition without the method of checking exact injection of adhesives clearly by the opacity of reinforcement material. In this study, in order to solve such a problem, the high strength transparent panel using a glass fiber is developed and in order to examine reinforcement effect of a panel clearly, the structure performance evaluation experiment was conducted. As a result, we knew that it can check with the naked eye the injection process of adhesives and reinforcement effect was also observable.
Recently new materials, such as fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) and other composite materials are being applied in reinforcing plate or plate or prestressing cables of concrete structures. Although these new materials themselves show the excellent durability and high strength, the bond behaviour between concrete surface and FRP is not well recognized. Therefore, this paper propose a evaluation method for effective bond length between fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) and concrete. To develop the evaluation method, this paper presents a review of current evaluation methods for effective bond length. These methods are compared by single face test, expose merits and demerits. And based on them, new evaluation method was developed. Finally, the new method was compared with existing methods to verify a adequateness for evaluation of effective bond length.
The primary purpose of this investigation is to find out the shear behavior and the shear capacity of RC bare frames, brick-infilled RC frames, and damper-retrofitted RC frames and to evaluate the average shear strength of brick--infill wall. The main variables art the absence of brick infill wall and steel plate slit damper. The test results show that the shear capacity of specimen IF-DR is 2.8 times as high as that of the specimen BF and it presents the fact that the retrofitting effect and the possibility of RC frame reuse with changing the slit damper is verified. And the average shear strength of the brick infill wall is figured to be at
$5.0 kgf/cm^2$ . -
Experimental research was conducted to investigate the characteristic of various CFRP strengthening methods. A total of 4 specimens of 3.3m length were tested in four point bending after strengthening them with externally bonded CFRP plates. The CFRP plates were bonded without prestress or with prestress levels of CFRP plate strain
$0.5\%$ . The non-prestressed specimen without anchor plate failed by separation of the plate from the beam due to premature debonding while the non-prestressed specimen with anchor plate failed by CFRP fracture and showed the significant increase of ductility capacity. In addition, the prestressed specimens failed by concrete compression failure. The maximum load and ductility capacity were most significantly increased. -
This paper focuses on the premature failure of RC beams bonded with FRP. A number of failure modes for RC beams bonded with FRP have been observed in numerous experimental studies during past decade. Particularly, Rip-off failure and Debonding failure were majority failure modes in RC beams bonded with FRP. Rip-off failure occurred at the plate end due to high interfacial shear and normal stresses however Debonding failure was caused by the yielding of reinforcing bar and the increasing of shear deformation in shear span. On the basis of premature failure mechanism in RC beams bonded with FRP, Basic strengthening length and Premature failure criteria were derived
Rip-off failure and Debonding failure were commonly reported premature failure modes. The main reasons of premature failure in RC beams bonded with FRP were strengthening length and the reinforcement ratio. in this study, On the basis of premature failure mechanism in RC beams bonded with FRP, premature failure criteria were proposed. Also It was verified that Rip-off failure and Debonding failure occured according to premature failure criteria
Recently the construction of high-rise reinforced concrete building is progressively increased as the social demands. It is significantly important factors such as economy, the safety of structure, and the flexibility of internal space. Therefore new structural system is also required to be attained the reduction of story height, the flexibility and efficient use of space. The most suitable structural system is with the economy and flexibility, flat plate slab system in high-rise reinforced concrete building. In this research, it was focused in the improvement of shear performance in the flat plate system using high ductile fiber reinforced mortar. It was evaluated the shear performance in the critical region of slab-column connection. The flat plate system, designed by the high performance and safety, was developed as a new technique in the application of high-rise R/C building.
In recent years, the repair of damaged reinforced concrete members strengthened by the external bonding of fiber-reinforced polymer laminates has received considerable attention. This paper investigates shear capacity of RC beams strengthened in the shear span with the Glass-Fiber and Steel-Composite Plate(GSP) experimentally. There are 2 types of strengthening method by GSP in RC beams. Test results are compared with that of each reference specimen which is not strengthened with GSP.
It is not feasible for agricultural facility managers to estimate how severe damages are and what are causes of them when agricultural hydraulic facilities get damaged for some reasons. Moreover, it is nearly impossible for agricultural facility managers to take immediate actions to repair and reinforce the damaged structures. Thus, there have been needs for well-established systems to help agricultural facility managers understand its severity and causes, and take proper actions to reduce speed of deterioration and to repair/reinforce them. Thus repairing and reinforcing systems of agricultural hydraulic structures based on agricultural facility management policies, developed in this study, can be efficiently used in field works to determine top priority location and the budget of repairing and reinforcing projects if detailed information of damages in concrete structures and damage types are well compiled and classified with standardized image data complemented.
This paper presents the results of a study on improvement in flexure capacities of RC beams strenthened with near surface mounted prestressed CFRP rod and plate. Experimental variables include type of CFRP, prestressing level and existence of MI(Mechanical Interlocking). Tests show that prestressed beams exhibit a higher crack-load as well as a higher steel-yielding load compared to no-prestressed strengthened beams.
The flexural behavior of a strengthened beam, that is a reinforced. concrete beam with externally bonded fiber sheets, was theoretically and experimentally investigated. The effects of the amount of glass fiber sheets varying from 1 to 4 plies on the flexural capacity of the strengthened beam are also examined. The flexural rigidity of the strengthened beam was enhanced compared with RC beam. In addition, the failure mode and load-deflection relationship for the strengthened beam and the comparison of analysis with experiment are extensive investigated. Finally, the determination of the nominal moment capacity
$M_n$ of the strengthened beam will be discussed -
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer(CFRP) composites are widely applied to strengthen deteriorated concrete structures. This paper presents the experimental results of the performance of reinforced concrete(RC) decks strengthened with CFRP composites. Simple span decks with 2m span length were tested to investigate the effect of CFRP reinforcement types on the flexural behavior of strengthened RC beams. The test results were analyzed with the special emphasis on the failure mode and the maximum load.
Recently the repair of damaged reinforced concrete members by the external bonding of fiber-reinforced polymer laminates has received considerable attention. This paper investigates the flexural behaviors of beam strengthened with Aramid fiber sheets(AFS), and attempts to evaluate the flexural strength of such RC beams by the use of nonlinear flexural analysis because the application of the KCI strength method to strengthened beam is somewhat limited and the failure strain of AFS is overestimated in particular cases.
This study look into the mechanisms of growth and magnification in the cracks and delamination on the beams repaired with CFS. The experimental parameters was a loading type, loading speed and pre-crack. In the experiments, it was confirmed that the failure of beams began with development and propagation of the delamination in the below the loading point due to magnification of cracks, but it was not concerned with loading type, loading speed and pre-cracks. Particularly, in the case of beams having the pre-cracks, growth of crack concentrated at the special crack below the loading point and led to failure of the beam by delamination due to magnification of crack.
The specified tensile strength provided by the manufacturer is determined on the basis of the reliable lower limit (
$X-3{\sigma}$ : X=average tensile strength,$\sigma$ =standard deviation) obtained from the material test results. Most of these data, however, are based on the test results of 1 layer of FRP sheet. Also, the partial strength reduction factor for strengthening RC members with FRP is based on the small-scale model tests. But, the failure mechanisms of small-scale model tests are reported to be different from those of the full-scale tests. This paper present the test results of full-scale RC beams strengthened with multi-layer GFRP sheets up to 3 layer as well as the material tests. From the material tests, it was observed that the average tensile strengths of GFRP sheets are decreased as the number of layer are increased. Also the premature debonding failure of RC beams strengthened with multi-layer GFRP sheets are observed in inverse proportion to the number of GFRP sheets -
Experimental results on lap splice performance of high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composite(HPFRCC) with fiber types under repeated loading are reported. Fiber types were polypropylene(PP), polyethylene(PE) and hybrid fiber[polyethylene fiber+steel cord(PE+SC)]. The development length(
$l_d$ ) was calculated according to the relevant ACI code requirements for reinforcing bars in concrete. The current experimental results demonstrated clearly that the use of fibers in cementitious matrixes increases significantly the splice strength of reinforcing bars in tension. Also, the presence of fibers increased the number of cracks formed around the spliced bars. -
Bond between reinforcing bar and surrounding concrete is supposed to transfer load safely in the process of design of reinforced concrete structures. Bond strength of ribbed reinforcing bars tends to split concrete cover, by wedging action, or shear the concrete in front of the ribs. In this study, using a reducing bearing angle theory, bond strengths of beam end specimen are predicted. Values of bond strength obtained using the analytical model are in good agreement with the bond test results. The analytical model provides insight into bond mechanism and the effects of bearing angle on the bond strength of deformed bars to concrete.
Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars gain increasingly more attention as a reinforcing option for concrete because of their corrosion resistance and non-magnetism. GFRP reinforcement for concrete does not have the same shape as steel reinforcement. Therefore, the bond performance of FRP bars, unlike that of steel, is dependent on their design, manufacture and mechanical properties. This paper studied the effect of high strength concrete on the bond strength of GFRP bars. Twenty-nine specimens having different compressive strength of concrete were tested in order to examine the bond behavior of GFRP bars.
This study deals with the estimation of the crack width by stabilized cracking considering bond-slip relationships in reinforced concrete members. The proposed method utilizes the sameness of tension stiffening and a change of bond-slip relationships because of concrete's splitting. The validity, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are established by comparing the analytical results with the experimental date and the major code spcifications. The analytical results of analysis presented in this study indicate that the proposed method can be effectively estimated the crack width of the reinforced concrete members.
This paper presents an analytical model for evaluation of Tension Stiffening Effect by actual Bond-Slip relationships between the reinforcement and the surrounding concrete. The presence of longitudinal splitting cracks was found to significantly after the tension stiffening. The model is applied to the longitudinal splittings cracks and derived to Tension stiffening model. The predicted values are shown to be in good agreement with the experimentally measured data.
The bond characteristics of two types hybrid FRP (fiber reinforced polymer) reinforcing bars with different rib geometry were analyzed experimentally. Two types of hybrid FRP. reinforcing bars such as spiral and cross type with different relative rib area were considered in this test. All testing procedures including specimens preparation, set-up of test equipments and measuring devices were made according to the recommendations of CSA Standard S806-02. From the test results, it was found' that cross type hybrid FRP reinforcing bars showed the higher bond strength than that of spiral type's due to the higher relative rib area.
A single span-to-depth ratio function is proposed for control of deflection in one-way concrete construction. The equation can be applied to one-way slabs, beams, and flat plates. Effects of cracking, time-dependent deformation, boundary conditions, applied loading, and target deflection-to-span ratio are taken into account.
This paper presents, basic concepts on deformation models for D-regions critical to shear. Strut-and-tie models are used to construct for deformation estimation at yielding and ultimate deformation. A generic: strut-and-tie model is proposed to investigate deformation patterns and failure mode identification. Superposition of the basic models enables us to explain deformation limits of arch action and truss action. Displacement at yielding is assessed by consideration of deformation of reinforcing steel only while the ultimate displacement is calculated by limits of ultimate strain of concrete in compression and failure mechanisms.
A numerical analysis was performed for interior connections of continuous flat plate to analyze the effect of design parameters such as column section shape, gravity load and slab span on the behavioral characteristics of the connections. Through the parametric study, the variations of shear stress distribution around the connection were investigated. According to the result of numerical analysis, as the length of the cross section of column in the direction of lateral load increases and gravity load increases, the effective area and the maximum shear strength providing the torsional resistance decrease considerably. And as the slab span loaded with relatively large gravity load increases, the negative moment around the connection increases and therefore the strength of connection against unbalanced moment decreases.
