• 제목/요약/키워드: Health promoting lifestyle Patterns

검색결과 22건 처리시간 0.027초

서울 일부지역 성인의 건강생활양식 유형연구 (Health Lifestyle Patterns of Seoul Adults)

  • 이화경;이인영;김은미;이훈재;배상수
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제31권2호
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2006
  • 우리나라 서울 일부지역 20세 이상 성인 2,775명을 대상으로 흡연, 음주, 식습관, 운동량을 기초로 군집 분석을 실시한 결과 생활양식이 6개의 유형, 즉 소극적건강행위군, 적극적건강추구군, 흡연군, 음주군, 건강유해행위군, 흡연-음주군으로 분류되었다. 각각의 특성은 다음과 같다. 소극적 건강행위군은 전체 대상의 48.3%를 차지하며, 흡연과 음주는 거의 하지 않지만, 식습관과 운동은 평균보다 낮다. 여자가 많으며, 젊은 연령이 많다. 적극적건강추구군은 전체 대상의 24.8%로 흡연, 음주, 식습관, 운동 모두에서 바람직한 행동을 보이는 군이다. 여자, 나이가 많을수록, 유배우자, 수입이 높은 사람에서 많다. 흡연군은 전체대상의 13.5%로 흡연량은 하루평균 20개비 정도이며, 음주와 식습관은 평균정도이고, 운동은 별로하지 않는다. 남자와 젊은 사람에서 많다. 음주군은 전체 대상의 8.4%로 술을 많이 마시면서(월평균 17.7일) 식습관이 좋은 편이고, 흡연과 운동은 평균정도이다. 남자가 많으며, 나이 많은 사람에서 많다. 건강유해행위군은 전체 대상의 4.5%로 모든 건강행위가 바람직하지 않은 사람들로 구성된다. 남자에서, 그리고 젊은 연령에서 많다. 흡연-음주군은 전체의 0.7%로 소수이지만 다른 군과는 달리, 흡연 음주는 많이 하면서도 식습관 운동량은 평균보다 약간 좋은 사람들인데, 건강행태의 다원성을 보여주는 예가 된다. 본 연구의 군집해가 Patterson[5]. Lee와 Kim[6], Kim[7] 등의 선행연구와 다른 점은 우선 서울이라는 대도시 지역의 20세 이상 성인만을 대상으로 하였다는 점과, 조사시기가 다르다는 점을 감안하여 보아야하는데, 소극적건강행위군이 48.3%로 많았고, 적극적건강추구군이 24.8%로 많이 분류된 것이 특징적이다. 그리고 지역이나, 시기에 따라 건강생활 양식의 유형 분류의 결과가 다르게 나오므로, 같은 지역에서 연차를 두고 건강생활양식을 분류하는 동일 연구를 하면 건강생활양식의 변화를 파악할 수 있고, 다른 지역에서 동일시기에 같은 분석을 시행한다면 지역간의 차이를 비교할 수 있으므로 지역보건계획에 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 6개의 유형의 분포에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 변수로는 성별, 연령, 수입이 두드러졌다. 특히 여자에서는 소극적 건강행위군, 적극적건강추구군이, 남자에서는 흡연군, 음주군, 건강유해행위군이 많았다. 연령이 많아지면서 건강을 위해 적극적인 태도를 보이는 적극적건강추구군이 증가했으며, 수입이 300만원 이상에서 특히 소극적건강행위군이 적고 적극적건강추구군이 많은 양상을 보였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 기초로하여 각 군에 적절한 접근방법을 찾고, 개입전략을 세울 수 있을 것이다. 여자가 주를 이루는 소극적건강행위군에게는 운동실천, 식생활 개선에 대한 적극적 개입을, 흡연군, 음주군에게는 주로 남자들을 대상으로 사회제도적, 문화적 접근을, 건강유해행위군에게는 치료적 접근을 시도해볼 수 있겠으며, 그외 건강생활 양식의 유형에 따라 다양한 접근전략에 대해 연구할 수 있을 것이다.

