• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean-Japanese cooperation system of fishery management

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일본 EEZ에서 우리 어선나포에 대한 대응방안 (On the Countermeasures against Korean Fishing Boat being seized in Japan′s EEZ)

  • 최홍배;최석윤
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.517-524
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    • 2002
  • 이 논문은 일본의 배타적 경제수역(EEZ)에서 한국어선의 피납실태를 분석하여 그러한 문제에 대한 대응방안을 제시하는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 일본의 배타적 경제수역에서 벌어지고 있는 한국어선의 피납실태를 분석해 보면 우리나라의 어민들이 연근해 수산자원의 고갈과 해양오염으로 인하여 연근해조업이 곤란한 상황에서 수산자원이 풍부한 일본의 배타적 경제수역 경계선 부근이나 경계선을 침범하여 조업을 하고 있는 것으로 나타난다. 과거에는 그러한 행위가 관행상 자유로운 공해상의 조업이었지만 UN해양법협약(1994)과 한일어업협정(1999)이 발효함으로써 범법 행위가 되었다. 그러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 장기적인 관점에서 어업정책의 방향전환, 어민들의 생계대책마련 및 한일양국의 어업관리 협조체제의 구축이 필요하다. 무엇보다 당장 시급한 것은 외국에서 집행된 형의 감면이며, 어업지도와 단속을 위한 인적·물적 자원의 확충 및 해양경찰과 해양수산부의 긴밀한 공조체제 구축도 시급한 것으로 보인다.

황해(黃海)와 동중국해어장(東中國海漁場)의 수산자원(水産資源) 보존관리(保存管理)에 관한 해양법문제(海洋法問題) (Law of the Sea Problems on Fishery Resources Conservation and Management in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea)

  • 이병기;최종화
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 1994
  • The Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are the most important fishing grounds for the fishing industry of Korea, China and Japan which are major coastal states of these Seas. But the fishery resources in these fishing grounds are almost exhausted and also the sea region is seriously polluted. Accordingly an international joint countermeasure is necessary to recover the fishery resources and to keep the fishery a continuous industry. The authors inspected the existing fishery policies and international fishery relationship of the three coastal states, and suggested rational conservation and management regime of the fishery resources in these sea regions. 1. At present the legal status of the sea region beyond territorial sea is the high sea, for that reason the international cooperation is urgently needed to establish common regime for conservation and management of the fishery resources. 2. A series of scientific research on ecological system of fishery resources must be carried out in the sea region first of all for that purpose. 3. The existing Korea-Japanese Fishery Agreement and Sino-Japanese Fishery Agreement should be reformed to coincide with the new legal order of the UNLOS Convention, and the Sino-Korean Fishery Agreement should be concluded newly on the identical line. 4. As a conclusion, a joint conservation and management regime through a regional fishery organization or a individual conservation and management regime through the promulgation of exclusive economic zone by each state can be suggested to resolve the fishery resources conservation problem in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.

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일본과 러시아 간 어업질서의 재편에 따른 양국 어업관계의 변모 (A study on the transformation of the fisheries relations in accordance with the changes in Japan and Russia Fisheries Agreement)

  • 김대영
    • 수산경영론집
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2015
  • This research examined the transformations of the fisheries relations between Japan and Russia since the establishment of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) system. The author reviewed the transformations with investigation on mutual fishing access to EEZ including salmon & trout catches. The Japan-Russia fisheries relations have evolved through multiple developmental stages, which include mutual fishing access to EEZ, the reductions of a fishing quota to balance catches of the nations, provision of financial and technical support, and a payment system of EEZ fishing access fee. The Japanese salmon industry also has done similar practices, continuing to catch salmon and trout in the Russian EEZ. Additionally, Japan and Russia have attempted to develop joint fisheries projects and to assure fishing operation safety around Kuril Islands. The case of Japan-Russia mutual fishing access shows that a country that has authority over crucial fisheries resources tends to establish specific conditions of mutual fishing access so that it maximizes its national interest. Thus, this case gives us implication what could be future directions of Korea-China-Japan multinational fishing access. The principle of same number of fishing vessels and quantities of catches has worked in existing mutual fishing access to EEZ among Korea, China, and Japan. However, it is expected that a nation that is endowed with abundant fisheries resources would limit counterpart's fishing access to its EEZ. Therefore, Korean fisheries administration should prepare for all possible situations like a dramatic cut in fishing quota and the termination of fishing access. International fisheries cooperation and payment of fishing access could be viable options for such a situation.