The designer has difficulty due to inadequacy of provisions in the domestic design code and lack of understanding for behavior of D-region. The reinforced concrete pier coping consists of various failure mechanisms as the crushing or splitting from compression concrete, and shearing failure under the loading plate. However, predicting those failure mechanisms is very difficult. In this study, reinforced concrete pier coping is analyzed and designed by using strut-tie model. Adequacy for the application of strut-tie model is verified by comparison with the way used in current design practice. The results show that strut-tie model can be a rational and an economical design than current conventional design methods.
The purpose of this study is to introduce design practice for transverse reinforcement in piles where the top of the pile is free-standing above the ground in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Design Specification. Based on the relevant requirements, the amount and spacing of transverse spiral reinforcement is given for the two different pile types, namely piles with pile cap and pile bents. In addition, a recommended design procedure is introduced depending on the predicted behaviour of the piles from the analysis.
In this paper, an example of nonlinear analysis for partial prestressing design is presented. For partial prestressing design, the stress redistribution, after concrete cracking has occurred, should be accurately investigated by nonlinear analysis tools. Direct and iterative methods of nonlinear analyses were adopted for the tender design of the Incheon Bridge viaducts. Stress variations in the prestressing tendons and reinforcing bars were investigated and presented in this paper for both the in-service condition and during construction.
More than effectively judging the existence of voids behind concrete tunnel linings or under concrete pavements, this research aims to develop the analysis algorithm of radar capable of estimation of the shape of specific voids. To detect or estimate void shapes in non-reinforced concrete, the simulation analysis model of transmission and reflection wave of electromagnetic radar is used. This radar simulation model is carried out with various void shapes. As the results, a proposed method in this study has a possibility of detecting or estimating void shapes with good accuracy.
For giving self-diagnosing capability, a method based on monitoring the changes in the electrical resistance of hybrid FRP reinforced concrete has been tested. Then after examining change in the value of electrical resistance of carbon fiber in CFRP, CFGFRP, CFAFRP and e.t.c., before and after the occurrence of cracks and fracture in hybrid FRP reinforced concrete at each flexural weight-stage, the correlations of each factors were analyzed. As the results, it is clarified that when the carbon fiber tows fracture, the electrical resistance of it increase largely, and afterwards hybrid FRP composites can be resist the load due to the presence of the reinforced fiber, for example, glass fiber or aramid fiber tows.
Reliability analysis of the design of reinforced concrete rahmen bridge is performed. Statistical properties for loads and resistances are taken into account in the analysis and the reliability indices are calculated for strength limit state of the current bridge design specification. Results are presented and discussed for different span lengths and wall heights.
Using long-tenn monitoring AE techniques, two acoustic signals of wire fractures in a PSC beam are obtained. These data are compared to other noise signals. Based on the test results, the characteristics of the AE signals are classified and wire fracture signals are figured out among the other AE signals.
The aim of this study was to examine the emission of acoustic signals from three reinforced concrete beams at cracking and failure processes. Acoustic emission(AE) characteristics of reinforced concrete beams were investigated during the entire loading period. AE technique was used to evaluate the characteristics of damage process and the failure mechanism of reinforced concrete beam with natural and recycled aggregates. The influences of different aggregate in concrete on AE characteristics were investigated as well.
This study will have to define the shear strengthening effects of steel fiber in beam and column levels, as well as to suggest estimation method of maximum shear capacity of structural members. From review of literature surveys and perform structural member test results, following conclusion can be made; In beam level, steel fiber strengthening factor is suggested from the tensile splitting test results and beam test results. After suggesting shear capacity of beam without stirrups and beam with stirrups by proposed steel fiber strengthening factor, proposed equation is possible to evaluate the shear capacity of beam. In column level, with column test results and proposed steel fiber strengthening factor, shear capacity equation of steel fiber reinforced concrete in column is suggested.
The current ACI design code does not take into account the contribution of concrete for the torsional moment of reinforced concrete(RC) beams subjected to pure torsion. This code is not capable of evaluating the inter-effects between concrete and torsional reinforcement on the torsional resistance of the RC beams. In this study, 9 RC beams subjected to pure torsion were tested. The main parameter of the beams was the amount of torsional reinforcement and the angle of twist. Test results indicated that the current ACI code over-estimated the torsional strength of RC beams that had larger amount of torsional reinforcement.
This paper deals with the shear strengthening effect of RC beams strengthened with carbon fiber sheets. Fifteen strengthened RC beams(including control beam) were experimentally evaluated to determine improvements in shear strength. The major parmeters of experiment variables are fiber sheet strengthening ratios and strengthening methods of fiber sheet(I-S, I-W, U-S, U-W type). Reinforced concrete beams strengthened with carbon fiber sheets were tested under the combined control of load. Considering strengthening ratios and strengthening methods of fiber sheet, shear capacity and failure mode of test specimens were evaluated. The results show that shear capacity of beams strengthened with fiber sheet is about
$28.82\%$ in IS type,$20.49\%$ in IW type,$26.04\%$ in US type,$28.70\%$ in UW type higher than the strength of control beam. -
Recently, many researches for high-strength and high-durability concrete structure have remarkably been studied by adopting new construction material, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). In connection with these research trend, the shearing capacity of concrete beams reinforced by GFRP stirrup which is developed in this study was evaluated. Experimental variables are span to depth ratio and spacing of shear reinforcement for test. In the result of test, the crack pattern, failure mode and shear load between shear steel reinforcement specimen and GFRP stirrup reinforcement specimen showed similar structural tendency. Therefore, it was investigated that the adaptability of shear-reinforced concrete structure with GFRP stirrup will be improved with further researches of shear design variables.
The section of double-tee is considered as one of the most efficient type for flexure. However, the depth of it is bigger then that of other slab systems. The story height of it is also increased because the duct space is required under the double tee in addition to their net depth. Thus, a new modified double-tees with the nib length of 1.58m was suggested in this study. The story height of this one is reduced up to 450mm by including duct space under the nib at the ends of slab. The four ends of the modified two single tees were designed by strut-tie models. Shear tests were performed on them to verify the safety. The ultimate shear strengths of non-prestressed two specimens were larger than the design shear strength by strut-tie models. They were failed in ductile with many distributed flexural crackings. However, the other prestressed two specimens showed much stiffer behaviors, less deflection. and strength than those of prestressed.
Existing strut-and-tie model cannot be applied to analysis of slender beams without shear reinforcement because shear transfer mechanism is not formed. In the present study, a new strut-and-tie model with rigid joint was developed. Basically, concrete strut is modeled as a frame element which can transfer shear force (or moment) as well as axial force. Employing Rankine failure criterion, failure strength due to shear-tension and shear-compression developed in compressive concrete strut was defined. For verification, various test specimens were analyzed and the results were compared with tests. The proposed strut-and-tie model predicted shear strength and failure displacement with reasonable precision, addressing the design parameters such as shear reinforcement, concrete compressive strength, and shear span ratio.
This paper presents a model for evaluating the contribution by arch action and frame action to shear resistance in shear-critical reinforced concrete beams without stirrup. The rotating angle softened truss model is employed to calculate the shear deformation of the web and the relative axial displacement of the compression and tension chord by the shear flow are also calculated. From this shear compatibility condition in a beam, the shear contribution by the arch action is numerically decoupled. The transverse strain obtained from the proposed model is selected for shear failure criterion. Using the failure criterion, shear strength of RC slender beams without stirrup is predicted.
Experimental study is performed to investigate the variation of shear strength of reinforced concrete beams according to design parameters. The major parameters are loading condition, shear span-to-depth ratio, ratio of tensile longitudinal reinforcement, prestress and boundary rigidity.14 reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement are tested under monotonic downward loading. The shear strength of the tested specimens were compared with the prediction by design code and Choi's method.
Recently, the deterioration of concrete structures have been increased by the damage from salt, carbonization, freezing & thawing and the others. Reinforcement corrosion is the principal cause of deterioration of reinforced concrete. Unfortunately, full bond is assumed in all existing shear models, a condition which is often not fulfilled when assessing damaged structures. It is therefore very important to increase the understanding of how reduced bond influences the load carying capacity particularly for shear. Therefore in this study an equation is proposed to evaluate the residual shear strength considered deterioration.
This study evaluates the concrete shear strength for normal and high strength concrete beams reinforced with 3 type FRP bars (CFRP, GFRP, HFRP). Experimental results obtained from twenty-four simply supported concrete beams are compared with values predicted by FRP shear strength expressions proposed in the various literatures, including the ACI Committee 318 and ACI Committee440. The shear strength correction factors are proposed through the regression analysis.
Presented are the results of recent tests on diagonal shear failure of reinforced concrete beams which are externally reinforced in the transverse direction by a unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer, instead of the traditional steel stirrups. Three different series of the beams with different shear reinforcements, i.e. U-wrapping with carbon sheet, U-wrapping with carbon strips and full wrapping with carbon strips were tested. Those beams were geometrically similar, and the size range is 1:1.9:4. The failure of the beams are characterized by delamination, crushing of concrete and distributed shear cracks. It is found that the size effect is much weaker than that of the reference beams without CFRP. Therefore CFRP sheet may be used as the transverse reinforcement with a minor size effect. However, it is not clear that the same conclusion can be drawn in other sizes. Further researches are recommended.
In General, post-installed dowel bars are used as a shear connector to ensure the composite actions between new slabs and existing slabs in an apartment remodelling constructions expecially for enlarging the interior space outward the existing buildings. But, it has not been checked that the connection performance between existing and new slab is satisfactory not only for the structural safety condition but also the for serviceability and dwelling requirements. In this research, an experimental works were presented to evaluate the load transfer capacity for the planar joints between existing and new slab. The existing slabs were obtained from the existing apartment housing which will be demolished. Test results showed that the planar joints with post-installed dowel bars behaved in full composite modes until ultimate capacity of test specimens, so sufficient ultimate and serviceability performance are confirmed.
This study deals with the quasi-static tests on steel reinforced concrete composite columns with single embedded steel or multiple members. For the design of bridge piers, the composite section needs to have low steel ratio for cost savings because the dimension of the pier section is usually large. There is lack of design guidelines for these composite columns with low steel ratio, but the design provisions for the normal reinforced concrete column can be used for the design because of the low steel ratio. It is necessary to provide the design provisions in terms of the strength limit state and seismic performance by the detail requirements on the longitudinal steel and the transverse steel. The test parameters in this study were determined considering the current design provisions on RC columns. Through the quasi-static tests, the seismic performance of the composite columns were discussed.
For checking influence of load-position and system of stress-transmission in precast concrete bridge deck system, the test composite bridge was made a experiment by the wheel load machine. The result of experiment was the loop joint system of the precast decks has a difference which was the transmission system of longitudinal stress, comparing with general RC bridge deck system. The loop joint system has a behavior independently.
The PCS system, which consists of precast concrete column and steel beam, has been under development. Experimental test has been carried out to investigate the structural performance of the system under earthquake. Two types of test specimens of beam-column joints are designed in order to compare the performances. One is the system with reinforced concrete slab and the other is without slab. It is found that the system with slab could satisfy all of the requirements from ACI Criteria such as strength, stiffness degradation and energy dissipation capacity except initial stiffness. It is also investigated that the stiffness of the joint is belong to rigid joint type according to Bjorhovde criterion. And it is observed that the partial-composite system between beam and slab is more effective than full-composite system in the respect of the energy dissipation capacity of the system.