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일부 농촌주민의 건강행위유형과 건강상태 및 건강관련실태와의 관련성 (The Health Behavior Patterns of Some Rural Residents in Korea and Their Association with Health Status and Health Management Practice)

  • 김영갑;강명근;류소연;김기순;강성득
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.43-63
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    • 2004
  • 이 연구는 일부 농촌지역주민들을 대상으로 수집된 건강의식 및 형태 조사자료를 이용하여 농촌지역주민들의 건강행위를 유형화하고 건강행위유형과 건강상태 및 건강관리실태와의 관련성을 규명하기 위해 시행된 것으로서 본 연구의 주요결과와 합의는 다음과 같다. 1. 건강행위유형은 식생활군, 흡연군, 운동군, 음주군, 건강무관심군, 수동적 태도군으로 구분되 있으며 각각의 구성비는 67.8%, 10.9%, 6.2%, 2.6%, 0.5%, 11.9%로 각 건강행위유형별 구성비는 전국민자료를 이용한 선행연구결과와 다소 상이하였다. 전체적으로 식생활군이 보다 많았고, 수동적 태도군의 구성비가 적었다. 또 건강행위유형을 구성하는 건강행위별로 계량화된 건강행위점수도 다소 차이가 있었다. 이는 연령구성, 직업구성, 소득수준 뿐 아니라 식생활을 중시는 농촌지역의 특성과 낮은 흡연율 등 건강행위의 차이에서 기인하는 것으로 보인다. 2. 각 건강행위 유형별 일반적 특성의 경우에도 전국적 자료를 이용한 연구결과와 차이가 있었다. 평균연령은 전국적 자료를 이용한 경우 건강 무관심군이 가장 많았으나 본 연구 결과에서는 가장 적었고 오히려 음주군의 평균연령이 가장 많았다. 성별 구성을 보면 음주군, 흡연군, 건강무관심군의 경우에 여성이 거의 없었고. 수동적 태도군, 식생활군 등에서 여성의 구성비가 높았고 운동군에서도 비교적 높았던 것은 전국결과와 유사하였다. 교육수준은 전국결과에서는 운동군이 가장 높았으나 본 연구결과에서도 운동군과 수동적 태도군에서 고졸이상의 고학력자가 비교적 많아 전국결과와 유사하였다. 직업의 경우, 음주군의 경우 비사무직이 많았고 심한 육체적 노동에 종사하는 사람들의 구성비가 높은 점. 음주군과 건강무관심군의 경제적 수준이 가장 낮았고 운동군의 소득수준이 높았던 점, 건강관련 정보원이 있는 경우가 음주군이 상대적으로 낮고 운동군이 높았던 점 등도 전국결과와 유사하였다. 그러나 건강검진율은 전국평균에 비해 높았고 전국자료에서는 음주군에서 가장 낮았고 운동군에서 가장 높았으나 본 연구는 음주군에서 상대적으로 높았으나 본 연구에서는 음주군에서 상대적으로 높았고 운동군은 50%로 비교적 낮았다. 3. 연구대상자 건강행위유형별 건강상태를 보면 우리나라 한 지역농촌인구가 가장 보편적으로 보이고 있는 건강행위유형인 식생활군과 비교할 때 운동군의 만성질환 이환경험율이 더 높았고 흡연군, 음주군, 건강무관심군, 수동적 태도군 등의 경험율이 오히려 더 낮았다. 이는 이 지역주민들의 건강행위가 질병의 경험에 종속되어 있기 때문에 나타난 현상으로 보았다. 4. 건강행위유형별로 건강관리실태를 보면 건강상태를 보정하고도 식생활군에 비해서 운동군은 건강관리행위를 유의하게 더 많이 하는 것으로 나타났고 수동적 운동군 건강검진율은 유의하게 낮아 각 건강행위유형에 기대되는 건강관리실태를 보였다. 이는 일부이기는 하나 농촌지역에도 건강할 때부터 건강을 지키고 증진하기 위한 활동을 하는 사람들이 있으며 건강상태와 무관하게 적극적으로 행하는 건강관리에 소극적인 집단이 존재함을 시사하는 것이다. 5. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 할 때, 건강증진 사업을 시행함에 있어 주민들에게 조성되어 있는 건강관리에 대한 소극적 태도를 극복하기 위한 대안을 마련하는 한편, 건강관리에 적극적인 운동군들을 발굴하여 지역내 건강증진사업의 확산에 활용하는 방안을 검토하는 것이 필요할 것으로 본다. 건강무관심군은 비교적 젊은 군이나 소득이 낮고 주관적으로 인지하는 건강수준이 낮으며 건강염려를 많이 하는 것으로 보아 건강에 부여하는 가치 등의 문제 뿐 아니라 건강활동에 참여할 시간적 여유의 부족이나 기타자원의 부족에 기인할 수 도 있음을 감안해야할 것으로 보인다. 6. 그러나 이 연구는 단면연구로서 장기적인 추적관찰을 통해 이 연구의 결론이 지지되기를 기대하며 더 발전된 연구에 의해 이 연구가 가진 다음과 같은 한계들이 극복되기를 바란다. 1) 다른 목적으로 조사된 자료를 이용하였기 때문에 측정변수의 정밀성을 높이기 어려웠다. 주관적 건강평가의 경우에 주관적 건강인지의 구성요인에 따라 구조화된 설문지로 측정되어야 하나 단 하나의 문항으로 측정하였다. 주관적 건강인지와 건강행위 유형과 특정한 관계가 예상되었으나 유의한 관련성이 없었던 것은 이와 관련이 있을 것으로 판단된다. 2) 건강형태의 유형화가 가지는 유용성의 문제로서 인지적 건강수준이나 건강과 관련된 형태의 많은 부분을 설명하지 못하였다. 이는 건강행위의 유형화에 투입된 변수의 신뢰성의 문제와 아울러서 건강과 관련된 신념 등 인지적 용인이 유형화변수에서 비제되었기 때문이라고 추정하였는데 투입된 변수가 개인의 건강생활양식을 고루 반영하는지의 타당성도 더 검증되어야 할 문제로 보인다. 3) 군집분석을 통한 건강생활약식의 유형화를 시도하였으나 군집분석의 경우에 그 신뢰성과 타당도가 표본수에 따라 민감하게 반응한다. 따라서, 적은 표본수로 인해 결과의 신뢰성이 낮아졌을 가능성이 있으며 보다 대용량 자료를 이용한 분석이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

