• 제목/요약/키워드: Cooling Perfromance

검색결과 1건 처리시간 0.015초

회전압축기형 스털링냉동기의 성능에 관한 실험적 연구 (The Experimental Study of the Performance of the Rotary Stirling refrigerator)

  • 홍용주;박성제;김효봉;김양훈;최영돈
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2004년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.1312-1316
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    • 2004
  • The Stirling refrigerators have been widely used for the cooling of the infrared detector and HTS to the cryogenic temperature. The Stirling refrigerator with the rotary compressor are applicable to the cooling device for the compact mobile thermal imaging system, because the refrigerators have the compact structure and light weight. The typical performance factors of the Stirling refrigerator are the cool-down time, cooling capacity at the desired temperature and the input power. And the above performance factors are depends on the thermal insulation characteristics of the Dewar. In this study, the steady thermal load of the Dewar and the performance of the Stirling refrigerator were measured. The results show the dependency of the input power and the charging pressure on the performance of the refrigerator.

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