This research aims to analyze of prestressed composite hollow-core slab and box type steel beam. The smeared crack model used in abaqus for the modeling of hollow core reinforced concrete, including cracking of the concrete, rebar and concrete interaction using the tension stiffening concept, and rebar yield. The structure modeled is a simply supported hollow core spancrete slab subjected spa-h beams and prestressed in one direction. The hollow core spancrete slab is subjected to four-point bending. The concrete-rebar interaction that occur as the concrete begins to crack are of major importance in determining the spancrete slab's response between its initial, deformation and its collapse. This smeared crack model used in analysis involved non-liner concrete analysis concept.
Vlasov's hypothesis provides a way to solve the torsional problem with warping torsion of double T-beam section. Not only the warping torsion of the gross section of double T-beam but the torsional resistances of PS tendons and reinforcements have to be considered together in the analysis in which the latter is the restoring roles provided by the upward and downward force components in a geometrical symmetric configuration. It means that the torsional resistances of PS tendons and reinforcements, usually ignored, store the strain energies due to up-downward geometrical changes. Space frame element with 7-degrees of freedom are used for the finite element approximation of the real behaviors. Bimoments and angles of twist obtained from the proposed method show good agreements with those of 3-D. finite element analysis and analytical analysis
When a concrete structure is subjected to load, its response is both immediate and time dependent. Under sustained load, the deformation of a structure gradually increases with time and eventually may be many time greater than its instantanneous value. The gradual development of strain with time is caused by creep and shrinkage. On this study, to estimate of stress variations on time effects in partially prestressed concrete composite girder bridges, computer program applied Age-adjusted Effective Modulus Method(AEMM) in used.
Although many structures. with high strength concrete have been recently constructed, the flexural behavior of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams with high strength concrete is not exactly defined. This paper presents an experimental study on the flexural strength of the high strength concrete beams. Five large scale beams simply supported were tested and measured. Each beam was loaded by two symmetrical concentrated loads applied at 1.25m from the center of span. The concrete strength, the prestressed force and longitudinal tensile reinforcement ratio vary from beam to beam. From the experimental tests, the flexural strength from tests is larger than the nominal flexural strength of codes. Moreover, the initial crack-load is affected by the prestressed force and the crack width and spacing are controlled by the longitudinal tensile reinforcement ratio.
In this study, the nature of brittleness, one of the main problems of GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) Re-bar, is improved. Therefore, Hybrid GFRP Rod is developed by attaching FBG sensor to the new GFRP Rod with toughness, essential for flexural reinforcement of the concrete. The test was performed with specimens of Hybrid GFRP Rod. According to the test, data measured by electric gauge sensor are compared with data measured by FBG sensor.
Three RC beams are fabricated and tested to assess the ultimate load-carrying capacity. Depending on the crackings, the flexural stiffness of the RC beams are changed. However, these variations of the flexural stiffness do not influenced on the ultimate load-carrying capacity of the tested beams. Based on the behaviors of RC beams, the validation of the current assessment codes to discussed.
This paper describes a proposal for evaluation load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete slab bridges considering the moment redistribution. Recognition of redistribution of moments can be important because it permits a more realistic appraisal of the actual load-carrying capacity of a structure, thus leading to improved economy. In addition, it permits the designer to modify, within limits, the moment diagrams for which members are to be designed. The predicted results shows that moment redistribution are different from estimated by the current KCI, ACI 318-02, EC2 provisions, and propose reasonable load carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete slab bridge.
This paper presents flexural test results of concrete beams reinforced with GFRP and conventional steel reinforcement for comparison. The beams were tested under static loading to investigate the effects of reinforcement ratio and compressive ,strength of concrete on cracking, deflection, ultimate capacity and mode of failure, This study attempts to establish a theoretical basis for the development of simple and rational design guideline. Test results show that ultimate capacity increases as the reinforcement ratio and concrete strength increase. The ultimate capacity increased up to
$8\%-25\%$ by using high strength concrete. The deflection at maximum load of GFRP reinforced beams was about three times that of steel reinforced beams. For GFRP-reinforced beams, the ACI code 440 design method resulted in conservative flexural strength -estimates. -
This study makes the performance evaluation of water-jet chipping through analysis of ruggedness of chipping surface. The ruggedness is mapped by 3D Laser Scanner and the results are also compared with the chipping surface by mechanical chipping. And the details of in-situ works is investigated for increasing interface adhesion between existing concrete and repairing mortar. Water-jet has good operation efficiency which is up
$60m^2$ per hour when the chipping depth is 7cm and also has a large ruggedness about 1.65. -
The strength level for removal of lining concrete in tunnel is increased from 2.94MPa to 4.9MPa in 2004. This result in the increase of concrete curing time, and construction time would be delayed. In this study, in order to improve the efficiency of construction cycle and satisfy the strength criterion, a curing method is adopted, which is considering the hydration heat in the lining concrete member. As a result, it is shown that the concrete curing time for form removal is about 20hrs without the adjustment of concrete mix design. And construction cycle time is not changed compared to that before the change of strength criterion.
Quality of concrete required to achieve the desired levels of strength and durability depend on the effectiveness of the curing method. During cold weather, the concrete at the time of placement should be taken to prevent damage to concrete due to freezing. Since the cement-water reaction is exothermic by nature, the temperature within mass concrete can be quite high. The temperature control for massive sections should be taken more careful than for shallow sections. However, in the constructing hydraulic structures, the curing temperature control for concrete had been very difficult to be taken in a proper way because the conditions constructing them are poor and contractors are small enterprises. For several. reasons including above, Rural Research Institute has developed a device and program for recording curing temperature history in cold weather concrete and mass. As there are two major advantages of the device, namely cheapness and availability, this program and device has been recommended to the use of curing temperature control in cold weather concrete and mass.
Corrosion of reinforced concrete structures in marine environment is one of the most important mechanisms of deterioration. Under Korean highway bridge, the time for the steel reinforcement in the concrete to exhibit initial signs of corrosion is within three decades. Therefore, 'SUM JIN' highway bridge, located in a corrosive marine environment on the south of Korea, had been examined the current condition of the steel reinforcement corrosion in concrete by half-cell potentials, chloride contamination of concrete and so on. According to the tests, the protecting film around the reinforcement is deteriorated and corrosion activity developed in tidal zone. The purpose of this paper is to report the effects of 'SUM JIN' highway bridge damaged by chlodide attack and to present the results of repair of 'SUM JIN' highway concrete bridge in domestic marine environment.
This study was performed to know the properties and estimation of field application of concrete(Bluecon) using fluosilicate salt based admixture made from by-product during phosphoric acid manufacturing process. Mix proportions for experiment were modulated at 0.45 of water-binder ratio and
$0.5-2.0\%$ of adding ratio of fluosilicate salt based inorganic compound. Evaluation for Field application of concrete was carried out batch plant test at remicon factory and building construction. According to results. it was found that slump of concrete(Bluecon) using fluosilicate salt based admixture is higher about 10 to 20 mm than plain concrete, and air content is similar to each other. And the water permeability and crack of bluecon is lower than that of plain concrete. -
When widening or repairing concrete deck slab, there is a joint inevitably. However, joining-construction method have following problem, that is the additional stress in existing part of bridge resulting from the specific process of joining-construction and the difference of amount of shrinkage between new and existing bridge. On this study, compared shrinkage stress of the direct joining construction method with the indirect joining construction method, and concluded the proper substitution rate of expansion cement. The rate of replacement was proper at
$10\%$ . but more than$15\%$ , concrete had excessive expansion and weeker compressive strength. The time of placing closure concrete, considering the shinkage stresses and creep, was suitable in$45\~60$ days after placing the new concrete deck slab. -
In this study, air meter method and capacitance measurement method to apply economically at quality control of ready-mixed concrete among various unit water content measurement technique was selected. Then, it was evaluated estimating performance of unit water content according to the change of water-binder ratio and unit water content. Also, it was examined influence about error occurrence of unit water content by change of properties of used materials. Finally, based on this study, it was proposed fundamental data to utilize measurement technique of unit water content to quality control. of ready-mixed concrete in construction field.
In this study, calcium chloride(
$CaCl_2$ ), sodium chloride (NaCl), organic acids-containing deicer(NS 40, NS 100), mixed deicier($NaCl\;70\%\;+\;CaCl_{2}\;30\%,\;NS\;40\;70\%\;+\;CaCl_{2}\;30\%,\;NaCl\;70\%\;+\;NS\;40\;30\%,\;NS\;40\;70\%\;+\;NaCl\;30\%$ ) is investigated based on the laboratory test for deicing performance. Test items for deicing performance were ice melting and ice penetration, freezing point depressions and eutectic points, pH, thermal properties for selected deicing chemicals. As a test results, in case of the use chloride-containing deicier in area that concrete structures has subjected to freez-thaw reaction in winter season, it showed desirable method that use deicing chemicals mixed with optimum ratio rather than use one deicing chemicals when is consider to deicing performance and effects, corrosion of steel materials, freez-thaw resistance of concrete. When use various deicing chemicals mixed, NS40($70\%$ )+Calcium chloride($30\%$ ) showed the best effective method. -
In this study, calcium chloride(
$CaCl_2$ ), sodium chloride (NaCl), organic acids-containing deicer(NS 40, NS 100), mixed deicier($NaCl\;70\%\;+\;CaCl_{2}\;30\%,\;NS\;40\;70\%\;+\;CaCl_{2}\;30\%,\;NaCl\;70\%\;+\;NS\;40\;30\%,\;NS\;40\;70\%\;+\;NaCl\;30\%$ ) is investigated based on the laboratory test for freez-thaw resistance of concrete and corrosion of metal. As a test results, in case of the use chloride-containing deicier in area that concrete structures has subjected to freez-thaw reaction in winter season, it showed desirable method that use deicing chemicals mixed with optimum ratio rather than use one deicing chemicals when is consider to deicing performance and effects, corrosion of steel materials, freez-thaw resistance of concrete. When use various deicing chemicals mixed, NS40($70\%$ )+Calcium chloride($30\%$ ) showed the best effective method. -
Ocher block has started to be studied recently as a new environment friendly alternative building material. This article investigates the use of Rice Husk Ask (RHA) as an additive to improve properties of the ocher block. Ocher mixtures incorporating various proportions of RHA were compared. Compressive strength at various ages of these ocher blocks was evaluated ad the resistance to wet environment was also examined. These test result help to determine the effect of RHA on such properties of the ocher block as compaction, mix proportion, compressive strength and water absorption indexes. Based on these results, the new alternative building material and low cost construction techniques might be developed through more intensive research efforts.
This paper is to investigate the effect of W/B, blend ratio of crushed sand with sea sand on fluidity and strength properties of high strength concrete utilizing crushed sand. W/B set up 0.25, 0.30, 0.35 and the blend ratio of crushed sand with sea sand set up 0:100, 30:70, 50:50, 70:30, 100:0 The results of this study are summarized as the follows; 1) The increase of the blend rate of crushed sand, affected on the enhancement of flow, the increase of dosage of SP and water content, but the decrease S/a 2) Compressive strength is increased when crushed sand
$30\~70\%$ was replaced with sea sand. 3) The optimal replacement percentage of crushed sand is$50\%$ with sea sand. -
Recently, in order to reduce the spalling of high strength concrete under fire, the addition of organic fibres to high strength concrete has been investigated. In this study, the effect of organic fibre content on the spalling of high strength concrete was experimantally investigated. Two types of fibre, polypropylene(PP) and polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) fibres, were selected, and three water/binder ratios were selected, which were W/B
$30\%,\;24.\%,\;and\;16\%$ , respectively. As a result, it appears that as the concrete strength increases, the fiber content for prevention spalling increases. When W/B ratios are$30\%,\;24.9\%$ , the additions of$0.1vol.\%$ and$0.2vol.\%$ , respectively, appear to avoid the spalling in this study. -
The seismic performance of bridge piers is evaluated in general by displacement terms, which are yielded not only by the member deformation but also by the pull-out of longitudinal bars embedded into foundation concrete. It is, therefore, important to understand the characteristic of pull-out effect in the view of seismic performance. In this study the specimens with different material strengths and diameters of re-bar were tested and the stree-slip were reported.