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한국인의 건강증진 생활양식 프로그램 개발을 위한 연구 - Q 방법론 적용 - (A Study of Programs to Health Promoting Lifestyles among Korean Adults - Q Method -)

  • 김은숙;권영은
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.229-245
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    • 2000
  • Previous studies have shown that five representative behaviors affect the health of adults in everyday life : smoking, drinking, exercise, nutrition, and stress. This study focuses on these five behaviors in an attempt not only to develop a program that promotes health, but also to suggest ways that such a program may be implemented to reflect diverse lifestyles. Our aim is to show how individual subjectivity influences behavior when making lifestyle choices that affect health. By analyzing individual characteristics, we tried to group people according to their common attitude and behaviors to promote health. We hope that this study may provide the fundamental data which may be used to assist professionals in promoting healthy behaviors among adults. In order to examine how subjectivity(e.g, personal opinions or attitudes) influences behavior, we prepared Q-statements which were composed of Q-samples for the study of human subjectivity. We polled forty-two adults and then analyzed the results using a PC qunal program. As a result, the respondents were classed according to six different types. Type One includes people who think managing stress is the most effective way to live a healthy life. They regard smoking and drinking as harmful behaviors. Type Two subjects, on the other hand, regard smoking and drinking as a matter of taste with few harmful effects. Although they recognize the importance of managing stress, they have a positive attitude towards smoking and regard nutrition as a minor factor in promoting their healthy lifestyle. Those classed as Type Three emphasize the necessity of exercise. They perceive drinking, smoking, and stress as harmful. People in this category seek to increase physical strength and to regulate all five health behaviors by keeping them in a normal range. Type Four consists of people who are indifferent to their health. While they seem to recognize the importance of regular exercise, they pay little attention to nutrition or to the harmful effects of smoking, drinking, and stress. They believe that exercise alone is sufficient to maintain their health. Type Five subjects believe drinking is not a harmful behavior at all. Rather. it has a positive effect on their mental health. They are characterized by this positive attitude towards drinking as well as by indifference toward nutrition (although they readily admit that good nutrition is important). Finally. those classed as Type Six have a positive attitude toward moderate drinking as a means to relieve stress. However. they also recognize the harmful effects of excessive drinking. They regard good nutrition as an important lifestyle choice but are indifferent toward exercise. This type is engaged in passive health management. This study devised six types or categories that reflect different attitudes toward promoting health in everyday life. It further went on to analyze the characteristics of each type. This study shows that programs designed to promote health must be modified to reflect the diversity of individual attitudes and patterns of behaviors.

