Model-based test, a well-known method of the black box tests, is consisted of the following four steps : model construction using requirement, test case generation from the model, execution of a SUT (software under test) and detection failures. Among models constructed in the first step, state-based models such as UML standard State Machine are commonly used to design event-based embedded systems (e.g., weapon control systems). To generate test cases from state-based models in the next step, coverage-based techniques such as state coverage and transition coverage are used. Round-trip path coverage technique using W-Method, one of coverage-based techniques, is known as more effective method than others. However it has a limitation of low failure observability because the W-Method technique terminates a testing process when arrivals meet states already visited and it is hard to decide the current state is completely same or not with the previous in the case like the GUI environment. In other words, there can exist unrevealed faults. Therefore, this study suggests a Extended W-Method. The Extended W-Method extends the round-trip path to a final state to improve failure observability. In this paper, we compare effectiveness and efficiency with requirement-item-based technique, W-Method and our Extended W-Method. The result shows that our technique can detect five and two more faults respectively and has the performance of 28 % and 42 % higher failure detection probability than the requirement-item-based and W-Method techniques, respectively.