In recent years, the applications of high-strength concrete have increased, and high-strength concrete has now been used in many parts of the world. The growth has been possible as a. result of recent developments in material technology and a demand for higher-strength concrete in Korea. In this study, we have an object to produce the ultra-high strength concrete(Super-Con) of over 100MPa with low price materials. First, the binders for Super-Con should be selected by the tests; setting time of paste, flow value and strength of mortar. From the test results, the binders are blended with ordinary portland cement, pulverized portland cement and silica fume. Fundamentally the compressive strength, frost resistance and chloride resistance are investigated.
In ultra-high strength SFRCC(Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementious Composites), much silica fume are used to improve strength, flowability and durability. Silica fume have merits of filling the voids, enhancement of reheological chracteristics, production of secondary hydrates by pozzolanic reaction in reactive powder concretes. However silica fume has been imported in high-cost in domestic industry, we need to investigate replaceable material in stead of silica fume in a view of economy Therefore, in this paper, in order to investigate replacement of silica fume in ultra-high strength SFRCC we used the granulate blast-furnce slag with finess 4000, 6000, 8000. As a results, we have evaluated that the bigger the finess the more increase compressive strength of ultra-high strength SFRCC using the blast-furnce slag and there was no problem from the viewpoint of flowability and compressive strength when we use blast-furnce
$50\%$ with replacement ratio of silica fume -
Ultra high performance cementitious composites(UHPCC), which is composed of micro-sized ultra fine particles, is characterized by high strength, high ductility and excellent durability. so if we make prestressed concrete bridge girder using UHPCC, we can obtain the safety and economical efficiency in bridge girder construction. In this study, we performed the experiments to evaluate the load capacity, failure process and mode of prestressed concrete without stirrups using UHPCC.
This research investigates experimentally an effect on the properties of the combined high flowing concrete by mix design factors. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum mix proportion of the combined high flowing concrete having good flowability, viscosity, no-segregation and design strength(40.0MPa). For this purpose, trial mixings used belite cement+lime stone powder(LSP) are tested by mix design factors including water-cement ratio(
$47.9\~54.0\%$ ), fine aggregate volume ratio($41\~45\%$ ) and coarse aggregate volume ratio($41\~45\%$ ). As test results of this study, the optimum mix proportion for the combined high flowing concrete is as followings. Water-cement ratio$51.0\%$ , fine aggregate volume ratio$43{\pm}1\%$ and coarse aggregate volume ratio$0.30{\pm}0.05m^3/m^3$ and replacement ratio of LSP$42.7\%$ . -
Concrete structure is recognized as the universal structuring material for its outstanding formability, economic efficiency, and strength development. However, as the ageing of field workers and the deficiency of skilled workers due to evasions from 3D business have recently become the major issues of the industry in Korea and as the materials are becoming more diversified and complicated for today's concrete structures are becoming higher, larger, and specialized, the need for practicality of construction work based on new technology and new method has greatly increased. In other words, the overall condition of today's construction business requires researches and developments on the self-compacting concrete for higher construction efficiency and quality improvements and the high-strength lightweight concrete for concrete weight reduction and reduction of area. Therefore experimental tests were performed as such compressive strength, dry shrinkage and carbonation of self-compacting concrete.
Nowadays the three major commercially available of organic chemical admixtures are modified lignosulfonates(LS), sulfonated naphthalene-formaldehyde resins (SNF) and sulfonated melamine-formaldehye (SMF). In this study, various sulfonated melamine-formaldehyde (SMF) superplasticizers were synthesized via four synthetic steps. Hydroxymethylation (Step 1), Sulfonation (Step 2), Polymerization (Step 3) and Neutralization and Stabilization (Step 4). In this synthesis of SMF, reaction conditions such as the mole ratio of melamine to formaldehyde and the amount of acid catalyst were changed. After application of SMF superplasticizer to cement paste and mortar, the physical properties including workability, slump loss, compressive strength were compared.
This paper is examined the properties of Haeju sea sand for concrete. As result, the water absorbtion ratio and the contents of shell and microfines of Haeju sea sand was high. We would expected to utilize the results of this study as a basic data for quality control of Ready Mixed Concrete.
Until now, the quantity to recycle wasted concrete as the great supplementary value was very little. But considering a insufficiency of the present state of aggregates, the recycling of wasted aggregates is indispensable. Recycled aggregate is useful resources for concrete, but its application to structural member is not frequently. In this an experimental study here in, this study is to reinforcement orientation containing fiber of the spun-concrete using recycled aggregate, evaluation of designed chlorine-ion and carbonation resistance. The result of study chlorine-ion resistance by using replacement ratios (
$0.00\%,\;0.01\%,\;0.03\%,\;0.05\%,\;0.08\%$ ) of fiber which it more increase. Carbonated thickness of the spun-concrete used fiber and the normal spun-concrete was similar or it appeared with the tendency which it diminishes. -
The purpose of this study is to choose the right chemical admixture to reduce slump loss of lightweight aggregate concrete. So we compare 3 types of chemical admixture as measuring slump loss from mixing to 60 minutes. The lightweight aggregate of this study is made by clayt and dust from lots of industry. To save natures, we will use many types of industrial wastes and try to spend much making artificial aggregate.
The effect of ground granulated blast furnace slag to prevent detrimental expansion due to alkali-silica reaction was investigated through the ASTM C 1260 method. This method is one of the most commonly used method because results can be obtained within 16 days. Reactive aggregate used is a metamorphic rock. The replacement ratios of portland cement by ground granulated blast furnace slag were 0, 15, 25, 35 and 55 percent, respectively. The results indicate that 35 percent replacement of portland cement by ground granulated blast furnace slag seems to be effective to reduce alkali-silica reaction expansion under this experimental conditions.
The effect of content of reactive aggregate on alkali-silica reaction was investigated through the ASTM C 1260 method. The replacement proportions of fine aggregate by reactive aggregate were 25, 50, 75 and
$100\%$ , respectively. Reactive aggregate and fine aggregate(non-reactive aggregate) used are a metamorphic rock and andesite rock, respectively. The results indicate that the mortar-bar containing$25\%$ replacement of fine aggregate by reactive aggregate shows the lowest expansion but expansion in excess of$0.1\%$ at 16 days, which can distinguished between deleterious and potentially reactive. Although content of reactive aggregate is a small amount, it can cause detrimental expansion due to alkali-silica reaction. -
This study is to consider the influence strength of concrete according to the kinds of coarse aggregate. The experimental study conditions are varied with different maximum size of coarse aggregate(13mm, 19mm, 25mm) and the weight of water and S/a are constant. The compressive strength properties of the concrete at 7 days, 28 days are examined. According to the experimental results, the compressive strength increased and air content, slump decreased with maximum size of coarse aggregate increased.
Recently, according to increase use of concrete which is the main material of construction, the natural aggregate of good quality is more and more decreased. Most of all, among the concrete materials, the development of alternation materials of sand is urgently needed. In this study, investigating the production equipment and the sample of crushed sand company and analyzing properties of sand, manufactured mortar by the KS to use crushed sand as the fine aggregate of concrete material. The experiment result is as follows. 1. The density, an absorptivity, and the amount of 0.08mm passage ratio of crushed sand, and the mortar used crushed sand satisfied KS. The mechanical results is similar to sea sand. 2. The crushed sand which used impact crusher instead of cone crusher for 3rd or 4th crusher was similar properties to sea sand, so it is judged that impact crusher has high effect of particle shape improvement of crushed sand.
The purpose of this study is to investigate properties of compressive strength of concrete using the shale rock as coarse aggregates. To evaluate properties of compressive strength of concrete using crushed shale rock, we performed the expriment according to the proportioning strength of
$10MPa\~40MPa$ and the slupm of$12\%\~15\%$ . The result of this study is as follow. The compressive strength of concrete using crushed shale rock is lower than those of granite aggregates. The proportioning strength is higher, the reduction of comperssive strength of concrete using the shale rock is higher. -
Recently, Trouble of sand supply is occurred according to exhaustion of natural sand resources. therefore, various measures are proposed for solution of trouble of sand supply and crushed sand among measures is used as one of most universal measures. but because crushed sand have poor particle shape and plenty of makes micro particle, the quality of concrete using crushed sand deteriorated. Therefore, this study evaluated engineering property of concrete with replacement ratio of crushed sand and applied evaluation result to fundamental data for quality control of concrete using crushed sand. The result of this study have shown that quality of concrete using crushed sand independently is poor against general concrete. but, the concrete mixing crushed sand with general sand can be similar in workability of concrete used general sand and increase compressive strength of concrete as against concrete using general sand.
This study compares the concrete using natural sand with the concrete using crush sand for the examination for the properties of a concrete. In the fresh concrete, the concrete using crush sand has less of the quantity of consistency, the content of air, and bleeding than the concrete using natural sand, and the concrete using crush sand has faster setting time than the concrete using natural sand. In hardening concrete, the concrete using crush sand has higher compressive strength and tensile strength than the concrete using natural sand because minute particles fill up a gap. Drying shrinkage of the concrete using natural sand is less than the concrete using crush sand.
Recently, interest grew on the quality of aggregates following the diminution of primary resources from river and the growing construction demand which exhausted high-quality sand sources around large cities and incited the use of low grade aggregates like shore sand and sea sand that can be supplied in natural state. Moreover, the most sensitive aspect highlighted by the unstability of aggregate supply is the quality. The extreme insufficiency of quality criteria about the materials currently used as substitute aggregates and about concrete mixed with such materials is also critical. This study investigated influence of qualities of concrete which is using mixed crushed sand and natural sand
This study examined the effects of comparatively widely used fine aggregates in the domestic construction fields on the quality of concrete through the analysis of the effects of such fine aggregates on the physical properties of fresh concrete and strength of hardened concrete. Results revealed that crushed sand degrades the fluidity and air entraining of concrete compared to natural aggregates like sea sand and river sand. Especially, the use of crushed sand exhibiting low grain shape and grade was seen to have larger adverse effect on the physical properties of concrete.
This study reports the properties of high early strength & durability of concrete using PC admixture. To apply these data to construction site, we did the lab tests. The target of this study is to accomplish early strength of concrete(5.0 MPa/18 hr), and we did the durability tests such as length change test, chloride ion penetration test, adiabatic test, etc. PC type was more excellent than PNS type admixture. According to these tests, we concluded that we can apply this type of PC admixture to the civil & construction site, and we can reduce the term of works and finally we can accomplish the economical construction.
Reliability-based durability model was developed to consider the uncertainty of analysis variables in durability model for harbor concrete structures. The durability analysis program based on Finite Element Method (FEM) was modified adopting the reliability concept to estimate the probability of durability failure. Water-cement ratio in the durability analysis is the most important factor influencing chloride diffusion coefficient, evaporable water, etc. The probability distribution of water-cement ratio was calculated converting standard deviations of compressive strength in Concrete Standard Code to those of water-cement ratio. Based on the Monte Carlo Simulation, the probabilities of penetration depth and durability failure were calculated.