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서울지역 치과위생사의 삶의질(Quality of Life)에 관한 분석 연구 (An Analytical Study of the Quality of Life in Dental Hygienists in Seoul)

  • 김연선
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.39-43
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 치과에 근무하는 여자 치과위생사들을 대상으로 삶의 질에 미치는 영향요인을 규명하여 건강과 관련된 생활양식을 바람직하게 개선하는데 도움을 주고, 보다 나은 삶의 질 개선 및 치과위생사들을 위한 건강증진 프로그램을 개발하기 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 수행 되었다. 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구 대상자의 삶의 질의 만족도는 평균 $3.1{\pm}0.4$으로 나타났다. 하위영역별로 사회여건 만족도($3.2{\pm}0.5$)가 가장 높았으며, 다음으로 조직여건 만족도($3.1{\pm}0.6$), 개인여건 만족도($3.1{\pm}0.5$) 순으로 나타났다. 연구 대상자의 건강증진 생활양식은 평균 $2.5{\pm}0.4$이었다. 하위 영역별로 위생적 생활($3.2{\pm}0.4$)이 가장 높았고, 전문적인 건강관리($1.73{\pm}0.5$)가 가장 낮음을 보였다 둘째, 일반적 특성에 따른 삶의 질은 연령이 증가할수록(P=0.0035), 학력이 높을수록(P=0.0111), 소득이 높을수록(P<0.0001), 미혼 보다는 기혼(P=0.0016)에게서 높게 나타났으며, 경력이 많을수록(P=0.0014), 지각된 건강상태는 매우 건강할수록(P<0.0001) 삶의 질의 만족도가 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다. 일반적 특성에 따른 건강증진 생활양식 실행정도는 연령이 증가할수록(P<0.0001), 학력이 높을수록(P=0.0011), 소득이 높을수록(P<0.0001), 미혼 보다는 기혼(P=0.0002)에게서 높게 나타났으며, 경력이 많을수록(P<0.0001), 지각된 건강상태는 매우 건강할수록(P<0.0001) 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다. 셋째, 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인을 규명하기 위하여 다중회귀분석을 실시한 결과 전체변수의 설명력은 37.6%로 나타났고, 건강증진 생활양식, 소득, 지각된 건강상태가 통계적으로 유의하게 영향을 미치는 요인들로 나타났다. 본 연구는 서울시에 근무하는 치과위생사를 대상으로 하였기 때문에 전체 치과위생사를 대표하기에 무리가 따를 수 있다. 일반화를 위해서는 대상자 수를 늘리는 것 외에도 각 지역별로 표본을 선정한 반복 연구가 필요할 것으로 보인다. 또한 치과위생사의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 객관적인 자료로서 향후 건강증진프로그램의 개발에 필요한 기초 자료의 역할을 실행할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

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일부 농촌지역노인의 신체기능 및 생활기능 관련요인 (Related factors of physical functions and activities of daily living in Korea rural aged people)

  • 이정애;김진순;염영희
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that affected to physical functions, activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). The subjects for this study, 236 persons, 65 years and over, who were living at rural area in Chun-Cheon city. This survey was carried out from march 3rd to April 25th, 1998. The data was analysed by using SPSS PC+ program. The results were as follows. 1.The variables that were related to the conditions of physical functions were as follows; age, sex, educational level among the general characteristics; raising ways of money, monthly using money for life, states of pocket money, obtaining method of pocket money, state of weight, problems in mind, whether or not chronic illness among socio ㆍeconoㆍphysical conditions; the level of satisfactions in life, subjective condition of health among the subjective thinking ; controlling state in smoking and drinking of alcohol among the lifestyles for promoting health. But the variables for medical utilization were not related to the level of physical function. 2. The variables that were associated with the condition of ADLs were as follows; age among the general characteristics; monthly using money for life, working amount among the socioㆍeconoㆍphysical conditions; subjective conditions of health among the subjective thinking. But The variables for medical utilization, lifestyle for promoting health were irrelevant to the conditions of ADLs. 3. The variables that were related to the conditions of IADLs were as follows; age, educational level among the general characteristics; raising ways of money, monthly using money for life, resident type in the household, procurement method of pocket money, level of weight, problems in mind, wether or not chronic illness among socioㆍeconoㆍphysical condition; regularity of health checking among lifestyles for promoting health; kinds of utilizing medical agent among the variables about utilization patterns of medical agencies; subjective condition of health among the subjective thinking In this study, in the aged there were related factors of physical and life functions, were age, working amount, subjective condition of health.

