This study tried to find out implementation factors of internal marketing for a cosmetic retailer, and to look into their effects on Salesperson's job satisfaction, organization commitment, customer orientation and sales performance. For this, this study inquired into the concepts and relationships of internal marketing, job satisfaction, organization commitment, customer orientation and sales performance through literature review; and tested the relationships between the variables by setting up a research model and hypotheses. The findings of this study may be summarized as follows: First, it was found that the better the education & training, the supervisor support and the compensation system among internal marketing factors of a cosmetic retailer were, the higher a door-to-door salesperson's job satisfaction was. Second, it was found that the better internal communication and the education & training among internal marketing factors of a cosmetic retailer were, the higher a door-to-door salesperson's organization commitment was. Third, the higher the job satisfaction of a door-to-door salesperson in a cosmetic retailer was, the higher the organization commitment was. Fourth, it was found that the higher the organization commitment of a door-to-door salesperson in a cosmetic retailer was, the higher the customer orientation was. Fifth, it was found that the higher the organization commitment and customer orientation of a door-to-door salesperson in a cosmetic retailer were, the higher the sales performance was. In conclusion, the internal marketing increases door-to-door Salesperson's job satisfaction, and enhances the sense of belonging to their cosmetic retailer. Further, they come to have a customer-oriented attitude in serving customers, which is directly connected to sales performance, and thus the retailer can create profits through internal marketing. Therefore, a cosmetic retailer will need to strengthen internal communication activities through diverse methods, expand and activate employees' professional education, and develop fair and just compensation system; and supervisors will need to give support to employees, trusting their judgment.