Deicing salt has been generally used for traffic safety in winter, and the amount is increasing every year. However, deicing salt may induce the decrease of bond strength, surface scaling, and environmental pollution, etc. the purpose of this paper is to suggest the fundamental data on safety and durability for concrete structures through the estimation of chloride concentration profile and chloride diffusion coefficient. According to the test results, the critical chloride concentration(
$0.9\~1.2kg/m^3$ )was measured at depth$23\~30mm$ , and the limit chloride concentration($0.3kg/m^3$ )was reached to depth 40mm. Also the surface chloride amount indicates 3.45kg per concrete unit weight, and the results showed the possibility of corrosion by deicing salt penetration. -
The galvanic currents between carbon steel and Cr-bearing rebars have been studied in concrete subjected to carbonation and chloride attack. The results revealed that in case of SD345 contacted with Cr-bearing rebar in concrete under chloride attack environment and carbonation environment, the corrosion acceleration by galvanic corrosion is not generated. Therefore, Cr-bearing rebar can be used together with the carbon steel in the new establishment structure.
This study investigates the effect of air contents on concrete properties, compressive strength, chloride migration coefficient and freeze-thaw resistance. Chloride migration and freeze-thawing test conducted in accordance with NT-BUILD 492 and pr-EN 12390-9, respectively. As a result, compressive strength reduced with air contents increase, but chloride migration coefficient more influenced by the water-binder ratios than air contents. Air contents of hardened concrete measured half times that of fresh concrete after mixing. Also, concrete scaling decreased with air contents increased.
In this study, for the establishment of the performance evaluation methods and the quality control standards of durability recovery method, the data of indoor durability test and the data of the long term exposure test under the coast are accumulated and analyzed. As a result of the indoor test, durability of repair material was more superior to that of plain concrete, but as a result of investigating and evaluating exposure test at 30 month of exposure age under the coastal environment, the difference in electric potential and the reinforcement corrosion at place replaced with repair material are found.
The present report addresses the durability related design issues for the structural reinforced concrete of the Busan-Geoje Fixed Link - Bridges and Immersed Tunnel. The overall aim of the durability related issues is to establish the requirements to the design and the construction that will secure the stated and achieve that objective with cost effective construction. To prove that the stated design life of 100 years is valid, a performance and reliability based verification, according on the DuraCrete approach have been performed.
It was investigated the durability of the concrete to improve construction materials with polymer cement mortar in this study. With the popularity of repair and rehabilitation material, some mixtures composed of Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA) was studied. Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA) carried out tests to determine its properties which a include: freezing-thawing resistance test, carbonation test, and chemical resistance test. Result of freezing-thawing resistance test, mass change ratio and chemical resistance test, mass change ratio decreased of 12 and
$15\~45\%$ as compared with control mortar. Carbonation depth decreased$3.7\~5.6mm$ as polymer-cement ratio increased$1\~4\%$ . -
Recently sewage facilities mainly consisted of concrete structures are being deteriorated seriously by biodeterioration originated from sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. In this study, to prevent biochemical corrosion of the sewer concrete, antibiotics which prevent growth of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were developed and antimicrobial performance of it was investigated. After that, to consider applicability of antibiotics to concrete, physical properties such as bond strength, resistance to abraision, water absorption and air permeability of concrete covered with inorganic and complex antibiotics were investigated.
Recently, corrosion of reforcement of reinforced concrete structures and carbonation is raised problem of durability because of exhaustion of river sand and rapid increase of sea sand and also, concrete structure of sea environment is attacked to combined deterioration according to penetration of chloride ion and carbonation, change of temperature, repetition of dryness and wetness. Therefore, In this study, data base were presented to solve the problem about using sea sand to concrete structure situated in combined deterioration environment by exposuring concrete specimen contained chloride ion under the individual and combined deterioration.
In winter, a large amount of de-icing salts such as
$CaCl_2$ , NaCl have been used on highways for road safety. They make concrete structures deteriorated. In this study, the chloride diffusion of concrete in presence of de-icing salt was investigated. The diffusion coefficient of chloride in presence of$CaCl_2$ solution was larger than in presence of NaCl solution. Therefore, it is necessary to assess chloride profile in presence of$CaCl_2$ by different way from the case in presence of NaCl solution or seawater. -
In this study, LCC(Life Cycle Cost) evaluation technique is used for the purpose of accumulation of basic data required for such integrative system construction. We predicted the degradation time of concrete and repair material by neutralization through FEM analysis, and utilized the result for LCC evaluation It turned out that the repair method of construction in the most economical initial measure against degradation and a durable period can be chosen through the LCC evaluation in consideration of the degradation prediction using FEM analysis and the initial construction expense in a durable period and repair expense, and the number of repair times.
In recent years, many research works have been carried out in order to obtain a more controlled durability and long-term performance of concrete structures exposed to chloride environments. In particular, the development of new procedures for probability-based durability analysis and design has been proved to be very valuable. To carry out the procedures described above, the statistical properties of design valuables such as diffusion coefficient of chloride ion, surface chloride concentration, and chloride threshold value etc. should be known. For this purpose, this paper presents the statistical properties of the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion such as mean value and standard deviation with water-cement(w/c) ratio and curing conditions, respectively. It was observed from the test that the standard deviation for the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion was found to be small with decrease in the w/c ratio irrespective of curing conditions and that of standard curing was found to be smaller than that of field curing.
As this study is to test effects of chemical attack on deterioration of cement mortars using in crushed sand. Besides tests have been carried out with cement mortars by river sand and crushed sand by fine sand, cement mortars mix various proportions of slica fume and fly ash(up to
$15\%$ and$50\%$ by weight for cement) were prepared and immersed in pure water, sodium sulfate solution, magnesium sulfate solution, seawater for 28days. Test on the change in the weight and compressive strength of cement mortars according to the duration of immersion time and the content of slica fume and fly ash was performed. -
In order to traffic safety during winter season, snowfall and cold area has been spread the deicing chemicals, and the spraying amount is increasing every year. Use of deicing chemicals has been and will continue to be a major part of highway snow and ice control methods. Chloride-containing chemicals such as calcium chloride or rock salt are main deicers for the road. Extensive use of chloride deicers is, however, the source of substantial cost penalties due to their corrosive action and acceleration to deterioration concrete structures. Deterioration due to de-icer salt occurs in practice in concrete pavement, dike, barrier and similar structure. This paper reports the results of effect of de-icer salt on durability of concrete structure in winter. To protect concrete structure from damage by de-icer salt in winter, the exposure test was performed using three methods such as increase in design strength upto 32MPa application of granulated blast furnace slag powder, and concrete sealer. Of these, the method of increase in design strength upto 32MPa showed better durability for deterioration by de-icer salt.
Shotcrete have become a deterioration which is used in the underground such as groundwater and soil in sulfate ion. Sulfate attack on concrete structures in service is not widespread, and the amount of laboratory-based research seems. to be disproportionately large. In this study, immersion test using
$Na_2SO_4$ solution($1,2,5\%$ ) was performed to evalute the resistance of shotcrete. From the results of the immersion test for 112 days of exposure. In order to understand the deterioration mechanism due to seawater attack, test using scanning electron microscopy(SEM) analysis and X-ray diffraction showed that the deterioration mechanism due to sulfate attack in shotcrete. -
The basic prediction model was constructed to obtain optimal maintenance method for concrete structure under marine environment by exploring the mechanism of mono and combined deterioration in lab. This model was planned to be upgraded with data acquired from several exposure specimens under same environment as structures. The computer program developed to give useful guidance observer would be improved. Several repair materials and repair construction methods applied to exposure specimens will be tested for its performance of prohibit salt attack and freezing & thawing action during experimental period about ten years. All of these data could be available to complete the prediction system. The manager will be able to use the system for optimal maintenance of marine concrete structures.
The problem of the crack which occures from the reinforced concrete structure. could be caused by the complexed factors. When the crack happen, it caused fatal blemish to manage and maintain the structure such as structural problem, licking, spalling, viewing Even though they study and work hard to solve this kind of problem in the world, there are no countermeasure for perfect prevention of crack. After the crack checked out, a method of repair-reinforcement has been sutdied and operated actively. In this experiment, studied durability of repair material. Experiment wave and durability of epoxy and urethane's were shown good result, and micro cement's durability displayed result that is not good. Result of a repeat tired experiment displayed result that micro cement is bad.
The purpose of this study is to accurately understand the flexural behavior in RC beam with strrup on repair thickness of DFRCC. Using a four-point bending test, the shear strengths and shear stress-deflection relations of DFRCC repair RC specimens are obtained. The results show that DFRCC can be effectively used for repairing materials for concrete structures.
The development and maintenance of a sound bond are an essential requirements of concrete repair and replacement. The bond property of a bonded overlay to its substrate concrete during the lifetime is one of the most important performance requirements which should be quantified This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of adhesive strength for overlay concrete. Three different removal methods of deteriorated concrete such as chip-patch, mill-patch and water-jet were varied in this study. According to the adhesive strength of pull- off test, case III using water-jet was measured
$2\~3$ times higher than that of chip-patch or mill-patch. -
Recently, there has been a intensive social interest for concrete structures with respect to durability by carbonation, chemical attack etc. Specially, the deterioration of concrete due to chemical attack in environments such as Wastewater Treatment Facilities is important factors degrading the durability of concrete structure. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate on deterioration of Wastewater Treatment Facilities concrete to chemical attack through instrumental analysis such as XRD, SEM and EDS. According to the results of this study. Wastewater Treatment Facilities concrete to chemical attack due to
$So_{4}^{2-},\;Mg^{2+}$ ions founded out to appear deterioration materials peak : ettringite/thaumasite. gypsum and brucite peak. -
The durability of concrete is decreased by various deterioration factors such as a crack, spalling, corrosion. Many repair and rehabilitation methods have been introduced to extend service life of RC structure. An application of coating material is one of repair and rehabilitation methods. However, there is a problem due to reduction of bonding strength and damage of coating material in the case of existed coating material. Thus, this paper is aim to investigate the chloride resistance according to application method of coating material which improve the existed problem. According to the results, it is showed that application of coating material reduces diffusion of chloride into concrete. In special, application of MMA polymer showed the best resistance for chloride attack. However, variation of application method and number of times has a minor effect on chloride diffusion.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the chemical resistance of polymer powder-modified mortars with special accelerator component. Polymer powder-modified mortars with the accelerator are prepared with various polymer-binder ratios, and tested for flexural and compressive strengths and mass change. Chemicals resistance was tested by dealing with
$10\%$ HCl and$5\%\;H_2SO_4$ aqueous solution. As a result, the weight reduction ratio of the mortars decreased with increasing polymer-binder ratio. However, in the viewpoint of strength reduction by chemical attacks, the maximum chemical resistance of the mortars was shown at a polymer-binder ratio of$5\%$ . -
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the durability and bond strength of polymer powder-modified mortars with special accelerator components. The mortars were prepared with various polymer-binder ratios and applied to the concrete substrate as a repair material. Bond strength, flexural and compressive strengths, freeze-thaw resistance and carbonation resistance were measured for the test. As a result, bond strength of the mortars was increased with an increase in the polymer-cement ratio, and freeze-thaw resistance and carbonation resistance were significantly improved with increasing polymer-cement ratio also.