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Health Status, Dietary Patterns, and Living Habits of the Elderly in Jeon-ju

  • Kim, In-Sook;Yu, Hyeon-Hee
    • Nutritional Sciences
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2002
  • A survey of how dietary patterns and living habits were related to individual health status was undertaken amongst the elderly in Jeon-ju the results were analyzed in order to collect information which would be useful in preventing chronic diseases and promoting health in the general population. Two hundred and thirty elderly people, 73 min (31.7%) and 157 women (68.3%) from the colleges and households in the Jeon-ju area, were studied in truly and August, 1999. Average scores for men and women, respectively, in nutrition-related questions were as follows: 4.98 $\pm$ 0.24 and 5.24 $\pm$ 0.13 in a nutrition knowledge test (maximum score= 10), 25.92 $\pm$ 0.39 and 26.04 $\pm$ 0.26 for nutrition attitudes (maximum=50), and 11.25 $\pm$ 0.15 and 10.70 $\pm$ 0.12 for dietary habits (maximum= 15). The percentages of smokers and drinkers in the sample were 23.3% and 31.5% among men, and 3.2% and 10.8% among women, respectively, while those who took regular exercise were 67.1% among men and 34.8% among women. Average scores of clinical symptoms for men and women were 27.62 $\pm$ 0.62 and 33.36 $\pm$ 0.47, respectively. Analysis was carried out on the effects of individual dietary patterns and lifestyles on current health status in a healthy group (below the 25 percentile in clinical symptom scores) and an unhealthy group (above the 75 percentile in clinical symptom scores). The results show that the healthy elderly group had relatively good nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitudes, and dietary patterns, ate with family, took nutrition supplements and snacks, and did not smoke. The most healthy group ate out once a month, drank small quantities of alcohol occasionally, and exercised once or twice a week. We believe that the results of this study will be helpful in developing or coordinating plans or programs f)r improving the health of elderly people.

운동에 영향을 끼치는 피트니스 앱 요인 연구 (What Makes People Walk Using a Fitness App?)

  • 김진솔;손새아;김희웅
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2020
  • Purpose An increase in the number of fitness apps across the world is a testament to the growing interest in health. As focus on medical services shifted from treatment to prevention, this type of app plays an essential role in promoting one's health and exercise management. Yet little has been known about practical effects of fitness apps in existing literature thus this study searches for factors that affect daily use of fitness apps and examine the relationship between app usage and exercise patterns. Design/methodology/approach This study surveyed people who used Cashwalk, the pedometer app for a minimum of a week to analyze reasons why they used the app. Particpants' exercise patterns were also recorded. By examining survey results of fitness app users and developing a research model based on the Customer Value Theory, this study provides real-life factors to the fitness and smart health care industry that will adopt a proactive lifestyle pattern. Findings Empirical analysis proved properties such as the complexity of fitness apps, monetary rewards, exercise monitoring and the enjoyment of using fitness apps contribute to using fitness apps on a daily basis. Furthermore, more daily use of fitness apps was shown to have a greater impact on exercise. This study also confirmed that social comparison does not affect the daily use of fitness apps and the amount of exercise, and the habitual walking was proved to directly affect the amount of exercise.

산업장 여성근로자의 근무형태에 따른 건강증진행위 비교 (The Comparative Study on Health Promoting Behaviors by Shift Pattern of Duties of Women Workers in workplace)

  • 장희정;박경민
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.22-41
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    • 1999
  • This study intended to analyze the health promoting behaviors, compare their factors according to the shift pattern of duties of women workers who were working in the industrial workplace and present basic data in planning systematic and effective programs of health promotion for three-shift system and day-duty. Using Quota Sampling, 219 women workers were selected as subjects from 5 workshops which had 50 settled workers up to 300 and 10 factories which had more than 300 located in Taegu and Kyung-Book Province. Data were collected by means of questionnaire from September 12 to September 30, 1998. As the instruments of the study were used Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile(HPLP) which was adapted and adjusted by Seo, Y. O. for health promoting behavior, the one developed by Moon, J. S. (1990) for health-belief, the one developed by Sherer et al.(1982) and then adapted by Oh, H. S. for self-efficacy, and the one developed by Park, J. W. (1985) for social support. The analysis of data were performed with Cronbach's ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test, ANCOVA, Kendal tau, Pearson correlation, Stepwise Multiple Regression test using SPSS program. The results of the study are as follows : 1. There was a significant difference in age(${\chi}^2=32.46$, p=0.000), career (${\chi}^2=18.47$, p=0.000), working day(t=-3.18, p=0.000) by the shift pattern of duties in terms of socio-demographic characteristics. 2. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups on the health promoting behaviors (t=2,52, p=0.012). The score of three-shift group on health promoting behaviors was 2.27, showing that it was lower by .13 than that of day-duty group(2.40). 3. ANCOVA involving age, career and working day as covariables, which had revealed significant difference before, showed that health promoting behaviors by the shift patterns of duties was significantly different(F=4.88, p=0.028). 4. In consideration of variables that have an influence on health promoting behavior by the shift pattern of duties, social support occupied 19.4% of health promoting behavior in the three-shift group and 22.5% including the sense of self-efficacy. In the day-duty group, social support occupied 34.4% of health promoting behavior. 5. The score of three-shift group(2.94) was significantly lower than that of day-duty group(3.12) in the perceived benefit of health-belief(t= -3.29, p=0.001), while the score of three-shift group (2.48) was significantly higher than that of day-duty group(2.24) in the perceived barrier (t=4.22, p=0.000). In the sense of self-efficacy(t=-4.20, p=0.000), the score of three-shift group(3.24) was significantly lower than that of day-duty group(3.53) while in social support(t=-4.56, p=0.000) the one of three-shift group(2.64) was significantly lower than that of day-duty group(2.88). The suggestions are as follows on the basis of the results of this study : 1. It is required to develop health promoting program that takes the shift pattern of duties of women workers into consideration. In addition, there are special demands on developing nursing strategies for health promoting behavior of three-shift workers. 2. It is required to develop specific strategies for social support which is the most significant factor to the health promoting behavior for women workers. 3. It is necessary to develop some programs for improving the sense of self-efficacy, social support, and health-belief of three-shift workers. To achieve these tasks, industrial nurses should play an active role and improve the ability of self-health care of women workers.

