Generally, because received signals from radar are very bulky, the data are divided into manageable size called section, and sections are distributed into several digital signal processors. And then, target detection algorithms are applied simultaneously in each processor. CFAR(Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm, which is the most popular target detection algorithm, can estimate accurate threshold values to determine which signals are targets or noises within center-cut of section allocated to each processor. However, its estimation precision is diminished in section edge data because of insufficient surrounding data to be referred. Especially this edge problem of CFAR is too serious if we have many sections to be processed, because it causes many false alarms in most every section edges. This paper describes false alarm issues on MCA(Minimum Cell Average)-CFAR, and proposes a false alarm elimination method by changing section size alternatively. Real received data from multi-function radar were used to evaluate a proposed method, and we show that our method drastically decreases false alarms without missing real targets, and improves detection performance.