Concrete structures have been damaged by salt, carbonization, freezing and thawing and the others. Therefore, it is needed to protect durability and performance according to the appropriate materials and methods in the concrete structures. In general, several types of polymer and silicate are used as protecting deterioration agents of concrete structures, but these agents have many problems because of low durability and properties. In this study, It developed the deterioration restraining agent using polycondensed silicate and monomer that can block a deterioration cause such as
$CO_2$ gas, salt and water from the outside and enhance waterproofing ability by reinforcing the concrete surface when applying it to concrete structures. Also, it developed the systems for improving concrete performance using a deterioration restraining agent. -
This study aims to verify the relationship between the penetration depth and chemical resistance, which can demonstrates the performance of the applied surface penetration sealers.
This study investigated the strength of concrete to improve construction material with polymer cement mortar. Some mixtures composed of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber(SBR) and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA) Poly Vinyl Alcohol(PVA) were studied. The three mixtures carried out the physical, mechanical test to determine its properties which a include : compressive, flexural, bond strength test. The test results show that the compressive strength was increased at long-term age when compared to early ages for increasing polymer contents. It was found that flexural strength and bond strength became larger as polymer to cement ratio became higher.
Recently, various concrete reinforcing fibers have been used to reduce the plastic shrinkage cracking which occurs before the concrete hardens. In this study, the physical properties of nylon fiber reinforced concrete such as slump, air content, compressive strength and tensile strength were investigated. In addition, the performance of nylon fiber in the plastic shrinkage cracking reduction of mortar has been estimated in comparison with polypropylene fiber and cellulose fiber. Nylon fiber showed considerable advantages in terms of the workability of concrete and the plastic shrinkage cracking reduction of mortar compared with polypropylene fiber and cellulose fiber.
Tunnel lining is the final support of a tunnel and reflects the results of the interaction between ground and support system. Recently it is very difficult to support and manage the tunnel because the cracks on tunnel lining cause problems in supporting and managing tunnels. Therefore the analysis of the cracks is quite strongly required. The major role played by the steel fiber occurs in the post-cracking zone, in which the fibers bridge across the cracked matrix. Because of its improved ability to bridging cracks, steel fiber reinforcement concrete(SFRC) has better crack properties than that of reinforced concrete. In this study, mechanical behaviour of a tunnel lining was examined by model tests. The model tests were carried out under various conditions taking different loading shapes, thicknesses and leakage of lining, and volume content of steel fiber. From these model test, the cracking load, the failure load, defection and cracking position and type were examined and the characteristics of deformation and failure for tunnel lining were estimated and researched.
Strength of concrete is very important factor in design and quality management and may represent overall quality of concrete. Such strength of concrete may differ depending on amount of cement mixed, water and fine aggregate ratio. Classic concrete products have been produced mainly with ordinary portland cement(hereinafter 'cement'), water and fine aggregate as shown above, but various additives and mixture materials have been used for concrete manufacturing, along with development of high functional concrete and diversification of structures. Various kinds of chemical mixtures agents and mixture materials have been used as it requires concretes with other features which cannot be solved with existing materials only, such as high strength, high flexibility and no-separation in the water. Such addition of various mixture agents may cause change in cement hydrate, affecting strength. Hydration of cement is the process of producing potassium hydroxide, C-S-H, C-A-H and Ettringite, while causing heat generation reaction after it is mixed with water, and generation amounts of such hydrates play lots of roles in condensation and hardening. This study aims to analyze its strength and features with hydrates by making specimen according to curing temperature, types of mixture agent, mixing ratio and ages and by analyzing such hydrates in order to analyze role of cement hydrate on early strength of concrete.
This study investigates the efficient construction scheme of the immersed tunnel focusing on the hydration heat. In this respect, some alternatives in curing, temperature condition and removing of the forms are compared together to meet the required criteria. It is addressed that the strict construction stage analysis considering the placing scheme of concrete is one of the key factors to trace the realistic structural behavior for the hydration heat.
Concrete structure that has been constructed in real field is on multi-axial stress state condition. After placing of concrete, hydration heat and shrinkage of concrete can cause various stress conditions with respect to the restraint level and condition. So, to predict the early age behavior of concrete structure, multi-axial material model is required and microplane model is acceptable. Recently, many studies have been performed on the microplane model, but the model developed up to now has been related to hardened concrete that material property is constant with concrete age. So, it is inappropriate to apply this model immediately to analyze the early age behavior of concrete. In this study, microplane model that can predict early age behavior of concrete was developed and cracking analysis using that was performed to describe cracking behavior for massive concrete sturucture.
Recently, owing to the development of industry and the improvement of building techniques, the concrete structure is becoming larger and higher. In hardening these large concrete, the heat of hydration gives rise to considerable thermal stress depending on the size and environmental condition of concrete, which might cause thermal cracking. Especially, the crack may cause severe damage to the safety and the durability of concrete structure. This study is investigated the thermal properties of concrete according to several binder conditions, such as OPC, Belite rich cement(BRC), slag cement(SC), blast furnace slag (BFS) added cement, fly ash added cement and BFS-fly ash added cement. As a result of this study, the concrete made with BRC, fly ash(
$25\%$ ) added cement and BFS($35\%$ )-fly ash($15\%$ ) added cement gets superior effect in the control of heat hydration. -
In this research, the characteristics of the strength development and chloride attack resistance on the concrete using high early strength cement by steam curing temperature condition were studied. As a result, It is observed that the early strength(16hr) is increasing and the strength of 28 days is decreasing, according as the rising of the steam curing temperature without the kinds of base cement(OPC and high early strength cement). On the other hand, it is observed that the more the contents of the unit binder(base cement + GGBF) is abundant, the more the steam curing temperature can be reduced in case of the high early strength. Also, the chloride attack resistance is improved according as the amount of GGBF is increased with the kinds of base cement(OPC and high early strength cement).
Strength development of low heat portland cement(Type IV) concrete according of addition of fly-ash in high strength range is tested. In this study strength development according to water-binder ratio, strength development according to age, effect of fly ash are tested. This study tests effect of low heat portland cement in high strength range concrete and provide guide line concrete mix design for later study and construction.
If cement can be manufactured with industrial byproducts such as granulated blast furnace slag(GBFS), phosphogypsum(PG), and waste lime(WL) instead of clinker as its counterproposal, there would be many advantages, including maximum use of these industrial byproducts for high value-added resources, conservation of natural resources and energy by omitting the use of clinker, minimized environmental pollution problems caused by
$CO_2$ discharge, and reduction of the production cost. This research investigates the chemical resistance of NSC mortar added PG and WL to GBFS as sulfate and alkali activators. The result of experiment of chemical resistance, showed that NSC is very excellent in acid resistance and seawater resistanc. Such a reasons are that the hydrate like CSH gel and ettringite formed dense pore structure of NSC matrix. -
This study concerns the strength of concrete cores drilled from existing structures. The test factors are core size, drilled position of core, concrete age and concrete strength. The test results are as follows; (1) Under the filled condition of curing, concrete strength for three years are larger than that of 28 days by
$15\~20\%$ (2) According to the core size effect from diameter of 75mm to 150mm , the variation of core strength are by$8\~18\%$ (3) According to the wall height of 1m, the strength of lower point of wall is than larger that of the upper point by$5\~20\%$ . (4) In Accessing the core strength of concrete as a basis, the effect of core size and drilling position should be considered. -
This study concerns the equation of high strength concrete by schmidt hammer test. There are not only few prediction strength equations of concrete by schmidt hammer test, but also many problems to apply them because of time, cost, easiness, structural damage, reliability and so on. For this study, there performed a series of schmidt hammer test with in existing 1,095days' concrete structures and proposed equations as follows ; Linear:
${\Large f}_{ck}=-45.35+2.44R(r^2=72.7\%)$ Quadratic:${\Large f}_{ck}=-502.08+24.0R-0.25R^2(r^2=82.4\%)$ here,$f_{ck}$ : Estimated compressive strength of concrete by MPa, R : Rebound index of concrete -
This study concerns the new strength equation of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity test. There are not only few estimate strength equations of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity test, but also many problems to apply them because of time,. cost, easiness, structural damage, reliability and so on. For this study, there performed a series of test and proposed equations as follows; Linear:
${\Large f}_{ck}=-193.15+60.97Vp\;r^2=77.9\%$ Quadratic :${\Large f}_{ck}=276.85-189.64Vp+33.22Vp^2\;r^2=80.3\%$ here,$f_{ck}$ : Estimated compressive strength of concrete by MPa Vp : Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity of concrete by km/sec -
This study is aimed for investigating the influence of the properties of crushed stone sand on the mixing factor and compressive strength of concrete. The results of this study are as follows; The influence of Particle Shape and Very Fine Sand(VFS) of crushed stone sand on the mixing factor was higher than Fineness Modulus. The demand water of concrete with crushed stone sand was decreased about
$12\~18kg/m^3$ with increasing$4\%$ of Particle Shape and increased$8\~15kg/m^3$ with increasing$3\%$ of ratio of Very Fine Sand(VFS). -
This paper examines degradation properties of alkali-activated alumino-silicate composite body by NAS solution exposed to high temperature. Activators include sodium hydroxides and sodium silicate solution. In the result of experiment, flexural and compressive strength of AAS base mortar exposed to high temperature (
$400\~600^{\circ}C$ ) was higher than alumina cement base mortar. Particularly, In case of compressive strength, alumina cement base mortar was decreased by about$60\~70\%$ . While, AAS base mortar exposed to high temperature ($400\~600^{\circ}C$ ) was higher than that curing by room temperature. The above results showed that AAS base inorganic binder has a good mechanical properties exposed to high temperature($400\~600$ ). -
This paper discussed the influence of addition of aqueous additives such as various beverage and detergent on the properties of concrete during placement by workmen's mistake. Slump and air content were not highly affected by the addition of aqueous additives, while addition of detergent led to an remarkable increase in air content due to interfacial activated ingredient in detergent. For setting time, lactic-acid fermented milk exhibited a longest setting delay and in order of coffee and soda. Concrete containing setting retarding beverage had higher compressive strength than control concrete at 7 and 28days. Concrete containing detergent exhibited strength loss due to the presence of larger amount of air content.
In this study, the shear box tests are carried out with cement paste in order to quantify the rheological constants. The materials have four level of water-cement ratios in
$0.30\~0.45$ , with or without high-range water-reducing AE agent. As the results, it was clarified that the rheological constants of cement paste are dependent on the value of shear strain, and the incremental coefficient of yield value is varied with the water-cement ratio and the dosage of high-range water-reducing AE agent. -
Main components of metakaolin(MK) were
$SiO_2\;and\;Al_2O_3$ . and specific surface was 2.2 times larger than that of ordinary portland cement(OPC). MK indicated the fine particle and fiber texture. Flow value of mortar with MK was decreased linearly each$13\%$ as the replacement ratio of MK was increased each$5\%$ . Compressive strength of mortar with MK was increased more than that of mortar with OPC by 3days. Compressive strength of mortar with$10\%$ MK was about 83MPa at 28 days. When MK was replaced with$10\%$ of cement volume, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity of mortar was indicated the maximum value at 28 days. -
This paper reports the influence of super retarding agent(SRA) on the setting time of concrete incorporating mineral admixture including fly ash(FA), expansive additive(EA), silica fume(SF), blast furnace slag(BS) and blast furnace slag along with fly ash(BS+FA). An increase in SRA resulted in retarding the setting time of control concrete, while the use of mineral admixture led to a delay of setting time markedly, compared with that of control concrete under no SRA content. Meanwhile, An increase in SRA in concrete with mineral admixture exhibited comparable setting delay with control concrete. Furthermore, in case of the use of BS and SF, acceleration of setting time was observed with increase of SRA content. It is considered that proper dosage of SRA of concrete with SF and BS to secure similar setting delay with control concrete require rather larger than that of control concrete. Accordingly, For concrete with mineral admixture, in order to decide the proper dosage of SRA, application of correction factors is needed.