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Trends in nutrient intakes and consumption while eating-out among Korean adults based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1998-2012) data

  • Kwon, Yong-Seok;Ju, Se-Young
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제8권6호
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    • pp.670-678
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    • 2014
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Eating-out among Korean people has become an important part of modern lifestyle due to tremendous growth of the food service industry and various social and economic changes. This study examined trends in meal patterns and meal sources while eating-out among Korean adults aged 19 years and older. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Data were from the 1998-2012 KNHNES (Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) by the 24-hour dietary recall method. This study included 55,718 adults aged 19 years and older. For analysis of eating-out frequency, data were categorized by source of meals and serving place. RESULTS: Average frequency of meals consumed away from home increased from 1998 to 2012, although it remained lower than that of meals at home. In addition, male, unmarried, employed, higher educated, and high income individuals more frequently consumed meals away from home. Moreover, sodium intake while eating-out significantly increased from 2,370 mg in 1998 to 2,935 mg in 2012. Lastly, percentage contributions of daily total protein intake, fat intake, and sodium intake from eating-out increased to more than half (53-55%) in 2012 compared with 47-48% in 1998. CONCLUSIONS: As eating-out has grown in popularity, greater recognition of public health and nutritional education aimed at promoting healthy food choices is needed. In addition to developing consumer education for overall healthier eating patterns, individuals who are younger, unmarried, higher educated, and males are especially at risk and require attention.

인터넷 건강정보이해능력과 정보탐색 유형별 인지된 정보유용성 분석: 다이어트 및 체중조절 관련 정보탐색을 중심으로 (The Associations of Online Health Information Search and eHealth Literacy with Perceived Information Usefulness: Analysis in the Context of Diet and Weight Control)

  • 심민선;조희숙;정수미
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.119-127
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    • 2018
  • Background: This study aimed to examine (1) the patterns of online health information search with respect to seeking and scanning, and (2) how online search, along with eHealth literacy, predicts perceived information usefulness in the context of diet and weight control. Methods: Online survey was conducted with 299 adults from the consumer panel recruited for the purpose of quality assessment of the Korean National Health Information Portal in 2016. We conducted paired sample t-test and multiple logistic regression to address the research questions. Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 24.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) and SAS ver. 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Results: Of the respondents, 38.8% were 'high seek-high scanners,' 35.8% were 'low seek-low scanners,' 13.0% were 'high seek-low scanners,' and 12.4% were 'low seek-high scanners.' eHealth literacy was a significant, positive predictor of online information scanning (odds ratio [OR], 2.46; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.41-4.29), but not for online information seeking (OR, 1.75; 95% CI, 1.00-3.05). With respect to perceived usefulness of online information seeking, online seeking (OR, 4.90; 95% CI, 2.19-11.00) and eHealth literacy (OR, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.11-4.75) were significant predictors. Perceived usefulness of online scanning had a significant association with online scanning (OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.08-5.22), but not with eHealth literacy. Conclusion: To increase the effectiveness of the health policy for online information search and related outcomes in the context of diet and weight control, it is important to develop education programs promoting eHealth literacy.