Based on atmosphere weather data by balloon in Osan and Gwangju area, if icing condition occurs in weather environment of altitude range where helicopter is operated was analyzed in quantitative way. Yearly icing occurrence frequency for daytime during recent three years was average 102 days in Osan, average 91 days in Gwangju. Icing weather environment to highly affect operation of helicopter varies a little according to analysis methods but icing intensity at MDT level was calculated in all the methods, and 14.5~38 times was suggested in Osan; 2.5~30 times in Gwangju. Icing at MDT level was calculated in common in all the analysis methods through wide periods such as Jan., Feb., Mar., and Nov. in Osan. In Gwangju, icing at MDT level was suggested focusing on Jan. only. Therefore, military helicopter developed in Korea is required to strive obtaining certificate of airworthiness about icing condition at MDT level for implementation of perfect operational mission and safe operation.