This paper is to investigate the shrinkage properties of ultra high strength concrete(UHSC) incorporating
$5\%$ of expansive additives(EA) along with$1\%$ of shrinkage reducing agent(SRA). UHSC subjected to steam curing and incorporated with steel fiber exhibited higher compressive strength than control UHSC by as much as50MPa at 7days, while at 28days, noticeable change in compressive strength was not observed between UHSC mixtures. Control UHSC subjected to steam curing had a$922{\times}10^6$ of autogenous shrinkage strain value, which was 6.7 times of drying shrinkage strain value at 42 days. The combination of EA and SRA resulted in a decrease in autogenous shrinkage by as much as half of control mixture. Steam curing contributed to the reduction of autogenous shrinkage by as much as$11\%$ compared with that of standard curing. -
Fast-setting cement is usually used for emergency repair construction of roads, bridges, buildings and so on. In this study, we tried to develop fast-setting ultra early strength mortar for prepacked concrete and evaluated the properties of fresh and hardened concrete with it. The flowability of the mortar was high enough to be easily poured into coarse aggregates. It showed high early strength development which can make it possible to use newly constructed structures within
$3\~4$ hours regardless of curing conditions such as curing temperature and curing environment. And it also showed good resistance to drying shrinkage and chemical attack. -
In the domestic atmosphere environment, the VOCs and the NOx have a large proportion of the pollutant, and the HCHO is the main environmental pollutant factor within the house. In this study, the inorganic paint which can absorb and remove VOCs, NOx and HCHO is developed by using clay-titania carrier. The basic data to develope eco-friendly inorganic paint is collected with the performance test to remove the VOCs, NOx and HCHO in the condition of the addition of several inorganic materials to the paint, and also the plan to practical use of eco-friendly inorganic paint is studied.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been extensively used to try to evaluate the corrosion state of the steel/concrete system. This technique is attractive because, in theory, used in a wide range of frequencies, it can give detailed information about the mechanisms and kinetics of the electrochemical reactions. Impedance measurements were performed using potential control and measuring the corresponding current response. One-year-old southern exposure test. specimens were used in the current study. The effectiveness of corrosion inhibiting additives was evaluated. The corrosion current densities estimated by impedance measurements were confirmed by those determined using linear polarization techniques. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term-performance potential of the corrosion inhibitors in chloride contaminated reinforce concrete.
Chloride attach is one of the main factors which cause the deterioration of structures. In the case highway bridges, de-icer salts very significantly increase the surface scaling due to frost action. The deteriorated concrete is subject to experience degrading of durability under chloride attach environment. In this study, diagnosis report of 147 bridges is investigated and core sample of 21 bridge decks is examined and analyzed. The results show that the cover of decks concrete is required more than 8cm for retaining bridge lifetime over 30 years.
This study is concerned with application of SWP-2H with performance which could be improved compressive strength, crack control of high strength concrete ranged from 35MPa to 70MPa. Expermental data showed that initial. behavior of SWP-2H added concrete had a similar tendency that of non-added concrete. As well crack resulted from autogeneous and drying shrinkage and compressive strength were well controled or elevated by application of SWP-2H.
In this study, it is examined the properties of early strength of concrete mixed with polycarboxylate superplasticizer. For this experiment, it is analyzed that the slump and strength properties according to the mixture factors, compared with cements and superplasticizers of each company and curing temperature(
$15,\;20^{\circ}C$ ). (1) The slump loss of concrete used polycarboxylate superplasticizer(rapid strength type) showed$0.5\~1.5cm$ , it is judged that slump loss according to the time lapse can be minimized. (2) The performance of polycarboxylate superplasticizer kept up consistency and accelerated strength development. it is possible to reveal 12MPa within$18\~20$ hours at$20^{\circ}C$ curing, but impossible within 24hours at$15^{\circ}C$ . (3) It is necessary to studies about rapid strength development in the low temperature. -
Cement paste is originally the basic material and crucial factor consisting concrete. This study investigates the relationship between flow apparatuses, which are ring flow, flow cone and mini slump, in order to estimate the fluidity of cement paste. For quantitatively evaluating the measured data, this study also analyses the calibration of the rheology consistents of cement paste using viscometer. For this purpose, the present work discusses the influence of the differences of companies and ingredients, affecting the fluidity of cement paste
The effects of substituting cement with fiber addition(poly vinyl alcohol), fly ash and Expansive Additive on the control of microcrack and enhanced durability performance of face slab concrete in concrete-faced rockfill dam was studied experimentally The laboratory test results shown that the mixture of fiber containing concrete and of fly ash replacement of concrete to be more effective than expansive additive concrete in the crack control and mechanical performance.
This paper is related to investigate adding effect of fluorine-silicate hybrid type crack controlling agent(FS) on initial behavior, dynamic properties, adibatic hydration temp, and plastic crack behavior of concrete(Specification : 25-30-18). It is appeared that adding of FS contributed to strength elevation, lowering of hydration temperature as well as plastic crack reduction without disturbance of initial behaviors of concrete such as slump, air content and setting.
Recently, to consider financial and constructive aspect, usage of Admixture, like Blast- Furnace Slag and Fly-Ash, are increased. These mineral admixtures, a by-product of steel industry, have many advantage, to reduce the heat of hydration, increase in ultimate strength, improve workability and etc. But it also reduces early-age strength, so it is prevented from using of Blast-Furnace Slag at cold-weather-concrete. In this study, for the purpose of increasing usage of mineral admixtures, like Blast-Furnace Slag and Fly ash, it is investigated the strength properties of concrete subjected to under low temperature According to this study, if early curing is carried out before having frost damage, the strength of concrete, subjected to frost damage, is recovered. And to consider increasing effect of strength, it is more effective to use of mineral admixtures, especially to use blast furance slag.
The present study was to examine the influence of porosity and moisture content on the water permeability, strength and plant-growth characteristics of porous concrete. The result of the experiment verified that the coefficient of permeability of porous concrete with porosity between
$30\%\;and\;36\%$ increased by 2cm/sec and the compressive strength decreased 1MPa at every$3\%$ increase of porosity. In addition, the plant growth of porous concrete showed 5cm at$36\%$ porosity and 2.5cm at$30\%$ porosity respectively. Thus, the higher the porosity, the more the plant grew. When$2\%$ moisture content was used in porous concrete with the same porosity, the plant growth was accelerated two times faster than the case without it. -
Ever since man learnt to build homes and cities around 10,000 years ago, clay materials has undoubtedly been one of the most widely-used construction materials in the world. However, the clay has poor strength, water resistance and durability, thus being limitedly used as calcined clay after being calcined. Pozzolan materials is to improve the strength and the durability of concrete as a result of the pozzolanic reaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyzes ingredient about clay mineral about Chung-buk area 10 places and to examine the application of clay minerals for the concrete admixtures.
This study evaluates the properties of porous concrete for pavement according to content of silica fume and steel fiber. The results of the test indicate that in every condition, the void ratio and the coefficient of water permeability of porous concrete for pavement satisfy both the domestic standards and proposition values. Among the properties of strength, the compressive strength satisfies the standards in the specification of KNHC as for every factor of mixture but in the case of the flexural strength, more than
$0.6vol.\%$ of steel fiber satisfied the JCI proposition values. The case when silica fume and steel fiber are used simultaneously presents the strongest durability and Noise Reduction Coefficient is 0.48 to prove that it possesses almost$50\%$ sound absorption. -
This study is analyzed mechanical properties and durability of pavement of a road permeability porous concrete to mix polymer for the enhance of porous concrete of performance and durability. As a result, void ratio showed the tendency which the mixing rate of polymer is decreased a little as increased. And, the influence of void ratio according to the kind of polymer has the difference, but void ratio showed the tendency which the mixing rate of polymer is decreased a little as increased. Compressive strength showed the tendency which the mixing rate of polymer is increased a little as increased. but, it showed the tendency to be reduced rather when above
$20\%$ it mixed polymer mixing rate$10\%$ at apex. -
This experimental study investigate temperature dependency affecting setting and strength development of concrete using mineral admixtures such as CKD, FA and BS. For the properties of setting at
$5^{\circ}C$ , setting time of concrete with mineral admixture was delayed about$3\~14$ hour compared with that of plain concrete. Use of CKD had a desirable effect on reducing setting retard under$5^{\circ}C$ because of$CaCO_3$ of CKD while use of FA and BS retarded setting time greatly. For compressive strength under$5^{\circ}C$ , concrete with CKD had the most compressive strength in early age compared with the other mineral admixtures but exhibited slight strength loss in$-5^{\circ}C$ at 28days. Especially, concrete with FA and BS was observed in early stage at low curing temperature because of strength loss remarkably in$-5^{\circ}C$ . -
This paper focused on development of geopolymer for wood wool ceramic board. Geopolymer can substitude ordinary portland cement and its accelerator of wood wool cement board as inorganic polymer. In this study, what we would obtain geopolymer's properties such as initial setting time(KS L 5108), flow(KS L 5102) and compressive strength of 3days aged(KS L 5105), was less than 1 hour, more than
$110\%$ , more than 40Mpa. Geopolymer have three essential materials called filler, hardener and geopolymer liquor. So, We applied filler by quartz, hardener by blast furnace slag powder, metakaoline and fly ash, geopolymer liquor by NaOH, KOH and sodium silicate solution. As result of this experiment, what we could obtain best fitted geopolymer's properties such as initial setting time, flow and compressive strength of 3days aged, was 45min,$116\%$ and 43.6Mpa. This result can be applicable to commercial wood wool ceramic board. -
The purpose of this paper is to investigate on hydration, setting time and compressive strength properties of cement paste mixed alkali-free accelerator using aluminum sulfate for shotcrete. The experimental focus is to variouse added element with alkali-free accelerator for shotcrete using aluminum sulfate. When diethanolamine was used as a component of alkali-free accelerator, alkali-free accelerator contributed to increasing early hydration, setting time and compressive strength properties of cement paste and mortar.
The watertightness of concrete is judged by the depth of penetration of water forced in under pressure with the mechanism of flow of seepage water examined theoretically and experimentally. As a result, it is found that in the case of low water pressure approximately 0.15Mpa or less, the flow is Darcy seepage flow, the same as flow in an ordinary sand stratum, whereas in the case of high water pressure, the flow is diffused seepage flow accompanied by internal deformation of concrete. It is suggested that the watertightness of concrete be evaluated by seepage coefficient in the case of the former and diffusion coefficient in the case of the latter.
As the importance of recycled materials is being emphasized more in the Korean construction market, the production quality has been improved to a significantly high level. Compared to the high quality, however, there are used very limitedly. Among recycled construction materials, recycled aggregates produced through the retreatment of waste concrete are drawing attention because of lack of natural aggregate and heightened consciousness of resource saving and environmental protection and, as a consequence, they are close to natural aggregates in terms of production technology and quality. Despite the high quality and productivity, however,. the utilization of recycled aggregates is very low. Thus, in order to maximize the utility of recycled aggregates, the present study examined the usability of recycled aggregates using both recycled coarse aggregates and recycled fine aggregates together and derived optimal quantity and mixture ratio in the combined use of the two types of recycled aggregate.
