대한약학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the PSK Conference) (Proceedings of the PSK Conference)
대한약학회 (The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea)
- 기타
- 보건의료 > 의약품/의약품개발
대한약학회 2005년도 Proceedings of the Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Vol.2
Yeo, Marie;Kim, Dong-Kyu;Park, Hee-Jin;Oh, Tae-Young;Kim, Jang-Hee;Lee, Jeong-Sang;Surh, Young-Joon;Hahm, Ki-Baik 126
Dulak, Jozef;Jozkowicz, Alicja;Golab, Jakub;Was, Halina;Nowis, Dominika;Stoklosa, Tomasz;Loboda, Agnieszka;Jazwa, Agnieszka 131
Jeon, Eun-Joo;Lee, Kwang-Youl;Choi, Nam-Sook;Lee, Mi-Hye;Kim, Hyun-Nam;Jin, Yun-Hye;Ryoo, Hyun-Mo;Choi, Je-Yong;Bae, Suk-Chul 219
Bacteria of Shigella spp. are responsible for shigellosis in humans, a disease characterized by destruction of the colonic epithelium that is induced by the inflammatory response elicited by invasive bacteria. They use a type III secretion system injecting effector proteins into host cells to induce their entry into epithelial cells and triggers apoptosis in macrophages. We present evidence that the effector OspG is a protein kinase that binds various ubiquitinylated ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and blocks degradation of phospho-
$I{\kappa}B{\alpha}$ induced upon entry of bacteria into epithelial cells. Transfection experiments confirmed that OspG interferes with the$NF-{\kappa}B$ activation patway by preventing phospho-$I{\kappa}B{\alpha}$ degradation, suggesting that OspG inactivates a component of the$SCF^{{\beta}-TrCP}$ ubiquitin ligase complex (E3) involved in phospho-$I{\kappa}B{\alpha}$ ubiquitination. Upon infection of ileal loops in rabbits, the ospG mutant induced a stronger inflammatory response compared with the wild-type strain, indicating that OspG down-regulates the host innate response induced by invasive bacteria. -