In this study, we have simulated regional climate over East Asia using dynamical downscaling For dynamic downscaling experiments for regional climate simulation, MM5method. with 27 km horizontal resolution and 18 layers of sigma-coordinate in vertical is nested within global-scale NCEP reanalysis data with 2.5。${\times}$2.5。 resolution in longitude and latitude. In regional simulation, January and July, 1979 monthly mean features have been obtained by both continuous integration and daily restart integration driven by updating the lateral boundary forcing at 6-hr intervals from the NCEP reanalysis data using a nudging scheme with the updating design of initial and boundary conditions in both continuous and restart integrations. In result, we may successfully generated regional detail features which might be forced by topography, lake, coastlines and land use distribution from a regional climate. There is no significant difference in monthly mean features either integrate continuously or integrate with daily restart. For climatologically long integration, the initial condition may not be significantly important. Accordingly, MM5 can be integrated for a long period without restart frequently, if a proper lateral boundary forcing is given.