The purpose of this study evaluates possibilities of waste phosphogypsum into concerts by steam curing admixture. The waste phosphogypsum is made use of 4 forms(Dehydrate,
$\beta$ -Hemihydrate, III-Anhydrite and II-Anhydrite) which were changed to in low temperature of calcination. The penetration depth and compressive strength of cement mortar are investigated to evaluate the chloride ion and carbonation resistance. As a result, chloride ion and carbonation resistance of cement mortar admixed with waste phosphogypsum are more excellent than cement mortar contained OPC alone. The internal pores of cement mortar are decreased by using waste phosphogypsum, because the hydrates of ettringite which is denesified in structure is much formed in early ages at steam curing. These densified effect is concluded with improving the resistance to attack of cement mortar including waste phospogypsum. -
Crushed sand is blended in order to investigate the quality changes and characteristics of concrete with variation of blend ratio of crushed sand (50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
$100\%$ ). Slump and air content were measured to investigate properties of fresh concrete, and unit weight, compressive strength and modulus of elasticity in age of 7, 28, 60, 90, 180 days were measured to investigate properties of hardened concrete. Compressive strength, unit weight and modulus of elasticity were increased as time goes by and they are expected to keep on increasing in long-term age as well. As a result of measuring compressive strength and modulus of elasticity in age of 7, 28, 60, 90, 180days, compressive strength was highest when it is$70\%$ of blended ratio. -
Most concrete is recently made of an aggregate which is properly absorbed, and carried in it in order to do capability at every fields. We have been close to demand new capability of high flowing and enduring for specific concretes. That is difficult to cope with claiming the efficiency on deterioration from lack of a high quality aggregate. Therefore, For solving the problems we apply to a packing method for using dried materials. That is to say it is a kind of making into an instant. In this study, There is a purpose to present fundamental data, comparing and analyzing a phenomenon about aggregate's absorption following the rate of adding water, for using existing materials.
In this study, we predicted the service life against the freezing and thawing. as a result, we found that in the case of using the low quality crushed sand with high water-cement ratio, there is the possibility of deterioration. but in any other case, we concluded that there is no chance to deteriorate if we have the required air contents by using AE agent. we are going to improve the method to evaluate more exactly the durability of the concrete with crushed sand by acquiring data from the specimen which are exposed to field for long time.
In South Korea, about 900 metal mines have been abandoned, and about 88 million-t metal mine wastes have been discarded in recent years. The treatment of the tailings which are the main wastes in the abandoned metal mines becomes a social problem because they cause environmental pollution such as acidic waste water generation, groundwater contamination, and dust generation. Since almost whole quantities of the tailings have disposed by landfill now, the development of effective recycling methods for the tailings are strongly requested. It is expected that the fine tailings obtained by centrifugal separation process among the tailings can be utilized as admixture for cement. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the micro-structure of cement mortar admixed with fine tailing. Various admixtures were made of Fine tailings and 2 Types of OPC, fly-ash and blast furnace slag. The hydration reactivity of cement mortar with FT was examined by Porosity, XRD and SEM morphology analysis. The anolytical result about hardened hydrates shows that waste fine tailing help hydrates none densified due to it,s filling-space, These densified effect is concluded with improving the resistance to attack of cement mortar including waste fine tailing.
Normally, the degradation of concrete member exposed to fire is largely dependent on the fire scale and fire condition. With all ensuring the fire resistance structure as a method of setting the required cover thickness to fire, the RC is significantly affected from the standpoint of its structural stability that the compressive strength and elastic modulus is reduced by fire. Thus, this study is concerned with experimentally investigating fire resistance of high strength-light weight concrete. From the test result, high strength-light weight concrete is happened explosive spalling. The decrease of cross section caused by explosive spalling made sharp increasing gradient of inner temperature.
Recently, the alkali activation of Fly-ash has become a significant field of research because it is possible to use these materials having highly chemical reaction property. Also, the product does not generate CO2 gas, unlike ordinary Portland cement(O.P.C). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to design for improving mechanical and chemical properties using Fly-ash and Meta-kaolin. And additive(CaO) affected to control the strength behaviors and shrinkage rate.
In this study, glass abrasive sludge was utilized for a light weight material and graphite was used as expanding agent. The glass abrasive sludge with added expanding agent was formed into pellet by a pelletizer. When glass abrasive sludge is made as pellet, water glass is added as a binder(water : water glass = 8 : 2). The pellet was sintered at
$700\~800^{\circ}C$ by rotary kiln composed of 4 segment temp. system. The absorption ratio of lightweight materials tended to increase in proportion to increasing content of graphite. The lowest value of specific gravity that was observed in this study was$1.8\%$ . -
Epoxy resin, as no-hardening, applied for repair and finish materials is used to mix together with hardener. It is advantages that epoxy resin has reaction shrinkage less than other materials and has excellent in water proofing, thermal resistance. The other hands, because ratio of combination of epoxy resin and hardener is fixed, it is not possible to change according to field condition. This investigated suspended time by temperature and hardener ratio. As a results of study, it can select economical ratio of the epoxy resin and hardener according to site situation.
This study is investigated the strength properties of ALC(Autocalved Lightweight Concrete) using SPS(Stone Powder Sludge), to develop recycling technique of SPS. At a given replacement percent of SPS and addition percent of foam, the results show that its the strength properties are equal or higher than the quartz used in a raw material of ALC, and it is also found that the addition percent of the foam and the strength properties have a certain relation of linear.
The river environments of many streams in korea have been deteriorate through the rapid industrialization and urbanization since the 1960s. In Germany and Japan, on the other hand, much efforts on the research and project have been made for the restoration of the deteriorated streams to close-to-nature. in order to restore the deteriorated streams, therefore, it is necessary to investigate such advanced technologies and materials. In view of this requirement, various research paths are being taken focusing on coarse aggregates to make multi-functional porous concrete having continuous voids so as to improve water and air permeability, acoustic absorption, water purification, and applicability to vegetation. The Purpose of this study is to investigate the method for recovery of the environment in the streams area using porous concrete block. the porous concrete block applies for test in the cheonggae-cheon have been monitored planting during six month. after 6 months, plant grows flourishing and reconstructed in state such as nature rivers.
MSWI ash is the residue from waste combustion processes at temperature between
$850^{\circ}C\;and\;1000^{\circ}C$ . And the main components of MSWI ash are$SiO_2,\;CaO\;and\;Al_2O_3$ . The aim of this study is to find a way to useful application of MSWI ash(after treatment) as a structural material and to investigates the hydraulic activity, compressive strength development, composition variation of such chemicallyi-activated MSWI ashes concrete. And it was found that early cement hydration, followed by the breakdown and dissolving of the MSWI-ashes, enhanced the formation of calcium silicate hydrates(C-S-H), The XRD and SEM-EDS results indicate that, both the hydration degree and strength development are closely connected with a curing condition and a chemically-activator. Compressive strengths with values in the 40.5MFa were obtained after curing the activated MSWI ashes with NaOH+water glass at$90^{\circ}C$ . -
The paper presents details of an investigation into the effect of sand content upon the strength and shrinkage of mortar. This strategy was to produces more durable strength mortar with less cement. Cement mortars containing
$20\;wt.\;\%$ Class F fly ash, and/or$6\;wt.\;\%$ silica fume were prepared at a water/binder ratio of 0.45 and sand/binder ratios of 2.0, 2.5, 2.7, and 3.0. The increase in sand/binder ratio caused a decrease in the mortar flow. However, the sand/binder ratio did not affect the strength development. Drying shrinkage decreased with increasing the sand contents. -
Concrete structures often present volumetrical changes particularly due to thermal and moisture related shrinkages. Volumetric instability is detrimental to the performance and durability of concrete structures because structural elements are usually restrained. These restrained shrinkages develope tensile stresses which often results in cracking in combination with the low fracture resistance of concrete. Early-age defects in high-performance concrete due to thermal and autogenous deformation shorten the life cycle of concrete structures. Thus, it is necessary to examine the behavior .of early-age concrete at the stages of design and construction. The purpose of this study was to propose a shrinkage models of VES-LMC (very-early strength latex-modified concrete) at early-age considering thermal deformation and autogenous shrinkage.
In this paper, the influence of many factors related to the concrete mixture and the weather condition on plastic shrinkage cracking are analyzed through parametric studies using the numerical models introduced in the companion paper. First of all, through a systematic calculation of bleeding, the relationship between the bleeding constants and concrete mixture is proposed on the basis of the experimental data obtained by many researchers. Moreover, an equation, which can directly determine a critical point at which the evaporation and bleeding is balanced, is introduced, and the efficiency of the introduced equation is verified through the correlation study between the obtained results by the introduced equation and those by the rigorous analyses. The introduced equation can effectively be used to predict and to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking without any rigorous analysis and, in advance, to cope with the sudden changes in the concrete mixture and/or weather condition.
Development of high-strength concrete and improved durability has brought new opportunities to the construction industry. However, some attention was given to characteristics of such concrete, in particular with respect to their cracking sensitivity. It has been argued and demonstrated experimentally that a low water/cement ratio concrete undergoes shrinkage due to self-desiccation. This so-called autogenous shrinkage cracking is a major concern for concrete durability. One possible method to reduce cracking due to autogenous shrinkage is the addition of expansive additive. Tests conducted by many researches have shown the beneficial effects of addition of expansive for reducing the risk of shrinkage-introduced cracking. This paper aimed at forecasting deformation of high strength cement paste with expansive additive for early age.
This study was undertaken to examine the feasibility of recycling waste concrete fine aggregate to prepare polymer-modified mortars. The specimens of polymer-modified mortars were prepared by using styrene-butadiene rubber(SBR) latex and polyacrylic ester(PAE) emulsion as a polymer modifier. The formulations for specimens were prepared with various replacing ratios of waste concrete fine aggregates as parts of standard sand and various polymer cement ratios. For the evaluation of the performance of polymer-modified mortars, various physical properties were investigated. As a results, water cement ratio of polymer-modified fresh mortars increased with an increase of recycled fine aggregate, but decreased with an increase of polymer modifiers. The compressive and flexural strengths of polymer-modified mortars decreased with an increase of recycled fine aggregate, but flexural strengths increased with an increase of polymer modifiers.
The effects of binder content and ceramic powder content on the water absorption, carbonation depth and cl- penetration depth of polymer-modified pastes using redispersible polymer powders and ceramic powder are examined. As a result, the water absorption .of the polymer-modified pastes using redispersible polymer powders tend to decrease with increasing binder content and ceramic powder content. Regardless of the type of redispersible polymer powder, the carbonation depth and cl- penetration depth of the polymer-modified pastes with ceramic powder tend to decrease with increasing binder content and ceramic powder content.
The effect of coating method and binder content on the tensile adhesion strength, water absorption and cl- penetration depth of polymer-modified pastes using redispersible polymer powders and ceramic powder are examined. As a result, the tensile adhesion strength of the polymer-modified pastes tend to increase with increasing binder content and: number of coating. The water absorption and cl- penetration depth of the polymer-modified pastes tend to decrease with increasing binder content and number of coating.
In this study, MMA-modified paste of coating material for protecting the concrete structures was developed. The coating material was applied to cement concrete specimens by brush, roller and spray in each of which one, two and three layers to survey, by the cold-hot iterative test, the neutralization test, the chloride ion permeation test and the ante-abrasion test, the affect of painting methods and layers influencing on the durability of coating material. Results of the cold-hot iterative test showed that, regardless of the painting methods and layers, the defects such as crack or fuzz on surface were not produced. As the number of painting layers increased, the neutralization prevention as well as the chloride ion permeation prevention effects were increased. On the other hand, no difference was found between the painting methods. Reducing weight by abrasion of polymer paste coating material was
$20\%$ comparing to that of cement mortar.