Internal blast performance test on developed explosives was carried out. Internal blast means a blast wave in closed chambers like tunnels, bunkers, operation center and chamber of ships. We used Anpa tunnel for our test facility. We performed two series of tests to measure internal blast of developed explosives. Three different kinds of cast PBXs, DXD-09, DXD-10, DXD-18, and conventional explosive, Tritonal, were used in our test. The explosives were cast as a charge of 108mm diameter in a plastic tube of a 3mm thickness. The length of charges 4ere adjusted as a weight 3kg. A melt-cast explosive, tritonal, was used as a reference. Pentolite booster was used. The cylindrical boosters have a 95mm diameter and 47.5mm height. The results showed that there may be some differences between the performances in the air blast tests and those in the internal blast tests. The results showed that DXD-10, the best performance in air blast tests, showed the poorest performance in internal blast among the explosives tested. On the other hand, DXD-18 showed exactly the opposite trend. This is probably due to the highest contents of aluminum and inert binder in DXD-18. DXD-18 has $38\;wt\;\%$ of aluminum and $17\;wt\;\%$ of inert binders.